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- File size:
- 2 002 bytes (1.96K)
- File date:
- 2023-08-21 00:25:21
- Download count:
- all-time: 463
JHCon 2o1o oFFiciAl rEsUlTs
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* The most supid program compo *
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Place Auhor Title Points
1 hw_scroll mikezt/zeroteam 114
2 neverload 1.0 p0ke/Patisoners 110
3 TV Noise Factor6/H-Prg & Busy soft 104
4 Stop Refresh p0ke/Patisoners 100
5 P.T.O.W. dex 97
6 Reset01 Busy soft 86
7 JHC2010 Noby/CI5 80
8 Blizna Blaster Logout/MB-Maniax 79
9 Rubber Forever 3 Yerzmyey/H-Prg 72
n/a VarKonTxt oldsoft n/a
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* Guess the game compo *
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Place Nick Points
1 z00m/T.C.G. 25
2 ellvis/zeroteam 24
3 Tornado/CI5 23
dex 23
5 mikezt/zeroteam 22
6 LCD 21
7 TDM 18
8 diZZy 15
9 Noby/CI5 14
10 Logout/MB-Maniax 12
Busy soft 12
12 Tau 10
results by Factor6 12.12.2o1o