File Archive

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File size:
2 605 bytes (2.54K)
File date:
2003-07-31 23:02:14
Download count:
all-time: 2 812



   Results for the Animation compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    ROBOTICS                       JUNK
   2.    Loo                            Jeppe Walther (aka Waltari of TUBA)
   3.    Det rager os en høstblomst     terranigma
   4.    God plays Tetris               Laxity
   5.    "Obsolete - The Wild"          Jakob & Reflex

   Results for the Demo compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    Caisson                        TBC
   2.    Aura for Laura                 SoopaDoopa
   3.    Fuel                           Mainloop
   4.    gxpzkiiick                     pipidemic
   5.    ELG                            oDD
   6.    Rob's birthday \o/             random dutch scener (not ile)

   Results for the Fast Music compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    oRaNGe                         oRaNGe
   2.    det varme kilo                 Toxic Child
   3.    pirkanmaan itsenäisyys eix     jees / jUMALAUTA!
         ilonen kovaydin ookin vitun
   4.    Skrebbel named this song       Ivar obviously featuring leia
         `beer` 0-day

   Results for the Graphics compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    A known scener (Mr. H)         johs
   2.    Uhmm musk musk                 sodiaz - terranigma
   3.    Release Me                     Trenox of JUNK
   4.    Transporter                    DFeKT
   5.    snowmen                        pezz
   6.    Dude - Where is my Truck       YenZen, mainloop
   7.    Control                        Chekov
   8.    Dude på dino                   mazh
   9.    Møgteknologi                   Mogens / Loonies
   10.   Kast penner på Ivar            Kusma

   Results for the Intro compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    ÜberNuss                       Mainloop
   2.    S.A.T.A.N.                     Alien Prophets

   Results for the Tracked Music compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    Puppet Master                  oRaNGe
   2.    Den Kendte Gosu Stil           BUDDA-X & Fitnak
   3.    The Viper                      Toxic Child

   Results for the Streaming Music compo

   Plc   Title                          Credit
   1.    Cherish it                     JoaCHIP & 1010
   2.    Beyobd the Frontiers           Puryx
   3.    Obsolete                       Reflex of Loopit
   4.    My Anger Swiftly Softens       Prozac of Machinery

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