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30 881 bytes (30.16K)
File date:
2005-07-31 23:42:42
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all-time: 15 265


   ____________   ______ __  _______            ._________._____.     .
 __\___  /\    /  \    //_/ .\     / ____   ____|__      /|     |_____:
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|                      |    _.    |_|______     /_                         |
|                      |    \|    |       |      |     ASSEMBLY 2005       |
|                      |     |    |\_     |      |                         |
|                      |     |    | |     |      |     FINAL RESULTS       |
|_                     |         _| |     :      |                        _|
|/____________________ |_________\: |______      | _______________________\|

Here are the official full results for ASSEMBLY'05 held at 
Hartwall-Areena in Helsinki, Finland from July 28th to July 31st, 2005.

For more information about ASSEMBLY demo parties, please visit To download competition entries and AssemblyTV
video clips, visit

[ Version 1.00 on July 31st, 2005 at 15:20:00 EET ]


[ Floppy disk throwing ]

1)	61 m	Konstantinos Pataridis
2)	56 m	Markus Kauppinen
3)	54 m 	Antti Tulonen

[ CD throwing ]

1)	62 m	Mikko Vihanto
2)	59 m	Konstantinos Pataridis
3)	57 m	Aarno Kauppi

[ Express street basketball ]

1)	Team LANporo
	Team members: Antti Pallaskari, Teemu Pallaskari, 
	Matias Nurminen, Antti Niemi

2)	Team Puuhamaa
	Team members: soBuli, Es4ri, Durr, Deeq

3)	Asm 03, 04, 05 Winners
	Team members: Mini-Me, Dimenz, El-ToMo, Nargi 

[ Fast music competition ]

Total of 18 entries were submitted to this competition. 12 entries
were qualified for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked
accoding to average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged
from 2.5 to 4.2 (out of maximum of 5.0).

1	2126p	Tarmo by Aikapallo
2	2065p	Straylight by Nightbeat
3	1979p	Nuts by Jonezky
4	1827p	Kahdeksannes sipulis osa - Eighth onions piece by tArzAn
5	1632p	Flush by KiWi/Piste Gamez
6	1264p	Meshmuka by Cairbre
7	1060p	Pakkopulla by Paavo "Tarantula" Härkönen
8	1027p	The Temple of 42 Secrets by Prophecy
9	836p	Soitellaan by Battus
10	836p	Pula-ajan hittibiisi by trayrace
11	801p	Siloinen Siili by Iloinen Kiloinen Loinen / Exile
12	509p	Strenuous by Carcall / The Pond...

n/a	2.1	boss battle by tomas
n/a	2.1	488 by Marko "Ufomies" Kettunen
n/a	2.0	Twisten' Moneyspeed by phaser
n/a	1.8	Dawnbreak by Painless
n/a	1.7	Quick Fix by Scanner & JellyPop / Dope
n/a	1.0	Silmämato by Spiralmind

Compo organizers:
Jaakko Pero (Erodix / Igios)
Johannes Heinonen (Hieronymus)

Members of the jury:
Risto Koskenkorva (Crash^Override / Igios)
Martti Laitinen (Nanaste)
Emmi Nieminen (Igios)
Mikko Tiusanen (ams / igios)
Miia-Riikka Hämäläinen (Doomchild / Igios)
Heikki Hyyti (Heikki^ / Insomnia)

[ Fast graphics competition ]

Total of 29 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 17
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 2.5 to 4.8
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	4352p	Nigerian Breakfast by Hasso Neurath Foundation
2	3244p	Breakfast With a Twist by maxon
3	3098p	Assembly needs a bigger screen by Oozie
4	2838p	Mailer Daemon by John Peeba
5	2222p	Eka! by Mangis
6	1972p	Breakfast Ad Spammer by Random/Gfxile
7	1574p	Pork and Chicken by flea
8	1254p	Breakfastface by Sulq
9	1089p	Spam, bacon, and eggs... OF THE FUTURE! by marzu
10	986p	Queen of Baco by Reko / Instant Ejakulation
11	985p	NoirGarbage by Malakai
12	984p	putte by Elukka
13	779p	The Farm Gang by McLad
14	661p	US mail by progress
15	272p	Fat Spam by Pika
16	210p	Bacon on The Beat by Delicio
17	206p	SpamSuxx by tuomas DECKER karmakallio

n/a	2.0	Mato aamupalalla by MBnet
n/a	1.8	Lautanen by Kryygeri
n/a	1.8	Spammed by Jabus
n/a	1.6	servers by Janne Hokkanen
n/a	1.5	When coder goes to graphics by neonaspect
n/a	1.1	Spammed! by muora
n/a	1.1	Hungry... by Rayven
n/a	1.0	More Spam, bacon and eggs! by Kingi
n/a	1.0	GA ZEBO by yeg, thewire
n/a	1.0	bacon_girl by osku/ piste games
n/a	1.0	Kolesteroli rules by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a	1.0	bojoing by Spiralmind

