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3 460 bytes (3.38K)
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2013-06-08 23:09:58
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all-time: 366


            Datazombies From Hell!

WHAT?: Triad, Judas, Hack&Trade & Laxity 
invite you, weirdo with old computer, to 
the second BFP Party in Helltown!

WHY?: Because we like to gather sweaty 
datanerds, sleep on cold concrete 
floors, gaze at big pixels and fill our 
ears with lots of squelchy analogue sid-
sounds, because.. well, we dont need to 
tell you this. You know the shit. We set 
it up, but YOU make it happen.

WHEN?: Friday July 27 - Sunday July 29

WHERE?: Helsingborgs Mjölkcentral, 
Mejerigatan 0 (yes, zero), Helsingborg. 
The old milkfactory proved to be a good 
venue for databoys, so we've booked it 
again. Before BFP2006 we asked 
ourselves, "is this place too rough?" 
but within less than a cpu cycle we 
remembered that our guests are simply 
the toughest of data people and will get 
to grips with any situation, and so you 
did. Since the raw year of 2006 the 
rooms have now been partly rebuilt and 
shaped up into something which rather 
looks like a underground nightclub or a 
small concert venue. New luxury features 
are two toilets directly connected to 
the data room and a superb air vent 
system to take away the most horrifying 

HOW TO FIND?: Check map [here] or [here] 
If you arrive by train-ferry-bus-plane-
wheelchair you will most certainly end 
up at the Helsingborg Central Station 
"KnutPunkten". From there we recommend a 
taxi up to the Milkfactory (10 minutes 
for about 100 SEK) or CityBus #3 (going 
towards Västergård), jumping off at the 
busstop called "Mejerigatan".

COMPOS: In classic LCP/Floppy fashion MC 
Frasse vs S.A.M and super demo DJ's 
Taper & Vinzi take you trough the compos 
in a wunderbar mix of kaos und ordnung. 
Last time three diskdrives gave up on us 
during the show. The compos are as 
follows: c64 Demo/Music/Graphics, Amiga, 
Atari, Gameboy, Spectrum, basically any 
vintage format you can come up with. We 
totally refuse to take compo entries 
from people not present at the party. 
The most divine form of compo 
participation karma can only be achieved 
by physical presence in the monkey 
audience, so you better be there! (This 
year we'll make sure to get hold of a 
better bigscreen projector than the 
funky one used at BFP2006.)

FOOD & DRINK: Like last year, we will 
have a BFP Foodmap ready so you can go 
food hunting in the surrounding area 
yourself. Within a 1km distance you will 
find a supermarket, burgergrill, 
Pizzerias, 24h Mcdonalds, 24h 
Petrolstations, and more. And if you are 
awake saturday morning you will be 
served a simple free breakfast.

ENTRANCE FEE: Only 100 SEK. (~10euro)

RULES: Smoking is outdoors.

COMFORT FACTOR?: Big Floppy People does 
not pretend to be a healthy event. In 
fact, concrete floors and no showers 
will surely transform you into a woked 
zombie within 48h. Chances are high that 
you will eat unhealthy food, drink 
unhealthy beverages, sleep in the most 
unlikely places and maybe wake up with a 
floppydisk glued to your forehead not 
knowing where the hell you are, but, and 
this is the real butt, YOU have chosen 
to live the data wildlife, and so have 
we. Peas on earth.

For further information and questions, 
check the homepage at, catch 
us on IRCNet #c-64 or mail us at:
