File Archive

File download


File size:
23 655 218 bytes (22.56M)
File date:
2003-08-31 23:02:45
Download count:
all-time: 1 151


  • Buenzli.12.Opening_(divx505).avi 23.35M
  • Buenzli.12.Opening_(divx505).txt 1.40K
  • file_id.diz 114B


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V A N T A G E  &  F R I E N D S  P R E S E N T :
                          B U E N Z L I  1 2  O P E N I N G  V I D E O
High quality DivX 5.05 video which  was finish right at the partyplace
in Winterthur/Switzerland.  This video was shown as during the opening
ceremony of Buenzli 12. 

Edited and produced by ................................ Unlock/Vantage
Additional support ............................... Weasel/Padua/CAP TV
Soundtrack ......................................... Skyrunner/Vantage
Additional rendering performed by ............................ CCP/USA
Includes videoclip by ..................... Bastel/Vantage and CCP/USA
aswell as ......................... captured Buenzli-Wilddemo-Releases
and ...................................... pictures from

Full credits are featured in the video itself.

H T T P : / / W W W . B U E N Z . L I

                              H T T P : / / W W W . V A N T A G E . CH