Compo organizer:
Risto Hietala (astrax)

Members of the jury:
Ville Vatén (wiba)
Sara Kapli (stRana / Grin)
Lauri Mäki (Random / Gfxile, DHFC, Armada)
Joona Poikonen (McLad / tAAt, grin)
Juha Eriksson (progress / tAAt, Grin, 10tons)
Simo Virokannas (Phaser / DHFC, Grin, tAAt)

[ Instrumental music competition ]

Total of 57 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 3.5 to 4.3
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	2939p	ape dog pack by quasian
2	1933p	The Pirate's Tale by Paavo "Tarantula" Härkönen
3	1514p	Legend by St Fungus
4	1371p	Promised Land by Man With No Alias
5	1319p	Dwarves March To The Mountain by Meridian / Clockwork Music
6	1309p	Ambushed! by Sunky
7	1306p	Maharaja's Daughter Gets Kidnapped by Firestorm / Doomsday
8	943p	tales from the dungeon horror by chemic
9	854p	Sound of Silence by _pk_
10	838p	Fear Is The Key by !Cube / Armada + SCS*TRC + Skalaria
11	829p	Instant Rejection by Skaven / Future Crew
12	743p	Miriel by Nightbeat
13	733p	Red Sun Rising by Jaffa
14	711p	Genocide Intro by Vilunen / Kaytanhousuja
15	437p	The Child by Chris Nash

n/a	3.4	The Preparation by Signal
n/a	3.3	Selleri by jockson / Granma
n/a	3.2	March of the Magiants by Cairbre
n/a	3.2	bar-b-que by janne
n/a	3.2	Farting Synths by Aikapallo
n/a	3.1	Valiant Effort by kerko
n/a	3.1	Orchid by Techrono
n/a	2.8	Venus 2005 by Coloneil
n/a	2.8	Fog by Forsyth
n/a	2.8	Broken Grid by Nitro/Trauma
n/a	2.7	E.S.A. by bucki
n/a	2.7	Battle of Mag Tuireadh by Inphernic
n/a	2.7	Residue of Desire by Axeman / Beyond Force
n/a	2.6	They Fell as Heroes by marzu
n/a	2.6	Dismount Arena by phaser
n/a	2.6	EOS by Marko "Ufomies" Kettunen
n/a	2.6	Orient Express by Salome/Hupercube
n/a	2.6	Waypoint by Max Dee
n/a	2.6	Blue bomb by spiikki / nalleperhe
n/a	2.6	Bedroom Fantasy by Lorkki
n/a	2.6	4th Planet Sanctuary by JellyPope of Dope
n/a	2.5	Kota Kakumi by Little Bitchard
n/a	2.5	Inner Mind by NDi
n/a	2.3	Music For Escapists by Roz
n/a	2.3	Hypnosis by Prophecy
n/a	2.3	Real Funky by KG_Bear
n/a	2.2	After Rain by Simon / Cyberpunks Unity
n/a	2.2	Somei Yoshino by Jari Vainionpää
n/a	2.2	Like Ducks in a Park by KiWi/Piste Gamez
n/a	2.1	Royal Symphony by T.A and Electronic Orchestra
n/a	2.1	35mm by Army of droon
n/a	2.1	Altitude 1000 baud by Carcall / The Pond
n/a	2.0	Bluebird by Adam Zero
n/a	1.8	nightbeat och flugsvamparna by lithis
n/a	1.8	Trilobite Dive (Radio Edit) by Kameli
n/a	1.8	Mozzarella by Scanner of Dope
n/a	1.7	NO home by J.H. 10v
n/a	1.6	Sataa Taas by Joni Koskimaa
n/a	1.3	Slow Motion by Dj TT aka. Automatiq
n/a	1.1	Flavors of Night by Lasse "Draugo Silverscale" Kulmala
n/a	1.0	0mg by YHTEiSO

note	Sailor The Cat by Tiamad / Critical Mass
	Comment: jury decided to move the entry to Freestyle music compo

Compo organizer:
Jaakko Pero (Erodix)
Johannes Heinonen (Hieronymus)

Members of the jury:
Emmi Nieminen (emie / IGIOS)
Juho Korhonen (Signal)
Mikko Tiusanen (ams / IGIOS)
Paula Siljamäki (Luni / #hämy)
Simo Suoheimo (Karbon / W.A.S.M-Crew)
Risto Koskenkorva (Crash^Override / IGIOS)

[ Drawn themed graphics competition ]

Total of 24 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 17
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 4.0 to 9.6
(out of maximum of 10.0).

