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File size:
5 286 bytes (5.16K)
File date:
2006-09-10 23:08:24
Download count:
all-time: 2 319


=                                      =
- Symphony 2006 Party official results =
=                                      =

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 35 	- 04."Project 2501" by Addict
--- /  6 	- 06."Hard Times" by Prototype! (OFFCOMPO!)
#02 /  5 	- 05."Demo Bez Balastu" by pT-Reaktywacja
#03 /  2 	- 03."Cattle Disco" by Futuris
#04 /  0 	- 01."Tequila Sunrise" by Square
#04 /  0 	- 02."Rederra Pointerra" by Square
G³osów: 48

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 23 	- 01."Answers Come In Dreams" by Ant
#01 / 23 	- 02."Mediteran" by Diodak
G³osów: 46

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 5 	- 10."Lazy Days" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#01 / 5 	- 15."Lewatywka" by Shexbeer/Addict
#02 / 4 	- 02."Dni Mi Siê Zlewaj±" by Kbi/GGS
#02 / 4 	- 04."Jak Byd³o" by Kbi/GGS
#02 / 4 	- 11."Little Dragon" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#02 / 4 	- 17."Tintern Abbey" by Shexbeer/Addict
#03 / 3 	- 01."Everyone Will Eventually Leave You" by Kbi/GGS
#03 / 3 	- 06."Jaszczurka" by Gorzyga/Decree
#04 / 2 	- 05."Greenbug" by Gorzyga/Decree
#04 / 2 	- 08."Breakfast" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#04 / 2 	- 09."Breakfast_2" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#04 / 2 	- 16."Street" by Shexbeer/Addict
#05 / 1 	- 12."Lonely Flower" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#05 / 1 	- 13."Mysterious Sound" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
#05 / 1 	- 18."Zgon" by Shexbeer/Addict
#06 / 0		- 03."Droga Naprawdê Donik±d" by Kbi/GGS
#06 / 0		- 07."ANIA S001mixedver1" by Geralth
#06 / 0		- 14."Relaxation" by Biter/Futuris^Marsmellow
G³osów: 43

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 10 	- 02."Kameleon" by Ubik
#02 /  9 	- 03."Principal" by Ubik
#02 /  9 	- 09."Volumetric" by Shexbeer/Addict & Luko/Addict
#03 /  7 	- 07."The Day I Realized" by Azzaro/Madwizards
#04 /  4 	- 05."i.Chuj" by Ko³acz/Brygada RR
#04 /  4 	- 08."2501" by Shexbeer/Addict & Luko/Addict
#05 /  1 	- 04."Umywalka" by Hornet Bat/Chinchillah
#06 /  0 	- 01."Aspartax" by Arux/Art Of Magic
#06 /  0 	- 06."Zap3814" by rNT
G³osów: 44

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 11 	- 03."Suns Of Arqa" by Traymuss/Addict
#02 / 10 	- 02."Progressive Atomix" by Traymuss/Addict
#03 /  8 	- 01."Realize The Truth" by AceMan/ind.
#04 /  6 	- 04."Dream About Desert" by cts/dh0^hvr^lm^nab^rjf
#05 /  5 	- 05."Mutant Child Bobby" by supaspok/DeLaRoxo¿
#06 /  0 	- 06."Psikupas" by Psikutas
G³osów: 40

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 15 	- 01. "Genuine Next Part" by Traymuss/Addict
#02 /  7 	- 06."Co Mi Dasz" by V-12/Tropyx
#03 /  4 	- 03."Yautra" by Traymuss/Addict
#04 /  3 	- 02."Numer Dozwolony" by Traymuss/Addict
#04 /  3 	- 04."Sky Above Us" by KAM/Iris
#05 /  2 	- 05."Vein" by Klax/Oxygen64^Voodoo^Draco^Tropyx^Clochard
#05 /  2 	- 08."Timetable" by Surgeon/Vulture Design
#05 /  2 	- 10."Cipek" by Aceman & Jakim
#06 /  1 	- 07."Inner Sins" by V0yager/Tropyx
#07 /  0 	- 09."Edition' by Data/De-Koder^Tropyx
G³osów: 39

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 8 	- 04."My History" by Traymuss/Addict^Mfl
#02 / 6 	- 14."But Tonight" by Count/TBD
#02 / 6 	- 08."My Mood" by Kosmos/Allien Senses
#03 / 3 	- 01."Holly Alliance" by Defactor/Allien Senses
#03 / 3 	- 02."Sex Slave" by Shyz/NAB
#03 / 3 	- 03."Should Be Happy But..." by Shyz
#03 / 3 	- 13."Dobry W Ryj Kawa³ek" by Tryba/Futuris
#03 / 3 	- 07."Yakusoku Yukimi Midori" by Voyager/Nah^Tropyx^PSL^Friends
#04 / 2 	- 06."Bigfajah" by supaspok/DeLaRoxo¿
#04 / 2 	- 12."Highway2007" by Kopernik/Aod^Psl^MsM
#05 / 1 	- 09."The Dreamer" by KAM/Iris
#05 / 1 	- 10."Flying Satan" by ZyRGLI[n]
#06 / 0 	- 05."Kopalnia Odkrywkowa [...]" by Xyl/ind.
#06 / 0 	- 11."Hekto 7" by ZyGRLI[n]
G³osów: 41

#place / points - entry."title" by nick/group
#01 / 46 	- 04."Wataha Zua" / GdzieGorza³aSquad (GGS)
#02 /  3 	- 03."Powrót Jebai" / CSS
#03 /  0 	- 01."Odbyt Design 2005"
#03 /  0 	- 02."Kacza Kupa" / Odbyt Design
#03 /  0 	- 05."000_700" by Geralth
G³osów: 49

-                                    -
- Symphony 2006 party official stuff -
-                                    -
- designed and completed by BloodMan -
-                                    -
- contact: -
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- ftp: -
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