File Archive

File download


File size:
6 723 bytes (6.57K)
File date:
2006-10-08 23:15:52
Download count:
all-time: 3 078


    .________  .______.   .______.        ._____.    ._     ._____.   .______.
  _\|_      /_\|_     |__\|_     |___ ____|     |/__\|_)_._\|_    |__\|_     |
 _)  /    _/    /     |    /     | _//    |      _/      |   /    |    /     |
 |_ /_____\    /      |   /      | \      |      \       |        |   /     _|
_ /_____\_____________|__/_______|________|_______\______|________|__/______\ _
\/- -diP---------------------------------------------------------------aSL- -\/

                    F  U  N  C  T  I  O  N     2  0  0  6

                   2006. october 6.-8. - Budapest, Hungary

                          Results file, revision v1

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Retro graphics
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #02    63 pts    Discovering of a new planet - Leon / Singular Crew
    2.  #03    61 pts    Rainshine - Jailbird / Booze Design
    3.  #01    40 pts    Chuck Süsü - Poison / Singular Crew

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Handdrawn graphics
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #02    97 pts    For I am The Witch - Delilah / SKiM
    2.  #03    63 pts    Eliminator 4681 - KB Arts
    3.  #01    61 pts    Smile - Sade

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Freestyle graphics
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #04    97 pts    Urban - KB Arts
    2.  #05    58 pts    Mayan - Sade
    3.  #08    27 pts    Dream3 - Baste / Exceed
    4.  #02    26 pts    Who the fun is Bill Gates - The Picture
                         - Lacoste / CaPaNNa
    5.  #06    16 pts    Functits - Rascy / Dilemma
    6.  #03    10 pts    Jezuska gördeszkázik Groznyban - DerHase
    7.  #07     4 pts    Hardread Spam Add - Alien / Paradox^Rebels^Titan
    8.  #01     1 pts    5minutes:14 - Biter / Futuris ^ Marsmellow

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Tracked music
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #03    72 pts    Linda - Enok / Chrome ^ Exceed
    2.  #02    57 pts    Xalon - Dracologist
    3.  #01    44 pts    AllCoreHrD - dexed

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Streaming music
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #07    61 pts    Save me from Memories - Dafunk feat. Kate
    2.  #06    39 pts    Hold My Hand - Soulbrigade
    3.  #05    33 pts    Dolcezza - Ciccilleju
    4.  #09    31 pts    Mariháuna blues - SlySpy/United Forza
    5.  #08    23 pts    Artcool - Deansdale / Exceed
    6.  #04    16 pts    Wanna Make You Happy - Vincenzo
    7.  #03    13 pts    Bo tak (flow 2006) - shyz / NAB
    8.  #10     5 pts    Druids II - Anonymous Sceners Society
        #02     5 pts    Life is music - MYX / DreamMerchants
   10.  #01     3 pts    Top secret - Dexed

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      Wild demo
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #02   123 pts    Lloco - Tipogödör vs. Exceed
    2.  #01   109 pts    System Failure - Neutron Team

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      256 byte intro
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #03   139 pts    Demoplex - Digimind
    2.  #02   127 pts    Fountain - Exceed
    3.  #01    67 pts    Astroids 2 - Grenhald/Asenses

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      4k intro
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #03   159 pts    Pirate - Dilemma
    2.  #02    94 pts    Planet Love - Surprise!Productions
    3.  #01    74 pts    Hardread Podcast Promo - Hardread

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      64k intro
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #02   173 pts    Shatter - Archee
    2.  #01   103 pts    Blast - Surprise!Productions

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

    1.  #10   117 pts    Farewell - Rebels
    2.  #07    77 pts    Plan Z - W
    3.  #09    65 pts    Fiction - United Force
    4.  #08    45 pts    Katharsis - Traction
    5.  #06    15 pts    Slownet - Racers
        #05    15 pts    Twist - Pocok!Prodz
    7.  #04    11 pts    Cubes - Neurosis
    8.  #03     4 pts    Hatalom - LegendgrafiX
    9.  #02     3 pts    Thesis - Smorgas/Ekrazit
        #01     3 pts    Hongaarse goulash komt uit afrika
                         - Random hungarian scener (not BoyC)

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\
      International Karate+ Compo
\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/

              Drc      |  
              Aha      |  Drc      |
              Melwyn   |           |
              Klixon   |           |
              Ace      |  Ace      |  Pocak  |
              FcR      |           |         |
                                   |         |
              Puma     |           |         |
              Pocak    |  Pocak    |         |
              Virgil   |                     |
                                             |  Robi
              Robi     |                     |
              Jimmi    |  Robi     |         |
              Decipher |           |         |
                                   |         |
              WoW      |           |         |
              Crow     |  Crow     |  Robi   |
              Orphy    |           |
              D-lee    |           |
              Zoom     |  Zoom     |
              Kakaopor |

/\- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -/\

     The party had 130 visitors, and was broadcasted live by

                                                 Function 2006 organizing

                                          (no, we didnt change the ascii.)

\/- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -\/