1	5296p	boneprone organismo by mazor of fairlight
2	4683p	Sika by John Peeba
3	2993p	Super Star Adventures by phase1 of creators, dekadence
4	2405p	Metamorphosis by huZba
5	2313p	Circle by Epos / Granma
6	1656p	Old Faithful by maxon
7	1399p	Queensbridge by Reko / Instant Ejakulation
8	1320p	Taehtihauva Hurvitus by Joil
9	1255p	tattooed by nukkie
10	1235p	Starhunting For Sport by Pyrotech
11	1133p	StarSinger by Visualice
12	1012p	world of the wars by Elukka
13	829p	Komisario Jyrkkä by Partikle
14	764p	sori, tissit ei näy. by progress
15	615p	Virus by Random/Gfxile
16	521p	Night Vision by Aropupu
17	356p	Careful, Dad ! by SDg

n/a	3.5	RPGStyle by tuomas DECKER karmakallio
n/a	3.0	Pa Starr D by Kingi
n/a	3.0	Crap by tturunen
n/a	2.8	Old school flight Compo by scottie / bC!
n/a	2.6	1886 and 0.* stars by Irah
n/a	1.6	Miscarriage by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a	1.0	Ace of Stars by Salome of HyperCube

Compo organizer:
Markus Grannenfelt (Murk / Sonik Clique)

Members of the jury:
Antti Tiihonen (John Peeba / DHFC & Gfxile)
Lauri Mäki (Random / Gfxile, DHFC, Armada & Trauma)
Tero Antinkaapo (Phase1 / Creators & Dekadence)
Simo Virukannas (Phaser / DHFC)
Antti Vassinen (Serge / RHD)
Juha Eriksson (Progress / tAAt)

[ Freestyle music competition ]

Total of 30 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 3.0 to 4.2
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	1279p	Funk Trap by Paavo "Tarantula" Härkönen
2	1067p	I'll be gone by ierker / granma
3	851p	Promised Land by M.W.N.A feat. Caroline
4	842p	Desire by rm / RNO
5	784p	Winter thaw (dopest remix) by Aisth
6	750p	Sketch by Injektio
7	716p	Virtual Excitement by Cairbre feat. Mary Jo
8	695p	Calling me a Ho by Castor / Immersion
9	690p	Samalla tavoin sinä by djh
10	666p	Feel the rain by Olli-Serkku
11	506p	Funkazm by Roz
12	495p	Moon & Sun by Reed / Fairlight
13	428p	Valkea by Citius
14	325p	God's House by Chris Nash
15	325p	Niin hyvää hukkuu sateeseen by HSC

n/a	2.8	She is the answer by ilari pitkänen
n/a	2.7	Tietokonepeleistä by Aikamies / Clockwork Music
n/a	2.5	Export by ksco
n/a	2.5	Soppalaulu by LeoLaama - Valaanpyytäjät
n/a	2.5	For you by Rocktech and Zamu
n/a	2.4	Erectronic by Carcall /The Pond
n/a	2.2	Betrayal by Oller
n/a	2.0	Sailor The Cat by Tiamad / Critical Mass
n/a	2.0	Assemblage by Scanner of Dope
n/a	2.0	suffering eye by Oskar Fagerman, Markus Lehto
n/a	1.7	Elektrik Mekaniks by phaser
n/a	1.5	Yön Kuningatar by Joni Koskimaa
n/a	1.5	Weird Day Coding (Night Time) by Akinos
n/a	1.2	minä olen pikku mies by Army of droon
n/a	1.2	we are the gods by 1in10/mfx&kewlers

Compo organizer:
Jaakko Pero (Erodix / Igios)

Members of the jury:
Juho Korhonen (Signal)
Martti Laitinen (Nanaste)
Mikko Tiusanen (ams / igios)
Jouni Rissanen (SnoakeR)
Heikki Hyyti (Heikki^ / Insomnia)
Anders Brotherus (abrotherus) 

[ Freestyle graphics competition ]

Total of 34 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 3.8 to 9.1
(out of maximum of 10.0).

