File Archive

File download


File size:
470 bytes (470B)
File date:
2008-05-28 23:08:43
Download count:
all-time: 2 760


Inspire 08 Results

1st Demo: Xplsv - Invtro

1st 64K Rebels - Scenecon Invitation
2nd 64K Software Failure - Cronoscopium

1st 4k rgba - kindercrasher
2nd 4k Gatitos - Experiment in randomness
3rd 4k Genshiken - The Artifact

1st Stream cmos - En otro mundo
2nd Stream Jewoll - La historia perfecta
3rd Stream Zefyros - Midnight break

1st Gfx 2D Marius - Goddess of worms

1st Gfx 3D r3D - Electromagnetic pulse Box

1st Wild Herotyc/Kile - Isthmus of Kra