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\_ / / /\ \ /___. / / _ _____ / / . /| .__/
/ / /_/ _ /_/ _/ / / /_/ / / _/ / / _/ /_| /\
/ \ ______/________\ ____\________\_______\ /\ /\ \_______ / \
/ \(. \/ \/ \/ \/ .)/ \
/________________________\_ a n d _/________________________\
\ \____________________/ /
\ /
\ .::::::::::::. ____ /
\ ::::' ':::: __________ ____/ /\ ____ /
\ :::: ::::/ __ /\/ / / / / /\ /
\________:::: :::/ /\/ / / / / /___/ /_________/
| :::: ::/ /_/ / / /\ \/ _\___\/ |
.:| :::: :/_________/ /___/ /\___\ /___/\ |:.
. ::::| ::::. .:\_________\/\___\/ \___\\___\/ |::::.
:::::| '::::::::::::' |::::
.::::| /\ _ |::::::.
.:::::| ____/ \__ / \ |::::'
::::| are proud to present: \ / / _ _ |::::.
.::::| \ / \__/ |::::::.
''| - Chernobee! / \ |''
...| /___ ___\ |
| |_____________________________//________\ /_________________|
| | \/ :.
| .About our | .well, chernobee... yeah the .:
| .production: | name is quite funny that's :.
| | why whe selected that. .:
|.............................| In this small 4K intro we :.
:. wanted to try something new .:
.: obviously we are not talking about something FANCY and such:.
:. but we wanted to build our stuff with the exclusive use of .:
.: good old underrated beziers. :.
:..This production could look senseless (as the thing i am .:
.: currently writing) but every small detail has been studied :.
:. psychologically talking. .:
.: We tried to use colors and images that could resemble sex :.
:. and stuff linked to reproduction, yeah that sounds somehow .:
.: strange but that's what attract people more, just think :.
:. about the great number of adverts or demos that .:
.: have been able to increase their popularity thanks to :.
:. naked gals, sexual allusions and stimulant colors (pink, .:
.: red and many other hot colors in general). :.
:. The demo ends with the image of a Bee and a Flower, a .:
.: good old image that everybody has saw in childhood and :.
:. that could sumarize to the basics "the meaning of life" .:
.: (That's just: ABOUT FUCKING!) :.
/ \
/ \
| | :.
| .Technical Stuff: | .We developed this entire .:
| | intro just using beziers :.
|.............................| for everything: from building.:
:. objects to defining paths :.
.: for camera and objects movements. In this release was .:
:. included a very small sound engine that plays a little :.
.: song by rosseaux. :
: The project was entirely coded using masm32 and .:
:. packed with 20to4 (http://www.20to4.net). :.
.: .:
/ \
/ \
| | :.
| .Credits and | .Code, Models and Design: .:
| .Greetins: | las/3d^0ok :.
|.............................| i would like to thank .:
:. everybody who helped me at :.
.: party; this is my first 4k try :) .:
:. .Models: :.
.: dbrn/ACiD^3d^imp .:
:. I would like to thank all my friends from crew and not :.
.: expecially Limo that supported me, las and Skizo, and .:
:. Slash if he will bring pussy to the party; Camel, Xanax & :.
.: Red Bull %) .:
:. .Music: :.
.: rosseaux .:
/ \
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ascii by