File Archive

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File size:
1 095 220 bytes (1.04M)
File date:
2002-12-30 23:06:13
Download count:
all-time: 1 327


  • Dxn-mamc.mo3 1.12M
  • file_id.diz 1.60K



		make a man cry

                dixan & unclex
             spinning kids vs mfx

        T.U.M. multichannel competition
           2002   mannheim   germany 

the following bytes can be intended as info file

 Dudes , this  is  the last  multichannel  tune 
 dixan is  going  to release  for a competition,
 it's time to use these machines for  something 
 more interesting, after 10 years of protracker
 like programs.Expect more oggs, mp3 or renoise
 tunes in the future!

 Detailed infos:

 This tune has been produced using Fast Tracker
 2, mostly  with  samples coming from kiarchive
 and slightly modified by me on Sound Forge.
 The original  tune was 6 megs, so I decided to 
 compress it in mo3 format. 
 You'll find a  translator to  the  original XM
 file format at 

 now, get some notes to contact us:
 web :

 I guess this is all you expected from this txt



AreYouStillAlive /PK ? final words by pan

 Working on the design, I was inspired by the 
 book "Ubik" and the short novel "Misadjustment"
 both from Philip K. Dick (1928-1982).