1	1623p	Not to 3.14 by Random/Gfxile
2	1603p	Let There Be Light by PeXi
3	1577p	Darth Reagan by Frank / ORange
4	1427p	Cici portrait by Reanimator
5	1249p	Bugbear by Reko / Instant Ejakulation
6	1200p	My Best Mushrooms by kerko
7	848p	Dragonflail by huZba
8	717p	Tree by b. o. w.
9	602p	Skull & Bones 322 by Partikle
10	564p	Sisterhood by spikey
11	451p	Reign by Visualice
12	396p	Normandia 2000 by Serialthrill
13	289p	Finder's Keepers by Zeroic
14	284p	Fork by maxon
15	280p	pronounced dead at 6:45 by dodke

n/a	3.6	CyberGirl by tturunen
n/a	3.5	Lintu sininen by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
n/a	3.3	Weather Forecast by Problem
n/a	3.1	Saints of tomorrow by Nightbeat
n/a	3.0	Skies on Fire by Seven_dc
n/a	2.8	Metsä by Unas
n/a	2.5	Bush strikes back by Carcall / The Pond
n/a	2.1	Shakki by AK^^
n/a	2.1	Yksisilmaenen tutkimusmatkailija by proge
n/a	1.8	Fear Factor by Sirpa Peramaa
n/a	1.8	Pixel is Dead, Long Live Pixel by Salome of HyperCube
n/a	1.6	Swimming in binarypool by Satai
n/a	1.6	GatesOfHeaven by Cza
n/a	1.3	Kentaurin kosto by Silja Viitanen
n/a	1.0	kylmakaapin_pimea_pingviini by PainCreators
n/a	1.0	Too Fast Too Furious by Kingi
n/a	1.0	Roger by wAMMA

disq	Zool by tokai
	Reason: Uses copyrighted material.

disq	little red ridinghood likes spam by havocplague of immersion
	Reason: Only final image, no in-betweens.

Compo organizer:
Markus Grannenfelt (Murk / Sonik Clique)

Members of the jury:
Sami Karppinen
Antti Vassinen (Serge / RHD)
Ilari Lehtinen (spikey)
Juha Eriksson (progress / tAAt, Grin & 10tons)
Johanna Eriksson (johu / tAAt)

[ 4k intro competition ]

Total of 12 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury disqualified
one entry and qualified 11 entries for the big screen. 

1	10604p		Make it 4k by Fit & Bandwagon (Linux)
2	5185p		Trapped Mind by Prophecy (Windows)
3	4642p		Evoke Spacerace by 0ok / ümlaüt design / blackmaiden (Windows)
4	3790p		Blobzilla 4000 by Northern Dragons (Windows)
5	3074p		Automation by Digital Devotion (Windows)
6	1468p		uniform by headcrash (Windows)
7	1257p		Stressless by Medieval (Windows)
8	929p		Monstah by Hipo / Lonely Coders (Linux)
9	728p		Driftwood Theory by Lasse Toimela (Windows)
10	692p		Cracked by Inphernic (Windows)
11	268p		kalja by immersion / zoi (Linux)

disq	Rhythm by dreadful sight
	Reason: Requires a DLL not available in DirectX runtime.
	(PTN id 4808)

Compo organizers:
Matti Tiainen (Tundrah / RNO)
Mikko Sivulainen (sivu / Byterapers)

Members of the jury:
Antti Tiihonen (John Peebz / DHFC/gfxile)
Lauri Mäki (Random / gfxile)
Marko Turklin (Murken / DFS)
Simo Virokannas (Phaser / DHFC)
Joel Lehtonen (Zouppen / 2ndpaint)

[ Oldskool music competition ]

Total of 28 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 14
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 2.6 to 3.8
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	3715p	Dirty '64 by Reed / Fairlight
2	2082p	Mushroom by SounDemoN / Dekadence
3	2057p	Nebula by Britelite / Dekadence
4	1948p	Loch Nes by Inphernic
5	1468p	Locomotive Failure by Signal
6	1165p	Hangover by Jammic
7	1017p	Brain Debris by zabutom / beepdealers
8	736p	Retry by  Nightbeat
9	728p	Three Sisters Story by Jeffie / Brainwave
10	658p	Up + Lift by Chapelier/
11	542p	Jump & Run by KiWi/Piste Gamez
12	527p	Oh Crap It's Almost The Deadline by Gasman / Hooy-Program / AY Riders
13	388p	Zoids Hoolygunos by Moran / Cyberpunks Unity
14	288p	Travelation by Nq / Skrju

n/a	2.6	Kekkeruusi by Roz
n/a	2.5	I Was The Saboteur by ferrara / phObos team
n/a	2.5	Fizz by Roz
n/a	2.5	Chipment Delayed by Taskman of Medieval
n/a	2.5	chuck norris by tempest/fairlight
n/a	2.5	Apocalipton Tea by ferrara / phObos team
n/a	2.3	Way of The Exploding Wrist by ferrara / phObos team
n/a	2.3	Beautiful Day by Prophecy
n/a	2.3	Done Deal by el-bee
n/a	2.3	Xenu's revenge! by Teel
n/a	2.1	disqualified entry by sauli / jml
n/a	2.0	That Lo-Fi Sound by Player One / Dekadence
n/a	1.8	U Know Da Score by rm / RNO ^ Dekadence

disq	Pulverland by Scanner of Dope
	Reason: Previously released material.

