File Archive

File download


File size:
6 075 bytes (5.93K)
File date:
2002-02-25 23:04:26
Download count:
all-time: 498


  • [...].exe 8.00K
  • readme.txt 757B


[ hacked together 8k (due to no packer and assembler here, should be 4k) ]


T3F - The Third Founation

	-- [...] --

    released at Woest 2k2, intro competition... 
    keep in mind this was coded at the party 
    place in about 5 hours.

    code: Awak

    greetz to the following people & groups.

	 - aardbei
	 - farbrausch
	 - solar group
	 - trepaan
	 - tbl
	 - haujobb
	 - guideline
	 - nicowyow
	 - shogun
	 - myst
	 - sabre
	 - quoz
	 - ritz

    Final version should be online soon, which will 
    be packed in 4k. downloadable at
