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File size:
7 786 bytes (7.60K)
File date:
2002-07-17 23:03:16
Download count:
all-time: 2 595



Party held: 12th July - 14th July 2002 Budapest Hungary
Generated with Greenroom Party Organizer Toolbox v1.1
Number of voters: 81

  4 channel music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Godfather               Reed                       52         3
   2.      The Magic Flute         Padre Vincenzo             44         1
   3.      Renegade 2              Phantom Lord               28         6
   4.      Ring of Fire            DJ Mohax                   23         5
   5.      Verita Vitae            Vhiiula                    21         2
   6.      1.4bc                   Blakkhar                   11         4

  Multichannel music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Blue Funk               Padre Vincenzo             69         2
   2.      Plaketa Tzatziki        Nagz                       53         5
   3.      Erotic Rhythm           Kvazar                     41         6
   4.      I Wanna Be a Bat        Phantom Lord               40         9
   5.      BLT                     Törpicsek                  22         4
   6.      Be Voltam Tépve         KCG                        18         7
   7.      Take It Easy            Control                    13         1
   8.      My Name is Fountain H.  Vhiiula                    11         3
   9.      Dreamer's Sound         Sebik                       3         8

  MP3 music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Coffee Break            Mephizto                   56        10
   2.      Sex                     Sly Spy                    53         8
   3.      Escape from the Jungle  BMC                        38         5
   4.      Planet Oxymoron         Vhiiula                    35         2
   5.      Eagle Wing              Leroi                      32         6
   6.      Mk.Mid                  Gargaj                     30         9
   7.      Travelling              Control                    29         1
   8.      Botas256                Belfegor                   29         7
   9.      Ear of Wheat            Jumper                     22         4
  10.      Hellar                  Morisz                      3         3

  Pixel graphics

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      DJ Jaggy                Magicboy of Superstition   75         1
   2.      Sickering               IR                         69         4
   3.      At Eddie's              Mime of Scenic             52         9
   4.      Lee Against Nature      Critikill of Farbrausch    39         2
   5.      Bastion                 Ananke of Ultima           30         3
   6.      Mrs. Winter             Fusko of Scenic            28         8
   7.      Friends                 Sade of CMDS               26         7
   8.      ZeRoByTe@WoRMHoLe       Freak of Madvirgin         13         5
   9.      sPUZVIHC                Freak of Madvirgin          2         6

  Raytraced graphics

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Rebirth                 Rufus                      62         2
   2.      F1 Car                  Kálmán Arnold              48        13
   3.      Csendélet               Dani                       47        10
   4.      Oldtimer                Fat                        32         4
   5.      Myroom                  IR                         31         7
   6.      A skorpió barlangjában  Kondás Péter               30         1
   7.      ME-209                  Dob                        25        12
   8.      Mi van a korsóban?      Balage                     23         6
   9.      Little Red Heart        Zoom of Inquisition        23         9
  10.      Tanx                    AgentZS                    18         5
  11.      Paranoidandroidz        Rudy of MindNever          15         3
  12.      Discman                 sAti                       10         8
  13.      My Dream Valley         Maxie                       5        11


  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Tension                 Aenima                    198         2
   2.      Dogfish / Rémember      IR                        194         1
   3.      Szélerõmû               Ary                        65         3

  256 byte intro

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Blob                    FcR of Evidence           112         8
   2.      Glöbchen                Molecoola                  94         2
   3.      Yogg                    Gargaj of Ümlaüt Design    59         6
   4.      Cubemania               Blala                      37         1
   5.      Kistehén                Robymus                    28         3
   6.      Gwarp                   Alexione of MindNever      25         4
   7.      Pi                      Procyon of Ümlaüt Design   22         5
   8.      Tetris                  Megasys                    21         7
   9.      Gabucino                Árpi of Astral              0         9

  4K intro

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Wobbler                 Gem                       195         4
   2.      Sugárzás 2              License                    97         2
   3.      Past                    Illumination               69         3
   4.      The Fa                  HHC                        13         1

  64K intro

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Test Run                Digital Dynamite          209         1
   2.      Frotz                   Schnaader of Avenger Sq.  111         2

  PC demo

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Fractal Regression      fresh!mindworkz           139         3
   2.      Deep SomewhereOver 2.   Dilemma                   136         5
   3.      Resurrection            TeVe                       59         4
   4.      You Die                 Ümlaüt Design              46         2
   5.      Power                   Elmü                        3         1
   6.      Ampére                  fresh!mindworkz             2         6

  Amiga demo

  No entries, compo cancelled.

  Commodore 64 music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Partymade               Vincenzo                   77         5
   2.      Easygoing               Jammer                     51         1
   3.      Disko                   Sidder                     29         3
   4.      C64 Dance               Vincenzo                   29         6
   5.      Good Morning Magyar     Roostah & Agemixer         17         4
   6.      Latin Dance             SB                          8         2

  Commodore 64 graphics

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Alone                   Da Medron of Padua         68         1
   2.      Rage 2                  Jailbird of Breeze         66         2

  Commodore 64 demo

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Sign of Life            The Dreams                 66         1

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