File Archive

File download


File size:
6 046 bytes (5.90K)
File date:
2010-09-14 23:05:04
Download count:
all-time: 1 379


        .         .

                                      .                                   +
    +                                 !                   .
             .  2010, BUDLEIGH, UK    ¦     .                   .
            /    SUNDOWN DEMOPARTY    |     !                    \        .
     ______/(__      FINAL RESULTS    |     |  .....            _)\____
    /   ______/_____!_ _____ _________|     |xXXXXXXXx ___ _____|      \ ____
   _\_______   |    | \     \    |    |    XXXXXXXXXXXXX  |    ||       \    |
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  |       /    |        \  \     |   \|   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX   |   !      \     |
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      `                                                                \      /
   Photo:                                                               \    /
                                                                         \  /
   01   124 Washed-up Seaweed - SilverLance                               \/
   02   124 Dragonfly - spiny / torment
   03   123 Sun(going)down - Deltafire
   04   120 Emerald Panarama - danbee
   05   101 (not quite) Random Girl WIth Hardware (thread) - icabod / RA
   06   101 Surrender - Zeb
   07    85 Escape - SilverLance
   08    76 Chloe - Felice / LowRes Mag
   09    76 Milky - the moglet - Felice / LowRes Mag
   10    56 A late and missed Lost Boy on the right - Felice / LowRes Mag
   11    51 Budleigh Beach  - Will

   Newschool Music (Streaming):

   01   123 NIGHTBACON Awakening - m0d
   02   120 Select Mode - Ne7/DCS NPM RBS SCX 3AD UKSA
   03   110 Shuffleworks - Skepsis
   04   101 Singularity - DeathBoy
   05    97 Summer - Danbee
   06    91 NuColour - Nativ
   07    90 Whispers Of The Wild - SunSpire
   08    90 Kickstart - Buzzer / Brainstorm
   09    89 Fit 132 - Teis/TRSI
   10    89 Ein Dankeschoen - CONS
   11    85 Time For a Retroparty - CCE
   12    84 90s dream - Mice / Brainstorm
   13    60 Torpedo Tea Party - Max Stress

   ASCII/ANSI Graphics:

   01   120 Bumdown - Malodix / ANSI
   02   113 Sad Bunny - spiny/torment / PC BLOCK
   03   107 Sundown - Irokos / Titan / PC BLOCK
   04   104 Sundown 2010 URS - Urs / PC ASCII
   05    93 Down with the Sun - DiamonDie / PC ASCII
   06    86 Sundown 2010 - Ne7/DCS NPM RBS SCX 3AD UKSA / AMIGA ASCII
   07    80 Sundown 2010 - Zeus / Style / AMIGA ASCII
   08    79 Sundown - Dipswitch/Aerosol / AMIGA ASCII
   09    67 Spacepigs - nemtheaga / spacepigs / PC ASCII
   10    66 Flu - Abho/Twisted / AMIGA ASCII
   11    61 Picture of a Cat - ANT1 / CAT ASCII <3

   Oldschool Graphics:

   01   141 Silently floating into darkness - Raven/Nuance / C64
   02   132 Post Card - Conjuror/The Force / C64
   03   119 The Tower Of Pearl - Bugjam of the Dreams / C64
   04    86 Unfinished Face - spiny / torment / PC GIF

   Oldschool Music:

   01   148 JAY-STEP - h0ffman / .MOD
   02   129 From Heaven - DJ Joge / Brainstorm / .MOD
   03   122 Sunrise - Ne7/DCS NPM RBS SCX 3AD UKSA / .IT
   04   109 RTC - Mice / Brainstorm / .MOD
   05   106 In the Shade - Zalza / Titan / .XM
   06    98 The Escape - Lavaburn / AHX
   07    89 Hesitence - Luuk / .IT
   08    89 Little Sisters - Feryl / .XM
   09    81 Memory_ZX - Nativ / ATARI 6channel MOD
   10    77 Synsoniq - Jan Harries / Sidwave / .XM

   Synth Music:

   01   137 Trial and Terror - Velo/Approximate / Approximate PC synth
   02   137 Beyond Stars - syphus/UpRough / AHX
   03   124 Summoner - NE7/TRIAD / C64 SID
   04   114 Love Quest - Mr Beep / Dual ZX Spectrum BEEPERS sync'd
   05   106 Made in Elx - Sack / C64 SID
   06    65 Interstellar - Jan Harries / Sidwave / C64 SID

   Newschool Graphics:

   01   142 Game Over - Deathstar / Titan
   02   122 Cityscape - Glittermouse
   03    21 noob skool gfx - h0ffmong!

   Oldschool Demo:

   01   149 The Master of Your Old School - CRTC / BBC MICRO <3
   02   128 Pimp My Actual Spectrum - Ate Arsezt / ACCELLERATED ZX SPECTRUM <3
   03    97 Chippery - Torment / ATARI ST <3
   04    69 Superbored - Supergroup / AMIGA <3

   Newschool Intro:

   01   124 Fake Plastic Cubes - Gasman (HTML/Javascript)
   02   111 Health & Safety - Neuralite (HTML/Javascript)

   Newschool Demo:

   01   139 Skellington - BDSE
   02   138 The GDP of Taiwan - Residue
   03   104 SD 1k - RBZ/Codigos
   04    87 DansendeRodeBlokjes - Royal Belgian Beer Squadron
   05    43 Avaruusseikkailu 1995 by mrp - mrp


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   \__    |   _  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  || /| - 2010
          _\_/|  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  | ________
         /   /|  ||  \|  ||  ||  ||  \|  ||  \|  ||  \|  \|  ||  ||  |        /
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                                                             .       !
