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Revised results on August 13th, 2002.

These are the revised full results of ASSEMBLY'02.

Party archive at and

AssemblyTV clips and game development seminar presentations
available at

[ Game Development Compo ]

1.  6048p   Porrasturvat - Stair Dismount by Tarzan / tAAt 
2.  4005p   Mr. Pixel by Jens Bache-Wiig 
3.  3777p   Blockofighter by Miika Sell & Juha Kaarlas 
4.   555p   Capture the Prize by CustardForBrains 

[ Fast Music Compo ]

1.  1919p   Jetkalenkka by Aikapallo 
2.  1762p   Karjalan Haamu by Ari "DJArtz" Pulkkinen 
3.  1545p   Electronic Obsession by Stuf 
4.  1002p   Buubelin Paluu by #impulsetracker 
5.   959p   Vaasi by BuG / PuavoHard 
6.   837p   Homokala by Terminus / 
7.   815p   Hamburger Music (4 idiots) by KiWi 
8.   789p   Way Back by Sir Henry / Hr Tuotanto 
9.   775p   Bukkake! by gluterol 
10.  773p   Autumn by pahamoka 
11.  712p   under my pillow by lca 
12.  695p   Midsummer Waltz by Puistola & Kaustinen United 
13.  606p   slowly good becomes by deetsay 
14.  551p   Goggledygook by Ilem 
15.  434p   Scratch by humppamies / piAstro 

The jury results were accidentally destroyed during the party and thus 
average jury points cannot be shown.

n/a         MannePolkka by Jokuhullusiellamainstreamil 
n/a         the Crappy one by Shinmai 
n/a         minulla on kivaa by Rlb 
n/a         OMGWTFBBQ by Friction 
n/a         Telakan valot by Melfunktio community 
n/a         Jazz Digger by ilp0 / piAstro 
n/a         yoslacker by Castor 
n/a         hvvk by okmo 
n/a         Just se by JJR 
n/a         Simple by trayrace 
n/a         Nothing Special by ->LUKE<- / Amazement 
n/a         Nimeton by Colon 
n/a         Less Beatless Sel Pod by Jonse /Kemikal Stratos 
n/a         God ate all my 3 sleeves by Kheldysh 
n/a         A Homage by Puti 
n/a         oh my dog by kiste / Team 

Fast music jury consisted of following members:

Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki [compo organizer], Mikko "Stalker" Huimala,
Maarit Klami, Lauri "Reanimator" Rauhanen, Henna "vivian" Sinisalo,
Andy "Phoenix" Voss

[ Oldskool Music Compo ]

1.  3388p   Balls Of Steel (C64) by jammic 
2.  1672p   Would You? (C64) by Britelite / Dekadence 
3.  1449p   Child's Play Music (Game Boy) by Heatbeat/CNCD 
4.  1189p   A Sad Fly In a Jar of Jam (PC) by KiWi 
5.  1094p   Viides Simffonia (C64) by deetsay 
6.   980p   Way up North (C64) by Player One / Dekadence 
7.   915p   Das Hit (C64) by Agemixer or Scallop 
8.   784p   Spiral (C64) by SounDemoN 
9.   772p   Cape Horn (PC) by Reed / Fairlight 
10.  740p   blackjack (C64) by tempest & abaddon / damage 
11.  669p   funkkin robot (PC) by sauli 
12.  649p   Bossa-ing Around (PC) by Rondo 
13.  582p   Sokeritoukka (C64) by Thor/Extend 
14.  533p   Lunch Hour Automat (PC) by Acumen 
15.  462p   eezi (PC) by major 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-10.

