File Archive

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File size:
2 313 333 bytes (2.21M)
File date:
2004-10-05 23:09:26
Download count:
all-time: 1 280

Screenshot (by pouë



  • gbaslideshow-final.gba 4.44M
  • readme.txt 140B
  • release.nfo 2.41K
  • VisualBoyAdvance.exe 1.27M


   northern         |              //              |
     dragons!       | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |
   _.    .     .::. | _.     _..___. _.    _. _.   ._    _.   ._  _.
  /(___  :   .::  ::|/(_____/(_|   |/(__  /(_/(_____)\  /(_____)\/(___  .   .
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     \/             |                              |                 \/
                    | :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: |dbrn^ACiD^imp!

Code: Guybrush (with some advice from Loopy)
Gfx: Patrick Groove
Zik: Soul D
Moral Support, caffeine: Polaris
group: Northern Dragons

Pilgrimage 2004 GBA Slideshow (Final)

              :fun fact:
Coded entirely at the party place, with pictures
from the party.

best viewed on the hardware itself: a GBA SP
however Visual Boy Advance is also acceptable.

use emulators for good, not evil!