File Archive

File download


File size:
105 645 bytes (103.17K)
File date:
2003-06-21 23:03:38
Download count:
all-time: 2 550

Screenshot (by pouë



  • file_id.diz 369B
  • Nature-One 51.24K
  • Nature-One.txt 1.23K
  • Nature-One.uncr 86.00K


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| |  |__/|:.|__| |:.| |  !  |  |__)__ .:| |
| `--'   `--'    `--' `-----'--' [cf]`--' |
`-------------- - presents - -------------'

                  [ One ]

        Released at Underscore 2003
 Amiga 64k intro (req: AGA/020+/FPU/8MB)

| Requirements

Hardware requirements: AGA, 020+, FPU, 8 MB fastmem
 - Only viewable on 060 though, too much muls and fpu code :)
 - Run SetPatch before starting the intro

| Info

Use OxyPatcher for some speedup!

Tested on:
 - A1200/Blizzard1260

If the intro runs super slow (like 1 fps) try removing your PCMCIA card
Try the uncrunched exe if the normal one fails, which uses NatCracker =)

| Credits 

Yomat:     Spline-code
           Triangle filler
           Complex mathfunctions
           C2P (Chunky to planar)

Pezac:     Raycaster
           Intro system
           Technical design

Pipe:      Texture packer
           Executable cruncher

C-Frog:    Music

Malmis:    Textures
           Technical design

Rex:       3d modelling
           Scene design

| Special thanks to

 Scicco/Scarab, for being an absolute friend met through the scene and
  for him always being helpful and friendly!

 Psycho/Loonies, for letting us use his optimized c2p in the developing
  system for ham8 effects. The developer system works with a system screen
  and our own c2p didn't work with the system on :)