File Archive

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File size:
510 358 bytes (498.40K)
File date:
2004-08-29 23:10:30
Download count:
all-time: 1 452

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • don-ohase/ dir
  • don-ohase/don-ohase.png 175.20K
  • don-ohase/ohase.nfo 1.50K
  • don-ohase/steps/ dir
  • don-ohase/steps/ostep1.jpg 40.21K
  • don-ohase/steps/ostep2.jpg 141.44K
  • don-ohase/steps/ostep3.jpg 83.63K
  • don-ohase/steps/ostep4.jpg 89.86K


         _(      )
        (_  HEE! _)           ________ 
         (_     _)           /       /-----------------+     _  _
   ______  (___) _          _\   ___/.__  ______  .___.:     \\//
  \\_ __ \      (_)    ___ \\_   _/  |  \/  ___/__|   |_    \(o0)/
     \  \ \           / __\  /   :   |   \  \|    :   //_     "" 
      \  \ \      O  / /   \ \___.       /        .   _  \_     
       \    \    ΓΈ  / /    / >>>>|______/\________|___/   /_    
        \   _\_,.._/_   /\/  ________                /_____/    
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        /     \  /      \     /   /|   .  |/  \_   |   \ | :||  :||   :|(_)
        \      \/ __    /     \____.   :       /   :    \| :||  .||   .||\|
     \\__\   _   | :|  /__//  /   \|   |      /         /|__||___||____| 
    -     \_(_)--|__|_/     - \     ___|_____/\________/ (__)(___)(____)
    . _       _/\_        _ .  \____\------------------+  
       \      \__/       /                         
        \____   _  _____/       ff fuu cckk yyuo !! !

    artist    don
    title     the wild adventures of the sexy, female ohase (fictitious)
    software  blender3d 2.34

    okay, i've done this one in a rush, one day before the party started.
    anyway, bad ohase fanart is better than no ohase fanart at all.
    _  _