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File size:
329 113 600 bytes (313.87M)
File date:
2005-04-15 23:23:33
Download count:
all-time: 1 290



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           :/( - ---BREAKPOINT 2005--- - )\:
           :/( - ------SEMINARS------- - )\:

"Intel Software Developer Tools for Demo Tuning"

After a brief overview on the whole suite of IntelĀ® 
Software Developer products including compilers, 
libraries and tuning tools, the IntelĀ® Vtune(TM) 
Performance Analyzer will be presented in some detail. 
Using a typical open-source multimedia code as a sample 
application, the session will demonstrate how to use the 
Vtune(TM) tool to facilitate performance tuning by 
exploiting the information made available through the 
Performance Monitoring Hardware of modern processor 
architectures like the Intel Pentium(4) processor.

Heinz Bast / Intel Corporation

Heinz Bast is working for Intel Corporation in the 
German, Munich based headquarter. After studying 
computer science, he spent a couple of years working 
in on high-performance computing projects like 
semi-automatic parallelization of scientific programs. 
He joined Intel in 1992 working initially with Intel 
Supercomputer System Division. Currently he is part of 
Intel's Software and Solution Division (SSG) where he 
supports Independent Software Developers on getting 
their application ported and optimized for the latest 
Intel architectures.

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