Compo organizer:
Tommi Raulahti (Dr.Doom)

Members of the jury:
Tsvetelina Dimitrova
Matthew Westcolt (Gasman / Hooy-Program)
Ville Heikkilä (viznut / pwp)
Kirmo Kivelä (
Niklas Sjösvärd (zabutom / beepdealers)
Ville Nurmi (Chapelier /

[ Oldskool graphics competition ]

Total of 12 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 10
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 2.1 to 4.0
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	4988p	me, myself and ma booty by phase1 of creators
2	4201p	Heatwave by tempest/fairlight
3	3763p	David H. loves the demoscene by DiamonDie/foobug^Numedia Cyclops
4	3654p	Karaoke by Duce of Extend
5	2946p	Nightanday by Helm
6	1542p	WTF? by Reanimator
7	1530p	Hangup by Ansichrist
8	1503p	Vicus Flatus by Random/Gfxile
9	909p	Entrapped by Moran / Cyberpunks Unity
10	402p	pseudoart by liitin

n/a	2.0	ViiNAPiRU [BooseDevil] by CoaXCable

disq	Bored by Raynet
	Reason: Scanned photograph, not created by the author himself.

Compo organizer:
Tommi Raulahti (Dr.Doom)

Members of the jury:
Tsvetelina Dimitrova
Matthew Westcolt (Gasman / Hooy-Program)
Ville Heikkilä (viznut / pwp)
Kirmo Kivelä (
Niklas Sjösvärd (zabutom / beepdealers)
Ville Nurmi (Chapelier /

[ Oldskool demo competition ]

Total of 4 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified all
entries to be shown on the big screen.

1	12323p	    Boogie Factor by Fairlight (Commodore 64)
2	6982p	    BoomBoom by aspekt (Commodore 64)
3	6207p	    Treble by RNO (Amiga 500)
4	3330p	    nnn by Cyberpunks Unity (Sinclair Spectrum)

Compo organizer:
Tommi Raulahti (Dr.Doom)

Members of the jury:
Tsvetelina Dimitrova
Matthew Westcolt (Gasman / Hooy-Program)
Ville Heikkilä (viznut / pwp)
Kirmo Kivelä (
Niklas Sjösvärd (zabutom / beepdealers)
Ville Nurmi (Chapelier /


The task of this unofficial compo was to program a demo for the
eight-display LED system mounted on the walls of the Areena.

Following persons participated by submitting their demo to us. Big hand
to these cool guys!

*  Jetro Lauha (tonic/Trauma)
*  Christian Theune (Theuni)
*  Mikko Rasa (Mikkosoft Productions)
*  Markku Uttula
*  Kari Söderholm (Haprog)
*  Lauri Andler (Phantom)
*  Joona Pulliainen (anonymous cowards)


[ Fastfood music competition by ]

Description: Competitors are to present some fastfood-related music,
visible Hesburger products are a definitive bonus. Audience can vote
for the three best.

1	David Hasselhoff Big Band
2	Die Rebels
4	tAAt
3	Bass

[ DVD burning competition by ]

Description: Bring your own DVD! Bring your own burning equipment!

1	Jaffa/bC!
2	Mika/LiveCrew

Other participants were: Spiikki/Nalleperhe, Ryty, Omegas/iEn, 
Ravel/Sleber Eid, DDT/Accession, Nosfe

[ Floppy massage competition (lerpun hieronta) by ]

Description: You are to bring your own mass storage (floppy disk, hard
drive, USB stick) and give it a massage in front of the audience. A
judge/jury will decide the winners.

1	Ryty & Kosti
2	Ravel
3	Fredrik Strömberg
4	Ruohis
5	Ville Laakkonen

[ Rusk eating competition (korpun syönti) by ]

Description: Each competitor must eat five (5) rusks (korppu). The
fastest wins.

1	Truck
2	McLad

Other participants were: Ville Laakkonen, Ruohis, Jeenio, Riku Foxi, 
Aleksi Suutarinen

Disqualified: Ryty (she didn't eat all of them)

[ Performance competition by ]

Description: You have 5 min (or something) to present what ever you
like, in front of TV cameras. Suggestions: singing, dancing, theatre
etc. Audience can vote for the three best.

