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"Symphony 2004 Invitation Demo"
by Plastic and Madwizards
completed 22.06.2004 at 13:52 (GMT)
Version 1.08b
this is a directX 9 card demo
physics code...........Maq
additional code......Balon
additional code......Desab
additional gfx......Azzaro
symphony logo.........Rork
music..........Kenji Kawai
Symphony'2004 party will take place
in Poznan Poland
divx version at
nvidia shader path added
Windows 9x owners can now watch
our demo but it is designed for win2k
notice that antialiasing and anisotropy
settings are set to max. this
production is best viewed while these
parameters are set to maximum values
but on low-end and middle-end cards
the demo is most enjoyable when those
parameters are set to none
you can spread this package as long
as it will be copied with this file
we take no responsibility for any damage
that may occure to your computer while
running this production
try to not use optimized third-party
graphics device drivers
the demo is tested with vendor specified
when you encounter any problems while
loading/running this prod don't
be afraid to write:
plastic [at] kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl