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Euskal Encounter 16 Official Results:

--[ 4k Procedural ]----------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Iq Rgba                        Slisesix                      46
   2) whoppers                       Bubble                        35
   3) Evil/Glenz                     LOLscape                      26

--[ Graficos 8 bit ]---------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Almighty GOD                   Show the ruler                27
   2) Prof                           Defender                      26
   3) riskej                         Scener's gallery              26
   4) Velasco                        Sin titulo                    26
   5) sg                             Astral Vision                 19

--[ Animación 3D ]-----------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Masca / Masca Team             Little Planet                 38
   2) Thortxu/SAT_24H                Consciencia                   30

--[ Fast 2D ]----------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) laian / boom                   polucion ganadora             44
   2) NeKoZ                          Fast 2D                       37
   3) Sergio MArtinez                ooohhhLimpiada2008            30
   4) Inko                           txanpion?                     30
   5) Mikel Belza                    A la sombra                   30
   6) Kulebril                       beijing torch                 30
   7) McKana/El calcetín asesino     Toxik                         24
   8) Yamaneko                       triple salto de arena         23
   9) Faraday                        Welcome to Beijing            23
  10) Adterre                        Ojete                         20
  11) AMoN-AMoK                      Beijing olimpics SUX          20
  12) nana                           nana                          16
  13) NEtbuRNER/SDF                  Veremos la Meta?              16
  14) Kaitx                          Y la nieve donde esta?        15
  15) locko                          fast 2d                       12
  16) inthenite/#underclocking       Pebetero                      10

--[ Fast 3D ]----------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Blitzwing                      Blitzwing fast                30
   2) Mikel Belza                    friky tetris                  28
   3) Arturo Monedero                masca                         20
   4) Muglo                          pixel-freak                   16
   5) Satanko                        fricky test                   13
   6) fanky                          cube                           9
   7) scenePT AllStars               hclx                           8

--[ Fast Music ]-------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) thEpOpE / nocturns             Pffff... we wanna             16
   2) Mikel303^Nocturns              Fast                          12
   3) Artholion & Netburner^SDF      Lo sentimos                   10
   4) _Evil_                         M16                            7

--[ Graficos 2D ]------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Vhea                           Blue love                     45
   2) Xabi Gaztelua                  The Theft                     43
   3) CiberFriky^ModPC               Faery Hunter III              36
   4) Javier Verdugo / Bonafide      Ardilla                       30
   5) Kulebril                       Eva                           28
   6) Alfonso Toro                   Alicia                        27
   7) Juan                           Neptunian                     26
   8) NeKoZ                          Salian                        24
   9) Inko                           Ez Izutu                      16
  10) Kaitx                          Monijoy                       13

--[ Graficos 3D ]------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) bender                         Crimson King                  44
   2) Shivan                         Haunted Calatrava             39
   3) Masca                          Carpintero                    30
   4) Aitor P Lezeta                 Recuerdos                     29
   5) Electroduendes                 Relato Epico                  28
   6) zeroshift                      Overheat                      23
   7) Evil/Glenz                     Water Room                    22

--[ High Quality Music ]-----------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) cmos                           senderos                      36
   2) Triscore                       The Cactus Song               25
   3) keler18                        abestixa_osua_eq              20
   4) Vampinox                       Broken Hearts                 15
   5) Eme                            The Locust                    14
   6) S1L3nCe                        Mahler                        11
   7) Evil/Glenz                     Summer 2008 Hit               11
   8) dittbi                         Azken eguna                    7
   9) Martiti                        Cold                           7
  10) Muglo                          Panzer Kunst                   7
  11) DJ KILIAN                      Sound Fusion Mix               7
  12) ch1p                           speed one                      4
  13) frikeldon/Nocturns             vh1                            4
  14) Mikel303/Nocturns              After time                     4
  15) ddnegro/Nocturns               The Orb                        4
  16) Mataprofos/Timosoft            Overhater                      4

--[ Multicanal ]-------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Vampinox                       Retro Fast Cookin             14
   2) NEtbuRNER/SDF                  Raising Dust                  11
   3) Evil/Glenz                     Nostalgia                      8
   4) ch1p                           the thing                      7

--[ Open 4Kb Compo ]---------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) HAM^SFL                        Icebreaker                    32
   2) ch1p / pantuflas               Hypnotic Tour                 27

--[ Open Demo Compo ]--------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Andromeda Software Development Size Antimatters              41
   2) Purples studios                Bats are like the mirror...   25
   3) Glenz+Napalm Core              We Got The Power              25
   4) xplsv                          D3Fest Invtro                 19

--[ Open Intro Compo ]-------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) HAM^SFL                        Entrophy of life              39
   2) ch1p / Pantuflas Software      NO TV                         33
   3) Nasty Bugs and MLFC            Voxreen                       28
   4) xplsv                          to_the_beat                   24
   5) Evil/Glenz                     GLZ-Inercia2005               18

--[ Wild Compo ]-------------------------------------------------------

  (Pos/Author)                       (Title)                 (Points)

   1) Dj.Ash                         HARDCORE BEAT                 37
   2) Masca / Masca Team             txoripan                      36
   3) Entter                         Flow                          15
   4) Hombrelobo                     Euskaltel Fibra               14
   5) Hombrelobo                     Eroski Encounter              14

Results generated by Stravaganza VoteTool - (c) ithaqua/stravaganza