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File size:
9 049 bytes (8.84K)
File date:
2006-07-12 00:59:57
Download count:
all-time: 2 454


                        L i n e o u t   p r e s e n t s

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                     Outline 2006 - multiplatform demoparty

                       Friday, June 2. - Monday, June 5.

                      Panoven, Zevenaar, The Netherlands
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                                 FINAL RESULTS
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                                  PC/MAC DEMO
                           __ __________________ __

         01   154 Tik Tak - Flaming Marshmellows
         02   117 Out of Touch / ECFh - Smoke/Mnemonix/Avoozl/Okkie
         03   101 Up and Down - random
         04   100 Flow - Affinity
         05    68 Verscheuren - Solenoid & Pluisje
         06    54 The Erotic Story of Chris and Hank - The Onions

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                                ATARI 96K INTRO
                           __ __________________ __

         01   149 The Genocide (Falcon Intro) - Dead Hackers Society
         02   135 96 Shades of Grey - Paradox
         03    97 Lavalamp - MJJ Production & Checkpoint
         04    95 Freshtro - Paradize + Sector One

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                                PC/MAC 64K INTRO
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         01   118 Scary Dinosaur - The Bobby Davro Snooker Experience
         02   100 Obsoleet - Inque
         03    88 (terug naar de) Grondtoon - Numtek^Guideline

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                                ATARI 4K INTRO
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         01   162 4gEtful - gwEm
         02   115 4kker - defjam/checkpoint
         03   107 world domination part deux - max power / limp ninja

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         01   185 GLobotWars - Cal/Calsoft - The PHF
         02   129 #atariscne card battle ex plus alpha - sh3-rg
         03    77 BackGLash - Cal/Calsoft - The PHF

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                                  WILD DEMO
                           __ __________________ __

         01   169 Hardware music - gwEm
         02   125 Alive Jukebox - Cyclone^X-Troll
         03   117 Acid Burn Demo - Defjam/Checkpoint
         04   107 zompige zoomer 001 - renhoek / guideline
         05   104 We Dreme of Atari - Dildo Fatwa

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                               ATARI BOOTSECTOR
                           __ __________________ __

         01   113 Boot-Plasma - Cyclone^X-Troll
         02    99 TERRA - p01
         03    76 The Bootshitctor - GGN
         04    52 Dildo Fatwa kills da Bootsekt0r - Kaiz0r gE3ks and 
                  Charcoal of teh Dildo Fatwa
         05    30 TBC Bootsector - Alone1^TBC

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                           NEWSCHOOL/STREAMING MUSIC
                           __ __________________ __

         01    86 is there something ? - manou
         02    80 life is serializable - cosmictrance
         03    79 Die Klaenge der Neutrinowolken - Lotek Style
         04    76 a bit of nostalgia - cyrex
         05    73 Mad - Jay
         06    70 Acid saves lives - izard | inque
         07    62 disco in a nutshell - johnny t & the swinging dutch 
         08    42 poep - ernie
         09    41 de Dakpan Tidal wave - Dutch Posse
         10    35 perpendicular triangelation patterns - darmluft zwei

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                                OLDSCHOOL MUSIC
                           __ __________________ __

         01    70 Tears came to her eyes - Fby
         03    56 Nadir - Fby

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                                  CHIP MUSIC
                           __ __________________ __

         01   100 Street Robots - Dma-Sc
         02    96 g - Crazy Q / DHS
         03    93 rewols yb liboj - sh3-rg
         04    80 omtrek/uit/lijn - msg / reservoir gods
         05    68 Breath outline - marcer / atari legend
         06    60 hotrs - shPEA
         07    55 ymix4 - yermzyey
         08    51 folk off 'round the fields - kenny d

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                           16 COLOUR PIXEL GRAPHICS
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         01   106 Battersea - Exocet
         02    92 Hero - sh3-rg
         03    87 bob dylan - sarah-rg
         04    69 spider - sarah-rg
         05    53 Summoning - Rana
         06    49 Kotek - HABIB/HOOY-PROGRAM

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                          RAYTRACED/RENDERED GRAPHICS
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         01    19 Calimero strikes back - izard | inque
         02    19 Zwart Wit Grijs - Numtek^Guideline
         03    18 fuzziness - TheBat^Guideline

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         01    68 Skate Frenzy In Zevenaar - Cal - PHF
         02    44 Loituma - Dutch Posse