n/a   4.5   Bubbletrouble (C64) by Ferrara / phObos team 
n/a   4.5   Delion Princess (Amiga AHX) by Oxide / Sonik 
n/a   4.5   Left hands (PC) by PPessi 
n/a   4.5   Chippi 5 (PC) by Rascal / Fascination 
n/a   4.5   Run! (C64) by Tabus 
n/a   4.5   motivaatiopurkaus (PC) by gremino 
n/a   4.0   Prunk! (PC) by HEXAGON / Gender8 & SKR! 
n/a   4.0   Time has gone (PC) by Huezo 
n/a   4.0   Chatterbox (PC) by Kandy 
n/a   4.0   Timeless (PC) by Marwin / Noice 
n/a   4.0   moonflower (PC) by mathew/granma 
n/a   4.0   Erazor Cat (PC) by Flapjack & Pyromaniac of Madwizards 
n/a   3.0   Oldschool Medley (PC) by Leopold 
n/a   3.0   ilekkitrap (PC) by Juippi 
n/a   3.0   ihana päivä (PC) by JuhoAP 
n/a   2.5   itaepasila (C64) by ISOTISSI LESBOLIISA 
n/a   2.0   Fields of Mist (PC) by humppamies / piAstro 
n/a   2.0   Attack in no time (PC) by Ilem 
n/a   n/a   Primality by Gasman / Hooy-Program 

Oldskool music jury consisted of following members:

Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki [compo organizer], Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen,
Antti "Nf" Silvast [compo organizer], Kristoffer "Setok" Lawsson, 
Mikko "Ravel" Tuomela, Aleksi "Heatbeat" Eben, Pekka "Pihti" Takala

[ Oldskool Graphics Compo ]

1.  4020p   The Last Battle (C64) by Phase1 & Mermaid 
2.  2681p   Theodore Bear (C64) by Heatbeat/CNCD 
3.  2497p   gawd bless america (C64) by tempest/damage 
4.  2149p   Self-Portrait (C64) by Electric/Extend 
5.  2059p   Sexi (C64) by Adam/DualCrew-Shining 
6.  1391p   Numedia rage (C64) by voldoq/Doomsday 
7.   834p   Naisen paeae (SVI-328) by Ravel / Sleber Eid 
8.   730p   Word! (VIC-20) by Britelite / Dekadence 
9.   451p   Kuplat (MSX) by Marq / Lieves!Tuore ^ Fit 
10.  439p   Paradise shore (C64) by Bregade11 

n/a         Hymyile by Saksan Perussanasto/Jumalauta

Oldskool graphics jury consisted of following members:

Antti "Nf" Silvast [compo organizer], Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen, 
Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki, Kristoffer "Setok" Lawsson,
Mikko "Ravel" Tuomela, Aleksi "Heatbeat" Eben, Pekka "Pihti" Takala

[ Oldskool Demo Compo ]

1.  4719p   Impossiblator 2 (VIC-20) by pwp 
2.  3656p   My Kondom (C64) by Haujobb & Dekadence 
3.  3528p   Software Developer's Air Display (VIC-20) by CNCD 
4.  2562p   Vicious (VIC-20) by Dekadence 
5.  2093p   Outsider (C64) by Spaceballs 
6.   660p   Risperdal Dreams (C64) by Upstars 

The jury unanimously decided not to show following entries:

n/a         Dig It (VIC-20) by Cosine 
            [ reason: just a scroller, not interesting enough ]
n/a         Samantha Fox Ham Demo 4 by Megahawks Inc. 
            [ reason: Amiga demos not allowed in oldskool category ]
n/a         Waiting for Godot (C64) by Kuhbub & Godot of 
            Fresno Commodore User Group
            [ reason: in fact just a scroller, again ]

Oldskool demo jury consisted of following members:

Antti "Nf" Silvast [compo organizer], Matti "Tundrah" Tiainen, 
Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki, Kristoffer "Setok" Lawsson,
Mikko "Ravel" Tuomela, Aleksi "Heatbeat" Eben, Pekka "Pihti" Takala

[ Analog Graphics Compo ]

1.  3834p   Snakes in oil by Partikle 
2.  2673p   Blunt-smokin' AfroLinux by Pineapple 
3.  1753p   lost in blue oyster by mazor 
4.  1660p   Ink Magic by Visualice 
5.  1310p   River Maid by Shivikai 
6.   888p   Miss Tampere by Electric/Extend 
7.   868p   sleepy by joa 
8.   731p   Filipino Nature by Kingi 
9.   631p   Untitled by MCK 
10.  613p   Kafka's day off by Marq/Fit^Lieves!Tuore 

n/a         Tear for adults by Au-heppa 
n/a         Illiteracy by Kristoffer Lawson 
n/a         Gunilla by Merlin IIK 

[ Instrumental Music Compo ]

