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File size:
89 632 bytes (87.53K)
File date:
2005-07-29 23:16:12
Download count:
all-time: 2 389

Screenshot (by pouë



Monstah - 4k intro for Linux

  Code & stuff
    Hipo / Lonely Coders (Hannu Saransaari, hsaransa at cc dot hut dot fi)

  Music & some ideas like negative bits to reduce size, I didn't have time to
  implement that one thought :-(
    Sanxion (Mikko Hyyryläinen, mikko dot hyyrylainen at pp1 dot inet dot fi)


Intro uses /dev/dsp for audio (OSS) and extracts itself to ./o before running
so current directory should be writable.

Intro is quite a hack and may not work on all machines but works at least on
my development machine:
  Intel Celeron M 1,3 GHz
  512 MB
  Mesa for OpenGL (software renderer)

  Linux 2.6.10 (with some Gentoo's patching)
  gcc 3.3.5 (possibly some Gentoo's patching, not sure)
  glibc 2.3.4
  Xorg 6.7.0
  SDL 1.2.8

Intro doesn't check or report errors but if error is in SDL, you might get
it by running intro with 'SDL_DEBUG=1 ./oeoe'.

Raw source code (not just everything you need to compile intro but most of
the files in development directory with the right extension) is released with
intro for learning so please, don't copy-paste anything directly. Notice also
that source code is optimized so gcc would generate assembler that would pack
more efficiently with gzip and this makes code quite ugly in few places. If
you have something to ask, best way to get answer is probably IRC.