1	Ryty
2	Setok
3	Tuhokaksikko
4	Sleber Eid
5	Rondo

[ Wireframe 2D Vector Graphics competition by ]

Description: Take one A4 paper sheet and draw straight(!) lines onto
it. Drawings with round lines (circles, curves etc) will be
disqualified! Filled vectors are NOT allowed. Filled vectors are NOT
allowed. Audience can vote for the three best.

1	Chilibaka
2	Kraviz
3	Jeenio
4	KK
5	Exca
6	I
8	McLad
8	DiamonDie

[ Butt Dancing Finnish championship (Pyllytanssin SM) by ]

Description: A dancing competition to some music that is to be decided.

1	Nosfe & Britelite & Thoron


[ Fastest PC by Coolputer ]

Description: Run 3DMark05's benchmark with the default settings, which
are selected when you start the program (Resolution: 1024x768,
Antialising: None, Fixed Framerate: Off). Click on the Run 3DMark
button and enjoy the show. 

1	14025	Ilkka Luoma
		AMD Athlon(tm) 64 3109MHz, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX

2	13350	Jukka Pihlajamäki
		AMD Athlon(tm) 64 2872MHz, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX

3	13137	Sebastian Lindqvist
		AMD Athlon(tm) 64 2878MHz, NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GTX

[ Coolest case by Coolputer ]

Description: The Coolest case of Assembly '05 will be selected by
Coolputer. Originality and manual labor will be appreciated over
prefabricated cases. Only your imagination sets the limit of what can
be considered a computer case - the only requirement is that there is
a working computer inside.

1	Lassi Niemistö (Computer place D17/19)
2	Antti Kinnunen (Computer place D7/10)
3	Jouni Vasama (Computer place E11/3)

[ MBNet diary competition ]

1	Dance Dance Revolution by Kauri Salminen
2	Viimeinen yö by secyrita
3	Yhteismusisointia ulkona by Antti Laaksonen

[ EVTEK Burnout 3 competition ]

1	Mika Venho
2	Petri Uotila
3	Jesse Nurmio

Randomly picked five lucky winners: Johan Kondratjeff,
Riku-Ville Mäkelä, Simo Leppänen, Pekka Pirinen, Jouni Kuusisto

[ ASUS Tattoo competition ]

1	Anri Liikanen
2	Pirre Paananen
3	Emmi Junkkari


[ ASUS Soccer competition ]

1)	Team Panique
	Team members: Rauno Järvinen, Mikko Sillanpää,
	Kosti Jokinen, Mikael Matveinen

2)	Team Eliphänt
	Team members: Olli 'raga' Pahkala, Risto-Matias 'arram' Kuoksa,
	Pekka 'repu' Kurttila, Jonne 'jonesq' Vahtera,
	Ville 'myst' Myllykoski

3)	Team ÖNY
	Team members: Harald Laitinen, Anders Hansson,
	Axel Jordas, Magnus Larsen

[ ASUS Dance Dance Revolution competition ]

1	Joonas "Jka" Kapiainen
2	Kari "Haprog" Söderholm
3	Matti Keskinen

[ Counter-Strike 5-on-5 -- Finland's WCG Qualification Tournament ]

Winner team of this tournament will represent Finland in WCG 2005 
finals held in Singapore.

1	Astralis
	Team members: Hagelberg Nico (NicoustiE), Puumala Tino (Tih0p),
	Leppänen Joona (Natu), Nyman Niklas (BloodR), 
	Siukola Arto (Guardian)

2	Serenget
	Team members: Kärkkäinen Masi (Hrs-), Rehnström Stefan (CarnE-),
	Westerlund Juha (Odiouz-), Hyttinen Aku (Ducktr-),
	Räty Ilmari (Dontsu), Valjakka Juha (Zink)

3	Team Wings
	Team members: Mäkinen Ilkka (Barrack), Kuparinen Janne (Kuppi),
	Kovanen Tomi (Lurppis), Kovanen Niko (NaSu), 
	Mäkinen Antti (Shiri)

	Team members: Luhtapuro Toni (ToNppa), Salmi Olli (Kononen),
	Aspe Oskari (Ruuit), Salmela Antti (Ana), 
	Sajakoski Juuso (ContE)

[ Counter-Strike: Source 5-on-5 ]

1	hausfrau
	Team members: Santanen Tuukka (Deemi), Heiskanen Niklas (N1kke),
	Laine Tatu (Tattz), Karhula Pekka (Krootti),
	Erkko Hemmo (Albbis), Peltovirta Juho (CykloN)

2	Code42
	Team members: Koivisto Juho (Topsikrt), Kuhlman Jami (Sprada),
	Mustajärvi Juha-Matti (Outcider), Ruohola Juho (Baa),
	Pääjärvi Juha (Beetle), Varjoranta Henri (Guuggeli)

