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File size:
106 365 bytes (103.87K)
File date:
2003-06-02 23:04:36
Download count:
all-time: 662

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • BEASTIE.GBA 222.67K
  • DOKU.TXT 2.59K




I knew I had some gba slide show maker, and I know that I have the skills to make slides

so I decided to make a Beastie Boys Slide Show.



gbaslide v0.2 by




Since it is dealing with just images, I had to make it worth getting even though it

doesn't have sound. The 5 different slides are accessed by pressing left and right

on the D-Pad. All of the pictures were made using only photoshop. Here is how I made

the slides

The first one is my favorite, It is an all your base-esque picture with the same colors

as the original Zero Wing game. First, I opened a screenshot of Cats (the main enemy guy)

saying "All your base are belong to us". I then found a picture of the beastie boys which

had the color scheme that would work with only 16 color depth. I changes its resolution

to match that of Cat's, and touched it up with the Hue & Saturation so that their clothes

were purple and that the're faces were green. I made the screenshot from Zero Wing have

indexed color, so that I wouldn't be adding any others beyond the initial 16 when I copied

the B-Boys picture over. I replaced the picture of Cats with my picture and the colors

came down to 16. A lot of this looked very screwed up. I had to re-draw pixel by pixel

many parts that didn't look right. Then I added the orange background. Finally, I was

ready to make the new phrase "Beastie Boys: All your bass are belong to us". That was

fairly simple. The only hard part was guessing what a letter "I" would look like.


The other pix are just my interpretations of each individual Beastie. I actually made

6 in all, but on just didn't look right to me. My favorite out of those would have to be

Yauch and "Free To Bet", even though I couldn't find a color scheme I really liked.


The last step was to save all of the pictures as 256 color bitmaps and run gbaslide.

Gbaslide is a very simple program that you just run all your pix through, choose the

transition effect (I chose none because it kept screwing up when I tried others), and it

created a *.gba file for you. I don't suggest using it yourself unless you're a real

newbie when it comes to programming (such as me) because it leaves about a 2 pixel wide

stripe of crap at the bottom of your pictures. For some reason, my BS2000 picture is the

only one that stayed sane. I used VisulaBoy to test my rom since I don't own a Flash Linker.

So, like I said, flash it to a blank gba cart, start it up,  and press left or right on

the D-Pad to select pictures.