File Archive

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File size:
6 731 bytes (6.57K)
File date:
2005-08-05 00:15:46
Download count:
all-time: 3 055


  ....                                                                  ....
 .:  :.                  _ _                                           .:  :.
 :    :__    _.        __  /_     .___        .__   .___     ._____. _.:    :
_:___\|  \_./ |/____._\\_\/_/__._\|_  \_.____\|_ \_\|_  \_._\|_    |/ |/____:_  
 |     _   |  _/    |    \/    |   /    |      __/   /    |   /    |  _/    |
 |_    \   |  \     |    ||    |        |      \ |        |  /     |  \    _|
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    :  D E M O Z O N E   2 0 0 5    -    2 3 . - 2 6 . 7 . 2 0 0 5   :    :
 :    : - ---------------------------------------------------------- - :    :
 :    : walibi      world     (formerly    six     flags      holland) :    :
 :    : 8256      rj       biddinghuizen     -     the     netherlands :    :
 :    : - ---------------------------------------------------------- - :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : W    H    /\    T    '    S             T    H    /\    T    ? :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : - ---------------------------------------------------------- - :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : DemoZone stands for 4 days long, open-air demoscene action.    :    :
 :    : Plug in under the shining sun or sit inside our big, warm and  :    :
 :    : covered "scener only" tent. Instead of most sceneparties,      :    :
 :    : which are almost always indoors, you have much more freedom at :    :
 :    : DemoZone. Expect no uptight security, no 2-page list of rules  :    :
 :    : to obey, but instead a huge, chillout computer fanatic         :    :
 :    : atmosphere and every feature you might need. You can bring     :    :
 :    : your own tent and strike down to camp or just sleep under the  :    :
 :    : tables in the partytent like on any other demoparty, it's up   :    :
 :    : to you. DemoZone will take place on the premises of CampZone,  :    :
 :    : in a big "scener only" tent, one of the largest computer       :    :
 :    : events in the country. One of the things this means is some    :    :
 :    : high-quality features for an open-air event, amongst others:   :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : * High quality catering                                        :    :
 :    : * Good possibilities for making your own food                  :    :
 :    : * A small on-site grocery store                                :    :
 :    : * An exceptional computer fanatic atmosphere                   :    :
 :    : * Clean showers                                                :    :
 :    : * 6 Euro discount on Walbi World Tickets                       :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : * A large, warm and fluffy DemoZone party tent that hosts:     :    :
 :    :     o A cinema-quality big screen and PA                       :    :
 :    :     o A cozy chillout area                                     :    :
 :    :     o Plenty computer tables for all attendants                :    :
 :    :     o Space to crash if you don't feel like bringing your      :    :
 :    :       own tent                                                 :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : - ---------------------------------------------------------- - :    :
 :    : m     o     r     e        i     n     f     o         a     t :    :
 :    :                                                                :    :
 :    : -------------->> W W W . D E M O Z O N E . N L <<------------- :    :    
 :..  :  _                                                          _  :  ..:
 . :..:-\/----------------------------------------------------------\/-:..: .

 - --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
D E M O Z O N E 2 0 0 5 R E S U L T S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

01 132 Are u sure u are ready? - ONOK
02 54 1337movie2 - RJ, Lucas, Henkie, Semen, Robbert, Daan, Jai, Ciaran

01 57 The Ice Cream Man - Xanadu
02 25 Ice @ Campzone - Sandra en Tamara Havik

01 74 Behind the clowds - Quickkie
02 73 Kermis in groningen - djinn
03 67 Pwned - Madeleine de Bruijn
04 66 De Overpeinzing. - MaTriX
05 60 Weet wat je boven het hoofd hangt! - Dark Blue
06 41 Summertime.... - Gerlanda Te Bokkel
07 37 Sunset - [BUT]Rykou
08 35 Zaikenter - RJ
09 35 Endless Beach - Rykou
10 33 Bad kitty, bad kitty!! - RJ
11 31 Vergeet je tandenborstel niet. - [BUT]Xargon & [BUT]ADHDWald
12 30 Chemistry - Rossi

Combined Graphics
01 84 yetis snakepit - the_Ye-Ti
02 75 Stilte voor de storm - Xphire/Niek
03 73 insane curry - raimo
04 71 Balance - Jenne van der Meer
05 55 Different by choice - Lone
06 54 Excalibur - Pjotr Svetachov
07 51 Celtic Bowl - Rossi
08 47 Waterscape - Tamara Havik

Combined Music
01 86 Message Of A Goddess - MaTriX
02 85 Breaking Apart - Madeleine de Bruijn
03 84 En dan nu even lekker beuken met Okkie - Okkie/ Limp Ninja / De Brasserie / RBi / rECTUM cAUdA / The Pimp Brigade / LOBSTARRS
04 83 Campwned - Beathoven
05 66 Energized People - Jay
06 65 Megastar - Bruce D. Lee
07 63 All Around - Xanadu
08 45 Singularity - djinn

Combined 64K/4K Intro
01 107 Bassotron - Umlaut Design (pc)
02 50 jazeker - Madeleine de Bruijn / Limp Ninja (pc)
03 49 :) - djinn (pc)

01 132 dishes, ham, ketchup and kittens - LOBSTARRS vs Mad Curry (pc)
02 119 morepower - djinn (pc)
03 114 Jarig Advance - LIMP NINJA (Gameboy Advance)
04 102 cutoff in Japan. - Limp Ninja (xbox)
05 78 Harry Boterham - Limp Ninja Ringtones (xbox)