File download
- File size:
- 4 523 087 bytes (4.31M)
- File date:
- 2006-04-18 01:33:38
- Download count:
- all-time: 774
- (sd)wing/ dir
- (sd)wing/(snowdrake)wings(bp2k6).ogg 4.34M
- (sd)wing/SnowDrakE_-_Wings.nfo 1.20K
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Breakpoint 2006
MP3 Entry
SnowDrakE - Wings
Length: 3:30 min
Created with Reason
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Greetings to:
Creators, Scoopex, Supplex,
Blackmaiden, Blizzard, . .
Coolphat, The Silents, : :
Razor1911, Foliba, Speckdrumm, :
Haujobb, Paradox, Alpha Flight, .
TRSi, Smash Design, Plastic;
ircnet: #scenepoint . .
efnet: #danishgold : :
xentonix: #tristar : :
. .
Special greetings:
IcEDraGoN, my bro
Klaus, who died recently
. . : :
: :
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Sometimes life is sad.
But that's life.
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