File Archive

File download


File size:
7 435 184 bytes (7.09M)
File date:
2009-11-17 23:03:42
Download count:
all-time: 2 989

Screenshot (by pouë



  • eld-stepbystep\ela_data\14bit.driver 3.90K
  • eld-stepbystep\ela_music\music.wav 5.86M
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep 321.13K
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep.68k.aga 16B
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep.68k.ahi 33B
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep.dat 5.02M
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep.uae 425.68K
  • eld-stepbystep\eld-stepbystep.uae.aga 21B
  • eld-stepbystep\File_id.diz 1.15K


      @@@@@@@@ @@@      @@@  @@@ @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@
      @@!      @@!      @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!     
      @!!!:!   @!!      @!@  !@! @!@  !@! @!!!:!  
      !!:      !!:      !!:  !!! !!:  !!! !!:     
      : :: ::: : ::.: :  :.:: :  :: :  :  : :: :::

                 -  step by step -
       an elude contribution for function 2009
				final (!?) version

besides amiga  binary, a  special UAE one is provided,which
should work with  current uae  versions (seems my engine is
too much for uae jit when built with optimizations enabled)

check included scripts for hints, or try these options:
-cgx - try to use CyberGraphX display
-aga - force aga mode. if you have any problems running it
 under uae
-ahi - use ahi for music replayer. will provide better
 quality if you have msx card
-double - use fullscreen mode if you run it under MorphOS
-wide - will try to open widescreen mode if
 available (640x380x8)

a bit too much but i was too annoyed with this one to make
it more straightforward;)

programming.....................michal - KIERO - wozniak
art direction...................przemyslaw - UBIK - kuca
soundtrack....tomasz - CHASER - gierygowski feat RIHANNA