File Archive

File download


File size:
15 908 493 bytes (15.17M)
File date:
2002-12-30 23:06:13
Download count:
all-time: 2 179

Screenshot (by pouë



  • adrenalin.sar 19.96M
  • events.scr 0B
  • ims.dll 99.50K
  • nga.out 2.31K
  • README.txt 411B
  • Triage7.exe 1.56M


T R I A G E 7

This Demo is ment to be our 11 years 
celebration demo and was first shown
at the TUM 2002 Wild Competition.

Please notice that this demo is a 
100% PC Realtime Demo and nothing else
and was only put into the Wild Competition
for the reason that this is only a fun demo
and that it is much to big for the pc demo
size limitation.

signed aeg/smash-designs 2002