File Archive

File download


File size:
667 bytes (667B)
File date:
2015-05-15 05:45:01
Download count:
all-time: 446


Just a quick list of what's in this package...

readme.txt       : This file.
results_xx.txt   : The results, starting at v10.
                   If mistakes are found I'll increase the version.
ROplay07.tap     : The player for music and graphics, as used in the compo.
ROplay07_res.tap : The player for music and graphics, in results order.
\256b\*          : The intros, shown in alphabetical order.
\__filedump\*    : Files sent to me. I suggest you at least check out
                   the archive for "old_city".

I'll leave it to someone else to upload
the individual intros to places like Pouet.