File Archive

File download


File size:
103 337 bytes (100.92K)
File date:
2009-10-31 23:03:42
Download count:
all-time: 598

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • brc-TAC-2050-Compo_Version.png 16.87K
  • brc-TAC-2050-Signature.png 16.96K
  • phases/ dir
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_1.gif 4.30K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_2.gif 4.51K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_3.gif 6.05K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_4.gif 9.60K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_5.gif 11.66K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_6.gif 14.03K
  • phases/tac-2050-phase_7.gif 17.96K
  • release.nfo 1.47K


    _  _ ________  /
           )    / /  
          /    / /____ __ _  _
         /    /__ ________ ______  
        /    .   \   .    \ .    \__ 
       /    /    /   |____/  \___/  \   
 .----/    /    /    |---\    \      \----.
 |    totally accurate controller 2050    |
 |                                        |
.+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+.
:| retrogfx compo entry for altparty 2009 |:
'+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+'
 |                                        |
 |        .oO( know you now what you c )  |
 |  here i'm trying to explain myself:    |
.+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+.
:| 320x200  32  colors   as  compo  rules |:
:| specified. made entirely with grafx 2. |: 
'+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+'
 |                                        |
 |        .oO( i used to be nemesulku )   |
 |  here i'm greeting the people i know   | 
 |  some of which might not remember me:  |
.+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+.
:| startroll, jmaksi, wolf_, nexus,       |:
:| melwyn, viznut, parkitus, duet,        |:
:| karmar, basscadet, nosfe and folks on  |:
:| #pwp and #demoskene                    |:
'+--------- -- -  - [b] -  - -- ----------+'
 |                                        |
 !:::::::::::::::::::::::::::[ bracket ]::!  