3	Anykey
	Team members: Vainio Esa (Backspace), Kupiainen Eetu (Scroll Lock),
	Tolonen Juha (Alt.Gr), Hämäläinen Jaakko ($),
	Laine Jyri (Esc)

	Team members: Lahtinen Joonas (Expose), Lehtonen Petteri (P3tteri),
	Koski Kimmo (Rainzz), Valkonen Juho (Flu-), 
	Keränen Jani (Electron)

[ Warcraft 3: The Frozen Thorne -- Finland's WCG Qualification Tournament ]

Winner of this tournament will represent Finland in WCG 2005 
finals held in Singapore.

1	Liukka Veli-Matti (Leijonamieli)
2	Mäkelä Janne Oiva Ilmari (Cast)
3	Hämäläinen Wennu (WeMMu)
3	Parikka Joona (Konna)

[ The Most Innovative Entry awarded by Alternative Party ry ]

Bribing You With Oil by FLO from the 64k intro competition

[ Game development competition ]

Total of 9 entries were submitted to this competition. CompoCrew screened
the entries and qualified all of them to participate.

1	10074p	Kumoon by Mayoneez and the Boyz (Windows)
2	6900p	Skies by Aukiogames (Windows)
3	5093p	Pogo Sticker by tAAt 2005 (Windows)
4	4846p	Factory Pinball by XZM (Windows)
5	1886p	TunnelRace by Mikkosoft Productions (Linux)
6	1425p	Springy by Tomasz Dobrowolski (Windows)
7	1046p	HiddenLynx by Mayoneez (Windows)
8	892p	Thurst by Juha-Pekka Jokela (Windows / MorphOS)
9	544p	Bubbly by Joel "Bylkki" Pitkänen (Windows)

Compo organizer:
Mikko Sivulainen (sivu / Byterapers)
Johannes Heinonen (Hieronymus)
Matti Tiainen (Tundrah / RNO)

[ Browser demo competition ]

Total of 10 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 7
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 2.8 to 4.1
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	5967p	Redbug by Shingebis
2	4486p	the drop by komplex
3	4390p	pure javascript demo by IKU
4	4023p	Neja by ribbon + bomb
5	3552p	Scene of Life by Inapt & Static
6	3299p	I,Mofo by Pyrotech
7	2780p	Etsin unelmaa by CND GROUP

n/a	2.1	Skeidas! Tai kuinka lakkasin välittämästä ja rakastuin lonkeroihin by MukaSmarts
n/a	2.0	Flash Asylum by Exca & Poro
n/a	1.1	Tets by ReiLKan / Kuake	

Compo organizers:
Antti Kiuru (H7 / Damones)
Ferrix Hovi (ferrix)

Members of the jury:
Hannu Pelkonen (hannu_)
Jalmari Raippalinna (Jalava / Static)
Henri Sarasvirta (Exca)
Petri Sarasvirta (poro_)
Markku Uttula (UTU / DiscoNova) 

[ Mobile demo competition ]

Total of 6 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified all
entries to be shown on the big screen.

1	6742p	FormFunk by The Rocket / Sonik Clique (Windows Mobile on Dell Axim X50v)
2	6492p	PORTMEIRION STATE by Matt Current (Nintendo Game Boy Advance)
3	5242p	Perkele Plus+ by Contraz, Excess & Portal Process (Java on Sony Ericsson K700i)
4	3107p	Back in Time by Hedelmae (Linux on First Technology PXA-3)
5	2695p	Zados 2000 by HiRMU (Java on Nokia 3100)
6	2310p	Experiment: Imhotep by mfx (Java on Sony Ericsson K300i)

Compo organizer:
Ville Vatén (wiba)

Members of the jury:
Pekka Mäenpää (xybo)
James Reilly (Nokia NRC)
Risto Hietala (astrax)
Juuso Salmijärvi (Deck / Scoopex)
Bent Stamnes (gloom / excess)

[ Short film competition ]

Total of 17 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury disqualified
two entries and qualified 12 entries for the big screen. Non-qualified
entries are ranked according to average jury points. Points for qualified
entries ranged from 1.9 to 4.4 (out of maximum of 5.0).

