File Archive

File download


File size:
7 110 bytes (6.94K)
File date:
2002-10-03 23:03:11
Download count:
all-time: 2 004


****                                                                       ****
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****    Outerbrains 2k2                                                    ****
****                                                                       ****
****                                                                       ****
****                   Demo's                                              ****
****                                                                       ****
****                                                                       ****
****                            27,28 and 29 September 2002, Etten-Leur    ****
****                                                                       ****
****                                                                       ****
****                                                                       ****
                            - -                            

** General rules **

If you want to take part in a competition, you must be present at the party, 
during the presentation and during the prize ceremony. When it concerns a group-
release, at least one member of the group should be present. Entries must not 
have been released before. Entries can only participate in one competition. 
Entries will be run on our hardware, and with only the software we specified 
below. Only 1 entry per competition per team/contestant. All entries are 
considered freeware, and may be copied and distributed, as long as the entry is 
in its original form. All rights belong to the author(s) of the contribution. 
Entries must be final, no bug-fixes will be accepted before or after 
presentation. However, if the demo fails to start or crashes on the demo machine 
the group or person will be allowed to fix his entry. Entries must be uploaded 
via network, or handed over at the information on floppies or CD's along with a 
paper sheet providing information about Title, Handle, Group, Compo, Hardware 
requirements and execution instructions. Contribution disks, CD's and video 
tapes will not be returned (ZIP drives excluded). All entries for PC must be 
compressed with .ZIP No self-extracting archives will be allowed. Entries with 
racial content (incl. anti-racial), and other radical content will not be 
accepted. Entries must be virus free. Failure to follow any of the rules for a 
competition will automatically disqualify an entry. 

** Demo rules **

Demo Max. Size: 24MB 
Max. run time: 10Min 
Highest allowed screen resolution is 1024 x 768 
(Dutch) Operating system: Windows 98 SE or Windows 2000 SP2 with DirectX 8.1 
Hardware specifications: see Machine specs below. 
The user must be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC. 

- No entries

** PC intro rules **
Demo Max. Size: 64Kb (65535 bytes) 
Max. run time: 5 min. 
Highest allowed screen resolution is 1024 x 768 
(Dutch) Operating system: Windows 98 SE or Windows 2000 SP2 with DirectX 8.1 
Hardware specifications: see Machine specs here 
The user must be able to exit at any time by pressing ESC. 

- No entries

** Flash Demo rules **
Must be able to run in IE 4.xx and NetScape 4.xx and above. 
Flash 5 plugin will be used, Flash 4 is supported. 
No shockwave or director allowed. 
Max. required screen resolution is 1024x768x24 
Max. playtime: 3 min 
Max. Size: 4 Mb 
Latest patch from MacroMedia will be installed. 

- [Entries]

- Solution     - Voltage      [ 6 Points]
-                   [ 5 Points]
- Garrett      - Techwarz     [ 3 Points]
- TheAxe       - Infection    [ Disqualified]

** Animation rules **
Max. Playtime: 10 min. The entry must be playable with the 
Windows 98/2000 Media Player (does not apply to videotapes). All entries must be 
supplied on CD-ROM, ZIP drive or videotape. 

- [Entries]

- June       - Metatime           [ 6 Points]
- Dominator  - Outer-Doomed       [ 4 Points]

** Graphics rules **
Only handdrawn and raytraced graphics qualify for this competition. 
Result should be in .bmp, .jpg or .png format. 
Highest allowed screen resolution is 1024x768x16M. 
Pictures will be shown on PC with the latest version of ACDSee. 

- [Entries]

- Boon (LMT)     - Keyboard girl  [ 4 Points]
- Marisa (Razor) - Fallen Angel   [ 7 Points]
- Jolly          - 1337-Elephant  [ 6 Points]
- Lerris         - Mountrain Path [ 3 Points]

** Tracker music rules **
Max. Size: 1MB 
Max. Playtime: 4 min. 
Will be played on PC using the latest version of Fast Tracker 

- [Entries]

- XAM            - Indiana Dope   [ 7 Points]

** MP3 Rules **
Max. Size: 6MB 
Max. bitrate: 128 Kbit 
Max. Playtime: 4 min. 
Will be played on PC using the latest version of Winamp. 

- [Entries]

- Mac2/Tuig        - For Ivonne by Mac2 of Tuig   [ 5 Points]
- Mxxxxxxx Sxxxxxx - Hyperspace the sequence.mp3  [ 5 Points]
- Squezel          - Caffein Shock                [ 8 Points]
- Xam              - Refilla Volta                [ 7 Points]

** ANSI/ASCII rules **
it has to be made for 80x25 or 80x50 mode 
will be shown with latest TheDraw (currently V 4.63) 

- [Entries]

- GeC (GIVE=)    - Cybergirl     [ 6 Points]
- Nostalgic                      [ 5 Points]

** Hacking rules **
Burning a hack-me box will disqualify you from the competition. 
A hack attempt from a hack-me box to another system will disqualify you from the 
competition. Trying to DOS a hack-me box or any other pc on the intranet will 
result in being removed from the party. 

Level Hackme : 

- 1e Frank & Gloomy
- 2e Netric
- 3e No 3th place. Nobody else could get past level 6.
After the hackme the box wasn't rooted.

Redhat  : 

- Netric rooted it

Mandrake :

- Nostalgic rooted it

** Surprise Hackme competition **
Dear hacker
I challenge you. Create a working keygen for this program. First _fully_ working 
keygen wins. You can return the result of your coding efforts at the info desk 
in the main hall. The time you deliver the keygen will be noted there. (If not, 
remember them :) 

- [Entries]

- Tuig (almost done)

** Surprise Music competition **
You all love that Ketchup song? Well i don't. I'd like you to 
"redesign" this song so it sounds nicer. I'd like you all to "sing along" with 
it and maybe remove those nasty spanish vocals from it. 

- [Entries]

- Las scenas  -  The sceners song  
- XAM         -  The Ketchup Track 

= By public voting XAM won

* Coding competition
I love old games, pong for instance. Who makes the best pong clone?

- [Entries]

- Jollyland Studios  [ 8 Points]
- TariQ              [ 5 Points]

- EOF - Cya all next year!

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