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File size:
56 105 984 bytes (53.51M)
File date:
2006-12-17 23:15:39
Download count:
all-time: 953



pipipip piii-pipiii pipipip!
pipipip piii-pipiii pipipip!
pipipip piii-pipiii pipipip!

SSsshshhcckkrkrkreeeeyy..hee..eheeel.. HELLO?

Hello, this is Duckers on the radio.

In the moment of speaking I am tired, spacesick and bored as hell.
We released this now because we all need to focus on our
real easter prods. So this demo is not by far as finnished as
we ever wanted it to bee. Sorry about that. We know it is
full of flaws etc.

Just go ahead! Flame us! Our spaceship is flame-proof :P

Anyway, for all you mountain monkeys who dare not leave
the norwegian fjords for some hardcore easter egg eating
down at breakpoint, we hope you will join us in the Vikingship,
this easter for The Gathering 2006 "The dark side of pluto".

Prestigious compos of all kinds, concerts and other stuff is scheduled
to make your stay interesting, and we hope you all join in on 
watching some birds and drinking some coco in the complex tower
friday night after the concert. So bring your space helmet and show
off your mustache on the big screen in norways biggest annual
computer event!

Or something..

Now watch this thing or play quake.

... * peep *  shshhscckkkrrr.....

	Keyboarders & Outracks presents
          "The Dark Side of Pluto"

     An invitation for The Gathering 2006
          Released at DigiLAB 2006
                  We won.

Code by Duckers
Gfx and add. code by Quisten
Music by Wavehammer