File Archive

File download


File size:
351 850 bytes (343.60K)
File date:
2002-04-04 23:06:14
Download count:
all-time: 698

Screenshot (by Demozoo)



  • Anne.png 340.01K


 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::                :::
 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   /-===-.   .-==-.
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 (____\\____\\_______\\_______\ __|___\___\ ._____\\_______\           /  ::
   .                            .                         |.______/\_./   ::
   |- =  [ m 0 0 n f l 0 W ] = -|                                         ::
<- +----------------------------+ ->>> >> >   !NF0FIL3                   .::
 . |                            |                                       .:::
 :                                                                    .:::::
 ::                             :                     ...:::::::::::::::::::
 ::                                                                    '::::
 ::                                M3MBERS                               :::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::   nickname    function                     email                      ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::   BamboOS     organizer.coder.graphician           ::
 ::   Binar       organizer.ascii maker           ::
 ::   IronHand    organizer.coder                ::
 ::   JaMMiQ      organizer.coder                   ::
 ::   siatek      organizer.musician.tracer      ::
 ::   Blade       musician                     ?                          ::
 ::   Deesis      graphician                        ::
 ::   Dejvi       tracer.graphician            n/a                        ::
 ::   electro     musician              ::
 ::   Ha2nYa      text.writter          ::
 ::   Jax         musician                          ::
 ::   Mist        ascii maker                       ::
 ::   Neo         graphician                   ?                          ::
 ::   Nordbasse   musician.coder?               ::
 ::   Qlik        text.writter                 ?                          ::
 ::   Sagat       graphician?                  ?                          ::
 ::   Sammar      musician.text.writter      ::
 ::   Stilgar     musician               ::
 ::   Traymuss    musician               ::
 ::.                                                                     .::
 :::..                                                                 ..:::
 ::::::...                                                        ....::::::
 :.                                                                       .:
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                               R3L3AS3S                                ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                COD3D                                  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 :: title              what        who         party          place group ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 :: Glamour            intro 64k   ?           Quast'98       6th    KRZ  ::
 :: Plasmatic          intro 64k   ?           Quast'98       9th    KRZ  ::
 :: Enigmatica         music disk  Jax^Nephoo  Quast'98       n/a    KRZ  ::
 :: Overflow           intro 64k   Jam         Sattelite'98   3rd    KRZ  ::
 :: Inner World        intro 64k   Jam         Rush Hours'99  1st    KRZ  ::
 :: No Time            intro 4k    Jam         Gravity'99     1st    KRZ  ::
 :: Meaning of Life    intro 64k   BamboOS     Horizon 2k     3rd    CRX  ::
 :: Atmosphere         intro 4k    Jam         Horizon 2k     1st    KRZ  ::
 :: Meaning of Life 2  intro 64k   BamboOS     Addict A.'01   1st    CRX  ::
 :: Outer World        intro 64k   Jam         Addict A.'01   2nd    KRZ  ::
 :: Wireless Love      intro 64k   BamboOS     Core Party'01  2nd    MFL  ::
 :: Infinity           intro 4k    Jam         Core Party'01  3rd    MFL  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                MUS!C                                  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 :: Drastic Rock      multichanel  Traymuss   Gravity'99      2nd    KRZ  ::
 :: Cupido Dominandi  MP3          Traymuss   Horizon'99      2nd    KRZ  ::
 :: Trzecia Swiadomosc chip        Traymuss   Horizon'99      1st    KRZ  ::
 :: West              4chanel      Traymuss   Satellite'99    2nd    KRZ  ::
 :: Konstruktor       multichanel  Traymuss   Satellite'99    1st    KRZ  ::
 :: Super Music       progressive  Traymuss   Mekka & S.'00  11th    KRZ  ::
 :: Constructor 2     multichanel  Traymuss   Horizon 2k      9th    KRZ  ::
 :: Zrodla i Korzenie MP3          Jax        Horizon 2k      n/a    KRZ  ::
 :: Gemini            MP3          Traymuss   Horizon 2k      n/a    KRZ  ::
 :: Hiper Chip's      chip         Traymuss   Horizon 2k      2nd    KRZ  ::
 :: Purple Melody     chip         Diomatic   Horizon 2k      8th    CRX  ::
 :: Electros          chip         Diomatic   Addict A. '01   4th    CRX  ::
 :: Hypnotic          MP3          Electro    Core Party 01   4th    MFL  ::
 :: Kolumbus          multichanel  Traymuss   Core Party 01   1st    MFL  ::
 :: Electro Europe    multichanel  Electro    Core Party 01   8th    MFL  ::
 :: Apogee            mp3          Siatek     Symphony 01     2nd    MFL  ::
 :: Squash            mp3          Siatek     Symphony 01     9th    MFL  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                             GRAPH!CS                                  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 :: Shark             ray         Binar^Uhu   AntyParty'99    1st    KRZ  ::
 :: Eyesore           c64         Sebaloz     Mekka & S.'00   5th    KRZ  ::
 :: Helpless          8bit        Dejvi       Horizon 2k      5th    KRZ  ::
 :: Niger             24bit       BamboOS     Horizon 2k      5th    CRX  ::
 :: Listen Her        24bit       Dahman      Horizon 2k     13th    CRX  ::
 :: Young             24bit       Dahman      Horizon 2k      n/a    CRX  ::
 :: New Star Was Born 24bit       BamboOS     Satellite 2k   11th    CRX  ::
 :: Valentine Card    24bit       BamboOS     Addict A. '01  10th    CRX  ::
 :: Planet            24bit       BamboOS     Addict A. '01  13th    CRX  ::
 :: Sad               pixel       Bamboos     Symphony 01     9th    MFL  ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                            ASC!! ANS!                                 ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 :: Joint             ansi        Binar       Quast'98        8th KRZ     ::
 :: Anadune           ascii       Binar       Gravity'99      1st KRZ     ::
 :: Enchant           ansi        Binar       Gravity'99      2nd KRZ     ::
 :: Ant               ascii       Binar       Horizon'99      3rd KRZ     ::
 :: Influence         ascii       Binar (DIB) Horizon 2k      5th KRZ     ::
 :: Moonflow #1       art-pack    some ppl;)  November 2k1    n/a MFL     ::
 :: Moonflow #2       art-pack    some ppl;)  February 2k2    n/a MFL     ::
 :: No Gravity        colly       Binar       Soon ! ! ! !    n/a MFL     ::
 ::.                                                                     .::
 :::..                                                                 ..:::
 ::::::...                                                        ....::::::
 :.                                                                       .:
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::                                  N3WS                                 ::
 ::                                                                       ::
 ::            <> Moonflow = Crux + Korozone                              ::
 ::            <> Neo joined                                              ::
 ::            <> Deesis, Nordbasse & Sagat joined                        ::
 ::            <> With left                                               ::
 ::.                                                                     .::
 :::..                                                                 ..:::
 ::::::...                                                        ....::::::

ascii & text by binar