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7 994 bytes (7.81K)
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2006-12-25 23:17:42
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     _______    _______    ___ ___    ___ ___
    /       \  /       \  /   |   \  /   |   \
   |    |_   ||    |_   ||    |    ||    |    |
   |    ^    ||    ^    ||   _|_   ||   _|_   |
   |        < |       __||___ _____||_____  __|___  ___
   |    |    ||    | /       |     \      \/      \\\  \
   |    |    ||    | \    _  |   _  \   _  |_     _|    \
    \___|___/  \___|__\   \  |   \   \  \  /_ \   \____  \
     \04/02/2005\      \   \/ \   \   \  \   \ \   \  _\  \
      \05/02/2005\      \   \  \   \   \  \   \ \   \/     \
       \06/02/2005\      \___|  \___|___|__|___| \___|_____/

   ...--== announcing the birthday party ==--...
   ````---........  information file 0.3  ........---''''

-= Index =-
. Introduction
. Dates
. Location
. Programme
. Competitions
. Directions
. Money
. Contacts
. Versions

-= Introduction =-

February 7th 2005 marks the 5th birthday of, the ZX Demoscene
news site. It's a great excuse to have a scene party, and there's not
been a party in the UK for... uhm... a long time. So that's it basically
- it's a ZX demoscene party in the UK.
Oh, and the official title is the "raww.orgy".

-= Dates =-

The party will be held from Friday 4th February 2005 until Sunday 6th
February 2005. That's 3 days (or two-and-a-half). I realise that England
in February isn't the nicest of places, but it's the birthday of, and having a party in February means there's little chance of
it clashing with the other parties that will be taking place in 2005.

-= Location =-

The party will be held in Yeovil, a town in Somerset, England. It's in
the South West of the country, about an hour from Bristol.
Depending on the number of attendees, the party will either take place
in the home of icabod, or an alternative close-by venue will be found.
Accomodation will probably consist of sleeping bags and mattresses in
the home of icabod, tho' I can find details of B&B's if required.
For this reason it's important to let the organisers know if you're
coming to the party - we don't want to be too cramped.

-= Programme =-

04/02 @ 18:00 - Party starts
06/02 @ xx:00 - Party ends

More detail on the plans for the party will be decided soon. Some people
may like to do something "touristy" (hey, it's not every day you get to
visit the UK), so we can decide this in the forum... when it's ready. In
general, I'm quite easy with regards the plans.

-= Competitions =-

:: ASCII Logo
:: ZX ASCII Logo
:: ZX Graphics
:: ZX AY Music
:: ZX 256b Intro
:: ZX 4kb Intro
:: Prizes

.: ASCII Logo Competition :.
As you can see, icabod's attempts at ASCII art are very poor. So this
competition will be run before the party. The aim is to create an ASCII
art logo for the party. The limitations/rules are:
  - Dimensions must be no greater than 80 x 60.
  - Only use ASCII chars from 0x20 to 0x7e.
  - Font used will be standard Courier New or MS-DOS font or something.
Other than that, it's a fairly free game. You can use variations on the
name (the official title is "raww.orgy" ;p), you can mention the dates,
mention it's the 5th birthday party, or the 1st party...
The dates of this competition are from now until... Christmas 2004.

.: ZX ASCII Logo Competition :.
This is basically the same as the ASCII Logo Competition, but with an
important difference - it's for the ZX Spectrum. The limitations/rules
  - Dimensions must be no greater than 32 x 24.
  - Logo will be displayed in the standard ZX Character Set.
  - Legal ASCII chars are 0x20 to 0x7F.
  - Legal "graphical" chars are 0x80 to 0x8f.
  - "User Definable Graphics" chars (0x90 to 0xa4) are not allowed.
  - PAPER attribute must be the same throughout the image
  - FLASH is not allowed, BRIGHT is allowed.
Entries will be accepted as runnable .tap files and BASin BASIC files.
The dates of this competition are from now until... Christmas 2004.

.: ZX Graphics :.
It's your standard ZX Graphics competition. Get out your easels (oo-er)
and get creative. The rules are:
  - Image must be in standard SCREEN$ format (6144 or 6912 bytes).
  - Original works only (as in, not ripped from demos, etc).
Entries will be accepted as .scr files (a copy of ZX memory starting at
16384, of length 6144b (for b/w images) or 6912b (for colour images)).
If you're thinking of entering this competition, you know what to do.
Entries are accepted until Friday 4th February 2005.

.: ZX AY Music :.
Hey, bet you can't guess what this is. The rules:
  - Tune should last no longer than 5 minutes.
  - (if we get bored, we may stop your tune early - heehee).
  - If the music loops, let us know how long it lasts up to the loop.
  - Tunes should be provided in the following formats:
    - self-playing .tap file
    - any format playable by AY-Emulator
Entries will be played on a real ZX Spectrum if possible, otherwise tunes
will be played on the latest release of AY-Emulator.
Entries are accepted until Friday 4th February 2005.

.: ZX 256b Intro :.
Write something cool in 256b? Sure, why not?! The rules:
  - The code-file of the intro must not be larger than 256 bytes.
  - The loader may not contain any code other than loading and running
    the code-file.
  - The Intro should be runnable on a ZX Spectrum +2.
Entries will be run on a real ZX Spectrum +2 (grey-case) is possible,
otherwise they will be run on a ZX Spectrum Emulator (probably
Entries are accepted until Friday 4th February 2005.

.: ZX 4kb Intro :.
Aah, the classic. 4Kb Intro for the ZX Spectrum. Here's some rules:
  - The code-file of the demo must not be larger than 4096 bytes.
  - The loader may not contain any code other than loading and running
    the code-file.
  - The Intro should be runnable on a ZX Spectrum +2.
Entries will be run on a real ZX Spectrum +2 (grey-case) is possible,
otherwise they will be run on a ZX Spectrum Emulator (probably
Entries are accepted until Friday 4th February 2005.

I'll add verification of the rules at a later date.

.: Prizes :.
All competitions will have a prize for the winner (the organisers
reserve the right to change their minds on this according to mood). Even
if it's just some crappy "" T-Shirt. If the winner is not
present at the party, the postal address will be required for sending
the prize.

-= Directions =-

Full details on directions will be provided at a later stage.
If you're flying to the UK, it would help to fly to Bristol or Exeter
airport, that way you can easily be collected.
The party-place is not far from the A303, and there's a train link to
London locally too.
Local train stations are:
  Yeovil Junction
  Yeovil Pen Mill
If you have any questions regarding travel within the UK, please contact
the organisers.

-= Money =-

Here's a few "typical prices" of some things in the UK (or at least
local to the party). The prices are in Pounds Sterling (GBP), which if
you're coming from abroad you'll want to bring - Euros are not generally
accepted in the UK yet. Included are prices in some foreign currencies
based on the current exchange rate (as of 29/09/2004).

Item                GBP    EUR    CZK    PLN    RUB    SKK    USD
Pint* of beer       2.30   3.30   104    14.4   119    133    4.08

* one pint == 0.5 litre

-= Contacts =-

The party website is :
You can also email the organisers:
   icabod -

-= Versions =-

- Added the ZX Graphics competition
- Added the ZX AY Music competition
- Added the ZX 256b Intro competition
- Added the ZX 4kb Intro competition

- Official party name is now "raww.orgy".
- Details of Directions and Location improved. A little.
- Programme "enhanced". Slightly.
- Added detail to the ZX ASCII compo.
- Added detail to the ASCII compo.
- Added a Money section with details on prices of things in the UK.
- Contacts updated (hey, we have a website).
- A few small typo's corrected.

- The first version of this information file.