1.  2811p   The Goblin Returns by Skaven / Future Crew 
2.  2173p   Conflict by Firestorm / Doomsday 
3.  1372p   ethereal by solarkids 
4.  1195p   Do You Remember how it Felt? by Bliss of Fairlight Music 
5.  1079p   Motion by Nightbeat 
6.  1066p   Too Far Beyond by Huezo 
7.   954p   Trancefactor Overdosed by Laxical/Scoopex 
8.   830p   The Killing Moon by Salomon 
9.   738p   Johdanto by Reed / Fairlight & Andy / Banal Projects 
10.  663p   Mortal Beauty by Maddista 
11.  631p   Martial Love by 187/Phantasy a.k.a. DJ Brain 
12.  580p   Cool Logic by Deck/Scoopex 
13.  569p   Your time by Limbod 
14.  566p   navcad by alex/tpolm 
15.  451p   One word left by Genox/calodox 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   3.1   stoned - totally by Tunafish Crew      
n/a   3.1   Mutant Killer Bunnies Must Die by KiWi     
n/a   3.1   Last Conquest by Codec        
n/a   3.0   Kerosene by Milan Kolarovic (a.k.a. Acumen)      
n/a   3.0   Escape from Llamaspace by Phaser feat. Mik     
n/a   2.9   wasted by Mc2         
n/a   2.9   The Rescue by !Cube / Armada + SCS*TRC + Scallop  
n/a   2.9   Serenity by -PK-         
n/a   2.9   Dr. Alkenstein Goes Hilarius by Erodix      
n/a   2.8   yukute no mienai kuukan by frown / t-rex    
n/a   2.8   The Spaniards attack a baroque dinner party by Empty   
n/a   2.8   Disqualified entry by Crud        
n/a   2.8   Coolmint by Heatbeat/CNCD         
n/a   2.7   Sodassa by Jugi         
n/a   2.7   Paniken Flutes by Ari "Dj ArtZ" Pulkkinen     
n/a   2.7   Kuu by Kurkku-purkki         
n/a   2.7   Escape From Paradise by Midlite       
n/a   2.7   DBEAT by Djrowbot         
n/a   2.7   Aamu neljältä melkein unohdin by codehead      
n/a   2.6   acidmilk by Tek         
n/a   2.6   The Continuing by Nobody of Wild Light     
n/a   2.6   Return of the ape by Arto Aaltonen, exape / orgazmo  
n/a   2.6   Return of Kerppana by TLA       
n/a   2.6   Point of No Return by Ilem      
n/a   2.6   Gradience by zild / Café & Joonas Kasurinen    
n/a   2.6   Dub Assembler by Clargoa        
n/a   2.6   Deconstruction by Serotone         
n/a   2.6   Crack Sinatra! by ilp0 / piAstro      
n/a   2.5   The changing moments of life by yazu/kellari & jarkko   
n/a   2.5   No time to Heal by Neutrium      
n/a   2.5   Munchin Suicide by Signal        
n/a   2.5   Gliding by Twilight Illusion        
n/a   2.5   Aliens stole my hard drive by 4t Thieves / kahvi  
n/a   2.5   Acid Blues by Veli-Pekka Tätilä       
n/a   2.4   se8kioe by ele         
n/a   2.4   other kids always beat me by sauli     
n/a   2.4   orion bubble by ajj        
n/a   2.4   Torchrunner by The Shallop Project       
n/a   2.4   Tears Of Eternity by MetHill       
n/a   2.4   Shining eyes by Effect        
n/a   2.4   Jos Olisin Avaruusfolio by Olga P.      
n/a   2.4   Aliens On Wheels by Dreamie / Korpilakko     
n/a   2.3   poppis by gloom and trenedy of excess     
n/a   2.3   Seven Sins of Life by PPessi      
n/a   2.3   Hubbards Smile by Castor        
n/a   2.3   Forgotten fruitcakes by JDruid        
n/a   2.3   Dinosaurus by Squeek         
