File Archive

File download


File size:
6 698 bytes (6.54K)
File date:
2007-08-21 23:05:51
Download count:
all-time: 2 953


        *   B U E N Z L I   #   1 6   *               .oOO'
                                    ____________   .oOOOO'__
                          _ _______\\           .oOOOOOO'  //_______ _
                  ._____               .___  .oOOOOOOOO'
__________/\  _ __|     \ _ ______ ____|    `OOOO'.OOO'     ___.      ___
\___.___.  _)____ |     \\    ___/     \     `O' .OOO'  .oO.   |______ __)__.
    |   |        \        \ ___)______ \        .OOO'.oOOOOOO. |      \     |_
    |____________/________/________  /_|\_____ .OOOOOOOOOOOOOO'_____ //____ '/
                               yop \/         .OOOOOOOOOOOO'        \/     \/
        17.18.19 AUGUST 2007 - WINTERTHUR   .OOOOOOOO'     SWITZERLAND
    _ _______________________________      .OOOOOO' _____________________ _
                                    //___ .OOOO' __\\

                                           *   T H E   R E S U L T S   *
 _ ___\\               //______________________ ____ _

            PC DEMO
  _ ___                 _______________ ____ _

 01   106 Ultimatum to the World - First Days of the Last War - mfx
 02    99 Fascination 2 - Into the Neon Rain - Brainstorm & Traction
 03    76 Iridescence - Fulcrum
 04    60 9x13 SEPIA - Nuance
 05    23 Vingt-Age - hardrider
 06    21 DCS invitation (Dreamcast pr0n) - Speckdrumm
 07    16 Hot Buenzli - Hroudtwolf (PureBasic-Lounge Community)
 08    12 World Domination - Random Cool Sceners (Not Autobots)

 _ ___\\                                                    //________ ____ _

  _ ___                                                      __________ _

 01   129 Amiga Ruled (Amiga 1200 / 030 8Mb) - Division Zero
 02    84 Buenzli-Demo (C64) - TND+Crypt
 03    72 Multicolor Baby! (C64) - Kermit
 04    50 Die fetten Jahre (C64) - Paralax/Speckdrumm (Powered by MetalVotze)

 _ ___\\                    //______________________ ____ _

            PC 4K/64k INTRO
  _ ___                      _______________ ____ _

 01   184 Mercury (64k) - Brain Control
 02   126 labor (4k) - las^mercury, red^mercury, die anderen^mercury
 03    78 buenzli +10 trainer (64k) - paradise


 _ ___\\                            //________________________ ____ _

  _ ___                              __________ _

 01   204 Our Home Planet - Drifters
 02   105 fleurs hallot - tpolm + 5711
 03    90 Krawallball - T$

 _ ___\\                                    //______________________ ____ _

  _ ___                                      ______________ _

 01   174 HoneyBlaster - LowFuel
 02   123 Reaxion - WiDDY^C0sine
 03    57 Penis Pong - GERT 3000

 _ ___\\                        //_______________ ____ _

  _ ___                          ________ _

 01   121 Dreamers Rebirth Teaser - GoL (Wipe/DTV)
 02    99 Bier 2007 - Chefkoch
 03    82 demolition therapy - corypho
 04    25 glitch matrix - aunderwex

 _ ___\\                                          //________________ ____ _

  _ ___                                            ____________ _

 01   160 Black lines - Minas^calodox
 02    93 xdivzero - src^Mercury
 03    58 acid - las/VOZ^5711^0ok^HG
 04    38 Abstract shit - Nystep
 05    15 Donut - Secretly!
 06    10 3000 pixels (structered in some squares) - GERT 3000
 07     8 black square (no copy) - mostly harmless

 _ ___\\               //_____________________ _

  _ ___                 ___________ _

 01    93 Bad guys get all the chicks - Raven/Nuance
 02    86 zHAKTI - cosmic / nuance
 03    67 Guardian-Mech - corypho
 04    47 The unexpected Visitor - cp/farbrausch
 05    45 Retroteleporter - CCP
 06    33 Numericar - WoDK
 07    19 Amiga in the Sky - vectrex
 08     9 Landschaftsmalerei 3000 - GERT 3000
 09     2 Delirium Starfield Simulation Screensaver - Chainsaw

 _ ___\\                       //_________________ ____ _

            STREAMED MUSIC
  _ ___                         __________ __ _

 01    83 Intenso - Malik Trey
 02    69 Red Men can Dance - Skyrunner
 03   58 Sky Is The Limit - dBiz
 04    55 Everything Stays The Same - Payne
 05    26 Buenzli Gabber - GERT 3000

 _ ___\\                     //_________________ ____ _

            TRACKED MUSIC
  _ ___                       __________ __ _

 01   124 Mercury DropZ on Mars - Skyrunner
 02    84 Running my mouth - James Tonic / Limp Ninja  (feat. Kendra)
 03    52 This Track Sucks But So Do You - GERT 3000

 _ ___\\                                           //_________________ ____ _

  _ ___                                             ______________ _

 01    65 hs-bnz07 - moqui / HS-ART^ANSIMETRY
 02    52 skycowcheese - mypalGOO/HS-ART^ANSiMETRY
 03    24 the sky is the limit - by yop/shrimps design
 04    21 L'art ASCII Concrete (Hom?ge a Piet Mondrian) - GERT 3000
 05    15 Der Preis Ist Heiss - elD
 06    14 vorc - Kami68k

 _ ___\\                     //_________________ ____ _

            HP JURY PRIZE
  _ ___                       ______________ _

01 Iridescence - Fulcrum
02 Our Home Planet - Drifters
    _ __ ______________________________________________\ oO /_____ _
                                                  _ ____ -  ___________ ___ _