1	10422p	Get Inspired by maxon
2	4544p	Porrasturvat for Stairstation 360 Live Revolution by tAAt 2005
3	4186p	ToyZone by Random&Phaser
4	3762p	The Last Hope - Viimeinen toivo by miesmacher
5	3150p	Liquid Crystal by Hedelmae
6	2390p	Seppo: The Smoke-Gubbe by HOViNET team
7	1719p	bzm=10y by Accession
8	1348p	Netbusters by Diskrecovery Channel
9	1157p	Loop by DiFFART
10	1133p	Iisalmi - demojen ja oluen kaupunki traileri by Byterapers Movie Productions
11	896p	Dweebs High by Grendel / Überfinns / Byterapers Movie Productions Indie Label
12	713p	Super 8 by sivu

n/a	1.3	Maamies ja sokeripala by Avaruuskauppiaat
n/a	1.2	Offroad2005 by Grani boyz
n/a	1.0	Rakkautta @ ASM05 (feat ;ESA ja ;ISMO) by IriXe + muut

disq	Millä Silmällä? by #Risteys Productions
	Reason: Inappropriate material.

disq	KORCH-FU by Innovators
	Reason: Copyrighted music.

Compo organizers:
Antti Kiuru (H7 / Damones)
Ferrix Hovi (ferrix)

Members of the jury:
Jami Karvanen (Jameitsi /
Joona Poikonen (McLad / tAAt, grin)
Patrik Johansson
Jaakko Setälä (JJaska / Assembly Organizing)
Jussi Hämäläinen (CountZero / Assembly Organizing)
Mirva Salminen
Paula Terho (phoola /
Anssi Rautio (Grin)
Kristian Viding (koovee / Welhofilmi)
Sauli Lehtinen (sauli / jumalauta)
Pilvari Pirtola (nosfe / madwizards)

[ 64k intro competition ]

Total of 14 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 11
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 1.7 to 4.1
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	9173p	Che Guevara by Fairlight (Windows)
2	7365p	Flight 666 by Loonies (Windows)
3	6538p	Origami by Juippi, Trilkk and Warma (Linux)
4	6361p	Fiat Homo by Traction (Windows)
5	1804p	Suboceanic by Tomkh (Windows)
6	1310p	Vital by Aspekt (Linux)
7	954p	Bustro by pxag (Windows)
8	795p	Function `05 Invitation by Racers (Windows)
9	744p	Another day of Lil Drolley by Abhorus (Windows)
10	540p	Black / White by Rozware (Windows)
11	438p	bribing you with oil! by flo (Windows)
12	295p	Lodi by immersion (Mac OS X)

n/a	1.5	Pappamopo 2 by TVT (Windows)
n/a	1.3	iD (aidii) by Mr. Hellaaa (Windows)
n/a	1.0	Dutch by Jumalauta (Windows)

Compo organizers:
Mikko Sivulainen (sivu / Byterapers)
Matti Tiainen (Tundrah / RNO)

Members of the jury:
Regina Webhofer
Kim Viljanen (Digikim / Assembly Organizing)
Miika Väre (Assembly LiveCrew)
Ville Halonen (dahakon / sisu)
Jani Hyvärinen (inajo / sisu)
Mika Hyvönen (Mikron / Byterapers)
Juulia Talvitie (Elfrey / Sisu)

[ Demo competition ]

Total of 17 entries were submitted to this competition. Jury qualified 15
entries for the big screen. Non-qualified entries are ranked according to
average jury points. Points for qualified entries ranged from 2.4 to 5.0
(out of maximum of 5.0).

1	9989p	Iconoclast by Andromeda Software Development (Windows)
2	6015p	STS-04: Instant Zen by Synesthetics (Windows)
3	5043p	Don't Stop by Portal Process (Windows)
4	2847p	The Line Age by Trauma (Windows)
5	2577p	Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation by Ananasmurska (Windows)
6	2187p	Contamination of The Present Governmental System by Matt Current (Windows)
7	2093p	Tannhäuser Gate by Cubicle (Windows)
8	1121p	No Trace by RRE (Windows)
9	1063p	Imaginations by Dope (Windows)
10	965p	The Apparatus by Division (Windows)
11	900p	My Diamond Mind Broken by Outbreak (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X)
12	810p	Into The 0:0:255 by Unknown Artists (Windows)
13	622p	Club Null by wAMMA (Windows)
14	546p	Unknown Entity by proMille deZign (Windows)
15	482p	pyromanssi - pyromance by tAAt (Windows)

n/a	2.4	Blokkig by blinkenlichten (Mac OS X)
n/a	1.2	The tunnel of dreams by paistis (Linux)

Compo organizer:
Matti Tiainen (Tundrah / RNO)
Mikko Sivulainen (sivu / Byterapers)

Members of the jury:
Joona Poikonen  (McLad / tAAt, Grin)
Simo ViroKannas (Phaser / DHFC, Grin, tAAt)
Andrew Belgium (Sir Garbagetruck / Accession)
Bent Stamnes (gloom / excess)