n/a   2.3   Assorted dubs-puddle by Julius Fletch       
n/a   2.2   soulscape by shS         
n/a   2.2   Weather Front by Carebear Superhoe       
n/a   2.2   Sä et ole Paimiosta by Aikapallo      
n/a   2.2   Night run by pahamoka / nolifesupportsystem      
n/a   2.2   Midnight Glamour by Frozenbyte OY       
n/a   2.2   JungleLife by Birdie         
n/a   2.2   Evangelion by Rocktech         
n/a   2.2   Dismist by Terminus /       
n/a   2.2   3n0rgy by [r]ed         
n/a   2.1   Rubik by Orphan Process (Markus Koskinen / Mikael Nuotto)   
n/a   2.1   Newskool Chipkraft by Q of kone creations     
n/a   2.1   Just Like Steve by Teel       
n/a   2.1   Femme Fatale by Tarpan_X        
n/a   2.1   Drone by QBiC / Glacier       
n/a   2.1   Dandruff in Headphones by tonic       
n/a   2.1   Arboretum by ZaTTu         
n/a   2.0   duskin la mente (intro) by lepra / piAstro    
n/a   2.0   Waves of Symphony by Mark Vera      
n/a   2.0   Mixed Emotions by ->LUKE<- / Amazement      
n/a   2.0   MikroKosmos by Juha-Pekka 'JPQ' Kuusela       
n/a   2.0   Iso paha susi by Lawb / Traction     
n/a   2.0   Distance by Kari Siivonen        
n/a   2.0   Aria in C by Puti       
n/a   1.9   coffeebreaks by grazin         
n/a   1.9   Folders-2 by Spacey         
n/a   1.9   Feeling bass by Tspoon        
n/a   1.9   Fatima and her General by kiste / Team   
n/a   1.9   Back Home by Colon        
n/a   1.8   experimentaalinen anti-progejunkkamättöbittihiphop 
            by KasvIuuTejUomA/tAAt        
n/a   1.8   Limmaa ja lekkaa by lca       
n/a   1.8   Influence Of Snow by Arctic Flare      
n/a   1.8   Crazy Strings by ThUmB/HeadcrasH        
n/a   1.8   Aethra Fate by dUx0m        
n/a   1.7   Ode to Foot by Kheldysh/extempore       
n/a   1.7   Laksatiivi by smirk / unique       
n/a   1.6   Winter Land by SPQR        
n/a   1.6   Lock Yourself by Hanga Gallon       
n/a   1.6   It's fall coming by AdZ8Qb       
n/a   1.6   Heir to the throne by humppamies / piAstro    
n/a   1.6   11cm by Devil Group        
n/a   1.5   jamminundaground by jou!         
n/a   1.5   Thrilling Away by SerialThrill        
n/a   1.5   Mäempää, Kenmpele - koepala by Ernesto Aeroflot     
n/a   1.5   Hot Pants by deetsay        
n/a   1.5   Aldelaan by Mara         
n/a   1.4   poikkeuksellista kokkausta. by pnmf!        
n/a   1.4   Phunkie Summer Nights by Tommip       
n/a   1.4   Minor duet by JJR        
n/a   1.3   Kuun Suke by Zensei/Paavoharju        
n/a   1.3   224_07072002 by ps / calodox       
n/a   1.2   Banaalirapu by Jonse /Kemikal Stratos       
n/a   1.1   Various White Boys by jlehto       
n/a   1.1   Tender-Hearted by Meron         
n/a   1.1   Get Up by huamn        
n/a   1.1   Bassot poksahtaa by Perkele        
n/a   1.1   Aeidin sydaen by Ravel / Sleber Eid     
n/a   1.0   To home by Tohtorit        
n/a   1.0   The flow by stam        
n/a   1.0   Spurious Event by Die Rebels       
n/a   1.0   Electric worm by sPiiKKi / Nalleperhe      
n/a   1.0   Avaruuspöpö by Ad Absurdum        
n/a   0.7   Flow by SounDemoN 1        
n/a   N/A   kakka by apemon         

