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4 250 bytes (4.15K)
File date:
2015-05-15 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 893


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/----------- raww.orgy 2010 result -----------\
|                     v.1                     |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| The following are the results of the compos |
| at raww.orgy 2010, which took place from    |
| 5th to 7th February 2010 in Yeovil, England |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| The voters at the party were:               |
|       icabod      laesq       mikezt        |
|       gasman       jojo       equinox       |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| The voting was done by assigning each entry |
| a score from 0..10 depending on how rubbish |
| or great the entry was. These votes were    |
| then added up to decide the winners.        |
| However, there was a joint first-place in   |
| the Intro compo, and a three-entry tie for  |
| first place in the Graphics compo.          |
|                                             |
| To solve this problem, the votes were       |
| normalised...                               |
| So each vote was converted to a score from  |
| 0..1 - meaning that even if someone thought |
| the entry was great, if they voted it lower |
| than the others, it scores 0.               |
| These normalised values were added up, so   |
| each entry scored up to 6.                  |
|                                             |
| Only the joint first places were normalised |
| to see who actually came first.             |
|                                             |
| Does that make sense? I hope so. I can give |
| more detail if it's needed.                 |
|                                             |
| Note that this normalisation wasn't needed  |
| for the music competition.                  |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| AY Music Compo                              |
|                                         Tot |
| 1. Winter Show 4L /riskej                43 |
| 2. The Paninoja Near by the Pokimonos       |
|    Village /Rolemusic                    37 |
| 3. pioneer.boy /riskej                   32 |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| Screen$ Compo                               |
|                                  (Norm) Tot |
| 1. Abbey Road /Equinox           (4.57)  47 |
| 2. Back to The Roots /riskej     (4.37)  47 |
| 3. o2 /pROF/4D                   (4.31)  47 |
| 4. Blue Only Mode /gasman                36 |
| 5. Tribute to Bob Marley /newart         35 |
| 6. It Happens (( /Olly.bfox              29 |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| 256b Intro Compo                            |
|                                  (Norm) Tot |
| 1. And Don't Say Anything /Olly  (3.50)  41 |
| 2. Plankton /tiboh               (2.70)  41 |
| 3. Shining Planet Of Crying                 |
|    Kittens /Alff/CPU                     40 |
| 4. A True Story from the Life of            |
|    a Lonely Cell /Skrju/TBK              37 |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| If you have any questions or arguments...   |
| well, you can email and I   |
| will see what can be done.                  |
|                                             |
| If need be I can provide the actual voting  |
| for the joint first places, and people can  |
| try to work out another way to get winners! |
|                                             |
| ------------------------------------------- |
|                                             |
| v.1 First version of results                |
|                                             |