File Archive

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File size:
9 021 bytes (8.81K)
File date:
2003-01-28 23:04:17
Download count:
all-time: 4 629


                     _____               _____               .______.
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 |                                                                    |
 |      0     a     0     0     0     h      2     0     0     3      |
_|_ _ - -------------------------------------------------------- - _ _|_
 |///-/---- -  - 24.-26.1.2003 - Spiegelberg-Jux/Germany - - ---/-////|
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC Demo                                                        |
 |                                                                    |
 | 107   feenrausch (ainc.)                                           | 
 | 101   Resonance (Sundancer Inc.)                                   | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC 64K Intro                                                   |
 |                                                                    |
 | 110   Singing In The Rain (SquoQuo)                                | 
 |  75   fr-024: welcome to...breakpoint 2003 (farbrausch)            | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC 4K Intro                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 | 100   hi freaks (black maiden)                                     | 
 |  84   Hirngespinnst (T$)                                           | 
 |  74   catkin (downlords)                                           | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC 256b Intro                                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 |  94   lensbounce 1k/4 (n0y / NEVER)                                | 
 |  71   Sinusbars forever (Taz/FDJ)                                  | 
 |  64   blaue.quadrat.bewegung ([neo] / ByTeGeiZ)                    | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC 64b Intro                                                   |
 |                                                                    |
 |  84   fr0.1: constant evolution (ryg/farbrausch)                   | 
 |  39   Triplet 64 (T$)                                              | 
 |  38   kreise im netz (n0y / NEVER)                                 | 
 |  35   PlatzAngst (wasiliy / ByTeGeiZ)                              | 
 |  22   Backnang (hackfetz and Jotzie)                               | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC 32b Intro                                                   |
 |                                                                    |
 |  73   ew (ctulhu)                                                  | 
 |  45   redhype ([neo] / ByTeGeiZ)                                   | 
 |  40   Triple 32 (T$)                                               | 
 |  27   craptro32 (n0y / NEVER)                                      | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC Textmode Demo                                               |
 |                                                                    |
 | 117   tr - 08 (textrausch)                                         | 
 |  71   loaderbar (anti^fake)                                        | 
 |  61   Suicide (Kojote/Sueño/ByTeGeiZ)                              | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| OGG                                                            |
 |                                                                    |
 |  47   industrielle volksmusik (muhmac)                             | 
 |  43   Natives go rock (Skyrunner^Vantage)                          | 
 |  40   fantastic circle (spiral mix) (funky)                        | 
 |  35   sin (0a000h) (op3rator/centric/sueño)                        | 
 |  27   DJ ThUmB - The Sun Over Jux (ThUmB / HeadcrasH)              | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| PC Speaker                                                     |
 |                                                                    |
 | 114   PC-SPEAKER-GROOVE (Topy44, manx)                             | 
 |  70   Alle meine Entchen (Kojote/Sueño/ByTeGeiZ)                   | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| Happy Hardcore                                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |  67   Killing da Quietscheente (Skyrunner^Vantage)                 | 
 |  52   tSb-dj (dj kluntje)                                          | 
 |  31   modern f***ing (zounds)                                      | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| Shitmusic                                                      |
 |                                                                    |
 |  61   Alohol (Kojote/Sueño/ByTeGeiZ)                               | 
 |  53   meine quelle (scamp / vacuum + familie)                      | 
 |  34   käse-wienerle (bugger/SquoQuo)                               | 
 |  32   Fröhlich (vs. Alfred J. Quak) (somnium/sueño)                | 
 |  14   Happy Crappy (Hopper/SquoQuo)                                | 
 |  14   Pc-Speaker-Fake (Skyrunner^Vantage)                          | 
 |   7   auf die knie (op3rator^centric^sueño)                        | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| Pixel graphics                                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |  96   8 million miles (Fzool/Salva Mea/SDS)                        | 
 |  79   Lion (somnium/sueño)                                         | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| Raytraced graphics                                             |
 |                                                                    |
 |  58   das ding 006 (yamato)                                        | 
 |  52   Drehbankbeeren (mbb)                                         | 
 |  40   abstract476 (muhmac)                                         | 
 |  37   Ich bin mir echt für nichts zu schade (D.Fox)                | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| ASCII graphics                                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |  71   Mortal Wombat (Zerlh / ByTeGeiZ)                             | 
 |  52   zeichenspass auf der 0a000h (dipswitch/blackmaiden)          | 
 |  36   0a000h (Kami/Chemical Reaction)                              | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| ANSI graphics                                                  |
 |                                                                    |
 |  77   Lollyvote (Kojote/Sueño/ByTeGeiZ)                            | 
 |  72   ANSI Forever (Kami/Chemical Reaction)                        | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| lookalike                                                      |
 |                                                                    |
 |  56   DasTier (DasTier)                                            | 
 |  46   Verschdl (Verschdl)                                          | 
 |  35   Delax (Delax)                                                | 
 |  28   Scamp (Scamp)                                                | 
 |                                                                    |
 | _\| Fast size coding                                               |
 |                                                                    |
 |  12   schach (hackfetz and jotzie)                                 |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                                    |
 |                                                      |
_|_ _   _                                                      _   _ _|_
 .             - logo & design by dipswitch/blackmaiden -             .

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