Instrumental music jury consisted of following members:

Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki [compo organizer], Peter "Skaven" Hajba,
Timo "Mirv" Jyrinki, Milan "Acumen" Kolarovic, Elli Leppä,
Mika "DoC" Porspakka, Tatu Päkkilä, Hannu "Salomon" Salonen,
Juha Terrilä, Ilari "Gnizhak" Tuominen

[ Raytraced Graphics Compo ]

1.  3210p   Butterfly by Antti Lehtinen 
2.  2029p   You've got mail by Oozie 
3.  1950p   Artificial Innocence by marzu 
4.  1460p   Bellou by a2reason/aem 
5.   900p   Ystävä by cranhz 
6.   704p   Orchid by Labero 
7.   639p   Babe Baker by O:et 
8.   628p   Plastic, it's fantastic! at 2000 m.p.h by isw of SoCS 
9.   567p   Alienscape by sarod 
10.  545p   The Tools by Huezo 
11.  457p   Adam & Eve by Reko / Instant Ejakulation 
12.  431p   Tinman by Hoaxi 
13.  416p   My Pussy Cat by Sande / Episent Productions 
14.  309p   Bad Guys From Medieval by iekc 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-10.

n/a   7.3   Dziadek by Ubik & Pyromaniac of Madwizards 
n/a   7.3   Home Sweet Home by BioNiK 
n/a   7.3   Hävisin kaiken by Timo 
n/a   7.0   Perkele by Mad Axel 
n/a   7.0   Enigma Diaboli by Data 
n/a   6.7   Elukka by Pasi Lehtoranta 
n/a   6.0   Kippo by Pulzar 
n/a   6.0   Ragnarok by Mesak&Hkelukka 
n/a   5.7   Dagger & Hammer by humppamies / piAstro 
n/a   5.7   BigStaraLike by SerialThrill 
n/a   5.7   Auringon Palvoja by SDg 
n/a   5.7   plant a scener by kokki / grunstein 
n/a   5.3   DoomTruck by Juha-Pekka Jokela 
n/a   5.3   Storm is rising by PeXi 
n/a   5.0   Who needs dragons anyway by Derelict 
n/a   4.7   Thug by Ohjus 
n/a   4.7   Cape Filth by ilp0 / piAstro 
n/a   4.0   The Dark Side Of George by Tommip 
n/a   4.0   3... 2... 1... Ignition! by st Rana 
n/a   4.0   Raimolla Korvatunturilta ei näkynyt Nelonen, joten... by Howitzer 
n/a   4.0   Asetelma by jou! 
n/a   3.0   Experiment by D'Walker 
n/a   2.3   fly by Merlin IIK 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Fatal Error by DeCoder / LTV 
            [ reason: previously published at ]
disq        Suspended In Dusk by Lassi Warsta 
            [ reason: the rendered image has been retouched ]
disq        worksucks by skyfox 
            [ reason: no images for intermediate phases ]
disq        Terassi by supo 
            [ reason: unsupported compression format ]
disq        Mindworks by Legba 
            [ reason: nice, but intermediate images ain't proper ]
disq        Flying in first class by Scapula 
            [ reason: broken archive/image file ]
disq        Juri Stotski by su.render 
            [ reason: picture previously released ]
disq        Butterfly by Vertex / Final Dimension 
            [ reason: only the final image was submitted ]
disq        Bright Side of Life by thti* 
            [ reason: only the final image was submitted ]
disq	    Miner by Edward Karvinen 
            [ reason: broken archive/image file ]
            [ reason: unsupported image format, no intermediate images ]
disq        Deep by Biter/Scoopex 
            [ reason: unsupported image format, no intermediate images ]

Raytraced graphics jury consisted of following members:

Markus "Murk" Grannenfelt [compo organizer], Antti Vassinen,
Suvi "Sunnu" Melakoski-Vistbacka

[ Flash Demo Compo ]

1.  3367p   Super mushroom sisters by RNO 
2.  2755p   Kreivi Krapula by Rapture Seekers 
3.  1887p   Evolve by Esko Ahonen & Milan Kolarovic 
4.  1443p   Terrori by K-Statik/Outkazt 
5.  1436p   linear motion by hannu_ 
6.  1223p   Recycled by Bombsquad 
7.   905p   Multiplex by Redhill Drunks 
8.   613p   Nendo by wain and codec 
9.   401p   Grunge212 by Kone creations 
10.  366p   Warbirds by Inapt 
11.  261p   Paradigm by Kellari 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   2.6   Duck'n'Cover by piAstro 
n/a   2.4   Shade by Rotta 
n/a   2.2   mäRKä apInA by Simo Santavirta 
n/a   2.0   ai. by Trekky 
n/a   1.8   The G.O.D by Exca 
n/a   1.8   Legendaarista by Poro 
n/a   1.8   Invaders by piAstro 
n/a   1.4   dokumenttiprojekti: velluorava by DoC / FD
n/a   1.0   Return of the Lamer by chosenone- 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Mytocondrio by Yleisradio
            [ reason: contains copyrighted material ]
disq        Tran Van Quang by #attica 
            [ reason: contains copyrighted material ]

