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File size:
3 166 bytes (3.09K)
File date:
2005-07-11 23:31:28
Download count:
all-time: 1 997


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       C O M P U S P H E R E   2 0 0 5   -   T H E   R E S U L T S !

low resolution graphics compo

1. malmis/nature     - pappa hatt i papphatt (21 votes)
2. thecheat/the gang - shit, i'm done for    (15 votes)
3. zickbone          - apor                  (07 votes)
4. herr albin/keso   - den lösa paprikan     (01 votes)

raytraced graphics compo

1. nightbeat - caged fairy (04 votes)

high resolution graphics compo

1. nightbeat               - eter                     (23 votes)
2. fossie & teppic/molik   - sickness                 (08 votes)
3. malmis/nature           - the elite monster slayer (05 votes)
4. nisse/the gang          - stunning effects         (04 votes)
5. eleric, lithis & buzzie - opiumblomma i sol        (03 votes) (i wonder who voted for this!)

chip module compo

1. nightbeat                - spheres               (14 votes)
2. anders/free lunch design - gräddkola             (11 votes)
3. c-frog/nature            - krollarpaft amiga mix (08 votes)
4. skope/up rough!          - lost levels pro       (03 votes)
5. qwan/up rough!           - broken but happy      (02 votes)
5. gouafhg/the gang         - rt                    (02 votes)
6. skuter & scicco          - loneliness            (00 votes)
6. the cheat/the gang       - dum jum en skum       (00 votes)

combined fourchannel / multichannel compo

1. nightbeat          - 8-bit glowstick     (14 votes)
2. zalza & ogge       - elefant utan snabel (11 votes)
3. esau/traktor       - mod.tjörn i micron  (10 votes)
4. spot/up rough!     - 1996 gangbang       (03 votes)
4. the cheat/the gang - gift of gallows     (03 votes)

streamed music compo

1. lithis            - juha the space-midget from finland (10 votes)
2. nigthbeat         - tindra                             (09 votes)
3. thecheat/the gang - tomten trummar faktiskt ibland     (08 votes)
4. ogge              - hugame ep.1                        (06 votes)
5. gouafhg/the gang  - vanities                           (04 votes)
6. krulo/goto 10     - trottoar                           (01 votes)

amiga intro

1. laxative effects - intro 2 (00 votes)

amiga demo

1. laxative effects - and then? (02 votes)

pc demo

1. outbreak - outbreak 10 years (22 votes)
2. vovoid   - osmosis           (11 votes)
3. dxm      - dezinkub 2000     (07 votes)

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|  |_/    / |_/ COMPUSPHERE'05 RESULTS /

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