File Archive

File download


File size:
120 168 bytes (117.35K)
File date:
2004-08-29 23:10:30
Download count:
all-time: 2 220

Screenshot (by pouë



  • sapph-fire/ dir
  • sapph-fire/README.txt 1.11K
  • sapph-fire/sapph-fire 3.99K
  • sapph-fire/sapph-fire.exe 42.60K
  • sapph-fire/SDL.dll 224.00K


0x80 presents:


                                                          released at evoke 2004


  - A relatively up-to-date computer (1GHz)
  - 3D accelerator (handelsuebliche GeForce 4)
  - Linux with SDL
  - A guineapig could also help

Credits (alphabetically):

  - Drake      music
  - Juhees     graphics and compression
  - t0t0       cake and ideas (and coffee mug)
  - Tob        sound tools and playback engine

Respect and thanks:

  - FIT/Bandwagon
  - Conspiracy
  - Farb-Rausch
  - Never
  - Hugi
  - digitale Kultur e.V for this great party and the nearly perfect organization


Hi! This is our first release. At the time we began to code this intro, we never
thought that we would end up with less than 4096 bytes, but as you see we just
reached 4083 bytes and we don't have anymore ideas what to do :)
Well, we hope you'll enjoy watching this intro in 4k. Just sit back, drink some
beer or coke and look at the fabulous splines made by Juhees.

P.S: A preliminary windows port made in 30 minutes at the party is included.