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File size:
10 462 bytes (10.22K)
File date:
2010-10-05 23:10:36
Download count:
all-time: 1 497


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                        |                                    |
      ___________       | Sept. 24th-26th, Tampere, Finland  |    _______
 .____)         //______:_                                  _:___\\     (____.
 |                      '/         Official Results!        \`               |
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 |                                                                           |
 |  High-end Demo Competition                                                |
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 |  01 ...... Kewlers - MF Real                                           78 |
 |  02 ...... Traction - Glimmerbreaker                                   48 |
 |  03 ...... mfx - Anthropogenesis - The Universe, Part 4                26 |
 |  04 ...... Masters of System - 2                                       23 |
 |  05 ...... Jumalauta - RETRIBUTION                                     -6 |
 |  06 ...... Byterapers, Inc. - Ventilate Horny Pi                       -9 |
 |  07 ...... Bilotrip - Sexually Transmitted Social Disease             -34 |
 |  08 ...... iSO - iSO GAINS POWER                                      -56 |
|                                                                            |
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 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :

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 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |  Low-end Demo Competition                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 |  01 ...... jumalauta - kozmik warfare                                  32 |
 |  02 ...... His Master's Noise - Praise The Load                        13 |
 |  03 ...... Tihtinen - Stump Escape                                    -13 |
 |  04 ...... _THE_ Alberts - Batch megademo                             -28 |
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 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :
    ___________                                                 _______
 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |  Tiny Intro Competition                                                   |
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 |  01 ...... Traction - Riptide                                          62 |
 |  02 ...... npli - Cubhnut                                               1 |
 |  03 ...... lucid - Pilgrim                                            -26 |
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 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :

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 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |  Video/Animation Competition                                              |
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 |  01 ...... Dopamiinisienj - Paper beats silicon                        17 |
 |  02 ...... cos^ -  Highway to the Party Zone                            1 |
 |  03 ...... The Alberts - The Alberts laatua                           -24 |
 |  04 ...... zov+dep - too much                                         -29 |
 |  05 ...... The Alberts - The Alberts laatua                           -29 |
 |  06 ...... JUMALAUTA - Tuksun kuuma tanssi - Katso video!             -34 |
 |  07 ...... sba - Midsummer madness                                    -37 |
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 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :

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 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |                                                                           |
 |  Listening Music Competition                                              |
 |                                                                           |
 |  01 ...... T-101 - No Fate                                             74 |
 |  02 ...... Glxblt - I Had Always Been Afraid of The Forest              1 |
 |  03 ...... Jean Nine - Silver Bullets and Panaceas                    -14 |
 |  04 ...... Jumalauta Rock Commitee - Rokki (progressivinen)           -22 |
 |  05 ...... Galaksinvartija - Space Wanderer                           -25 |
 |  06 ...... JuhoAP - Autumnal Equinox                                  -26 |
 |  07 ...... Tripper^Cubicle - mir cle                                  -31 |
 |  08 ...... lemonade - Melody Violation                                -32 |
 |  09 ...... Scorpio - Paha! Liha! Viha! Tuho!                          -44 |
 |  10 ...... sapaqi - crême bonjour                                     -56 |
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 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :

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 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |                                                                           |
 |  Dance Music Competition                                                  |
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 |  01 ...... Glxblt - biker mice from arse                               56 |
 |  02 ...... Jobe / Matt Current - 1200 L                                45 |
 |  03 ...... shroomi - the upper atmosphere                              29 |
 |  04 ...... Little Bitchard vs. Dixan & Synteesi - Shortcuts (Re-work)  27 |
 |  05 ...... wdm - sandworm                                              19 |
 |  06 ...... Jean Nine - Cathexis                                        12 |
 |  07 ...... Jani Hännikäinen / Falcon - Falcon - Rum&Bass                8 |
 |  08 ...... zov - 2 Much                                                 8 |
 |  09 ...... JuhoAP - Amanita Muscaria                                    8 |
 |  10 ...... Jean Nine - Neutron Stream                                   3 |
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 |____           ________________ __ _         _ __ ______________       ____|
 :    )_________\\                                               //_____(    :

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 .____)         //________ __ _             _ __ __________ _____\\     (____.
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 |  Graphics Competition                                                     |
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 |  01 ...... Kakka / Extend - 320x200 HIRES                              61 | 
 |  02 ...... bracket / accession + dekadence -  The Warm Beer Reaction   37 |
 |  03 ...... Dice / Doomsday - The Ultimate Votecatcher                  28 |
 |  04 ...... Mazor/Fairlight / Where's my Peter Pan?                     11 |
 |  05 ...... Mirna - Heppatytöt/Ponygirls                                 1 |
 |  06 ...... Felor - Coffee!                                            -11 |
 |  07 ...... blueflame - Forms in Night                                 -22 |
 |  08 ...... Tripper^Cubicle - mir cle                                  -38 |
 |  09 ...... Dice / Doomsday - The Ultimate Votecatcher                 -46 |
 |  10 ...... Jumalauta Art Committee - Where's Your God Now, Bitch?     -68 |
 |  11 ...... _ - Pen Is Broken                                          -69 |
 |  12 ...... 333ELiTE/iSO - Lotsa Fuxornings -                          -71 |
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 |____           ________________ __ _         _ __ ______________       ____|
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