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File size:
4 593 bytes (4.49K)
File date:
2002-04-30 23:02:29
Download count:
all-time: 2 196


                             React 2oo2 results

                           Results for Demo compo

   Rank     Production          By      1st votes 2nd votes 3rd votes Scores
   ---- ------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- ------
     1. Edge of forever     ASD                30         2         0     94
     2. Blue Wire           ASD                 2        13         3     35
     3. Superksys           nlogn               1        12         5     32
     4. oXen                jObo                0         2         9     13
     5. Tinad               Nasty Bugs          0         1        11     13
     6. Peacekeeperz        ^gfx                0         3         5     11

                      Results for Tracked music compo

   Rank     Production          By      1st votes 2nd votes 3rd votes Scores
   ---- ------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- ------
     1. Athens 2044         RomeoKnight         8         4         5     37
     2. Nagina              Thor                4         6         5     29
     3. Welcome             Heroes              2         8         2     24
     4. Voices of sinister  aMUSiC              6         2         1     23
     5. Excursion           Palmuter            4         2         1     17
     6. Rising souls 2      Cj Dib              3         2         4     17
     7. Bleep me!           Bad Sector          2         3         5     17
     8. Dark != Evil        Apomakros           3         1         5     16
     9. Angelic tears       Arcanum             2         4         1     15
    10. Power of perception moT                 1         3         2     11
    11. Keep up             Amigo               1         0         2      5
    12. Lonely walk         Da Medron           0         1         3      5

                        Results for MP3 music compo

   Rank     Production          By      1st votes 2nd votes 3rd votes Scores
   ---- ------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- ------
     1. Man with red face   Nec                10         1         2     34
     2. Up and Down         Real Creations      8         3         2     32
     3. Pulse               Galactic            5         3         5     26
     4. FAK 32              Akira               1         5         8     21
     5. Yoga                Screw               0         9         3     21
     6. Breakpoints in time Fubyo               3         3         2     17
     7. Dongle              Dousk               2         1         1      9
     8. Flying above the
        earth after death   Cyto                0         2         2      6
     9. Aftertouch          Weird Alchemy       0         2         2      6
    10. Let your heart fly
        your body           Spyweirdos          0         0         2      2

                         Results for Graphics compo

   Rank     Production          By      1st votes 2nd votes 3rd votes Scores
   ---- ------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- ------
     1. By the call of the
        moon                Amoivikos           9         3         2     35
     2. deserted(Beta)      iM                  2         5         3     19
     3. Cover your eyes     da                  4         2         0     16
     4. Karma               Alias Medron        2         2         4     14
     5. Milk                Degrysin            1         3         4     13
     6. Ufo                 Optimus             0         2         1      5
     7. door                Real Creations      0         1         1      3
     8. kiki                nEo                 0         0         3      3

                        Results for Wild demo compo

   Rank     Production          By      1st votes 2nd votes 3rd votes Scores
   ---- ------------------- ----------- --------- --------- --------- ------
     1. I want to be a      Mogwai
        demoscener          Productions        11         8         0     49
     2. Optimus-meddle      ASD                 5         8         2     33
     3. 3D                  Real Creations      3         3         5     20
     4. Nothing special     Alias Medron/Padua  0         0        10     10
     5. The project
        infofreak           Optimus             0         0         1      1
     6. Photos              Optimus             0         0         1      1

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