File Archive

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File size:
5 248 bytes (5.12K)
File date:
2008-12-30 23:04:13
Download count:
all-time: 2 076


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 |      0     a     0     0     0     h      2     0     0     8      |
_|_ _ - -------------------------------------------------------- - _ _|_
 |///-/--- -  - 05.-07.12.2008 - Spiegelberg-Jux/Germany - - ---/-////|
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 | _\| SHITMUSIC                                                      |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    48 PFecrets of Love - SquoQuo                            |
 |     02    44 nussschlacht - Seminar                                |
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 | _\| FREESTYLE MUSIC                                                |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    43 Todesfuge - Kojote                                    |
 |     02    37 besoffen und house ^^ - Mme Groteske                  |
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 | _\| FREESTYLE GRAPHICS	                                      |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    65 The beauty and the breast - T$                        |
 |     02    54 Mon Cherie - Der mit der Piemontkirsche - mbb         |
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 | _\| PHOTO                                                          |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    76 Joystück - Bitbreaker/Metalvotze                      |
 |     02    46 Scheiss die Wand an - styx/headcrash^5711^DKMF        |
 |     03    45 faust - scoup                                         |
 |     04    44 Zeitreise - T$                                        |
 |     05    43 Füßchen in die Höh - Miss E/DKMF                      |
 |     06    41 Dieser Satz kein Verb - Mme Groteske                  |
 |     07    39 Allein - Hopper/SquoQuo                               |
 |     08    38 Die Vorstufe zur Bratwurst - Kojote                   |
 |     09    38 Oldschool - Yoda/SquoQuo                              |
 |     10    31 Mushroom - Ctulhu/headcrash                           |
 |     11    28 nature stone - otih                                   |
 |     12    25 Aua! - Bugger/SquoQuo                                 |
 |     13    22 Schläfer in Spiegelberg - Scythoior                   |
 |     14    20 Behind the fence                                      |
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 | _\| PC 64BYTE INTRO                                                |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    69 Quadratkontaminierer 44 - T$                          |
 |     02    63 Purple Haze - anti/fake                               |
 |     03    55 sqrt64 - Ctulhu/Headcrash                             |
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 | _\| PC 256BYTE INTRO                                               |
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 |     01    74 Blocks 128B - anti/fake                               |
 |     02    34 Indian - Adok/Hugi^5711                               |
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 | _\| PC DEMO                                                        |
 |                                                                    |
 |     01    82 SteamPFunk - SquoQuo                                  |
 |     02    68 wie heisst denn der scheiss jetzt - the NEVER         |
 |     03    63 Cardomania - Alcatraz                                 |
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 |          w   w   w   .   0   a   0   0   0   h   .   d   e         |
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 .             - logo & design by dipswitch/blackmaiden -             .