Flash demo jury consisted of following members:

Johannes "Hieronymus" Heinonen [compo organizer],
Antti J. "warlock / totuus" Salminen, Toni "ToM" Syvänen,
Jaakko "yazu / kellari" Ahonen, Hannu "hannu_ / kellari" Pelkonen

[ Drawn Graphics Compo ]

1.  1810p   Blood Donation by Calvin/Halo 
2.  1740p   Hitchhiker by maxon 
3.  1692p   annukka by mazor aka kidlove 
4.  1631p   Final Lap in Tir Na nOg by Splif/calodox 
5.  1478p   Blowjob by Sh'ar / Forsaken 
6.  1378p   Fish Bukkake by DoC / FD^DCS 
7.  1213p   Aamu by Flegeton 
8.  1011p   And Jane by Joil / matt current / ananasmurska 
9.   891p   Slayer by Partikle 
10.  838p   Can U see the KillerBEE by Critikill / Scenic 
11.  520p   Burroughs by Electric/Extend 
12.  417p   Power Armor by Petri Auvinen 
13.  343p   Trauma by Reko / Instant Ejakulation 
14.  325p   Hyvän_yön_huuto by asasel 
15.  190p   Escape by Shivikai 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-10.

n/a   7.0   My sister is my fathers cousin by java 
n/a   7.0   Caught Angel by iekc 
n/a   7.0   Essence by Visualice 
n/a   6.8   September in Tshernobyl by Charon 
n/a   6.8   Frog's nightmare by Lance/Aggression 
n/a   6.5   Grand Piano by McK/ananasmurska/tAAt 
n/a   6.3   Euphoria by sec / kone creations 
n/a   6.3   Flare Girl by Saim 
n/a   6.0   Volga, Volga ! by Pineapple 
n/a   6.0   Even fairy teenagers angst by Trallallaa 
n/a   6.0   multiplayer by progress/grin 
n/a   6.0   Wount Kam Tu Papa by Marvel / FC 
n/a   5.8   frozen by devil / 
n/a   5.8   kids are the future by kokki / grunstein 
n/a   5.5   Confused by Problem 
n/a   5.3   Alien With Boobs by apemon 
n/a   5.3   Smoking lady by Scapula 
n/a   5.3   Metaphysical by ins0mnium 
n/a   5.0   Siluettikorret by B. o. W. 
n/a   5.0   The Reach by Random/Armada 
n/a   4.8   Spring by tug 
n/a   4.8   Datagnome by Tommip 
n/a   4.8   Dream by Lee 
n/a   4.8   Purrrty by ltipl 
n/a   4.8   Brainstorm by Harlequin 
n/a   3.8   Osuma by Kingi 
n/a   3.8   Laiska tyttö by Data 
n/a   2.8   <Asm Devil> by AeroSOL 
n/a   2.8   Gentlemen from Tyrvaeae by Marq of Fit 
n/a   2.5   Kalavale by Grifa / Café 
n/a   2.3   Fear by Trilkk / FHI 
n/a   1.5   Saku Salinin omakuva by Saku / Kemikal Stratos 
n/a   1.3   Voittaa/Ei voita by SubMariner of SubEXiT 
n/a   1.0   Kaveri by Au-heppa 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Fly Away by toukka 
            [ reason: unsupported compression format (.ace) ]
disq        player by joa 
            [ reason: wrong file format (.iff) ]
disq        It wasn't me by #korpi 
            [ reason: one file only ]
disq        Boy and Flag by Kristoffer Lawson 
            [ reason: one file only ]

Drawn graphics jury consisted of following members:

Markus "Murk" Grannenfelt [compo organizer], Antti Vassinen,
Suvi "Sunnu" Melakoski-Vistbacka, Jari Nevala

[ Vocal Music Compo ]

1.  2268p   Valley of the Past by Firestorm / Doomsday 
2.  1281p   Rain Slows the Time by Bliss of Fairlight Music 
3.  1227p   Tyttö tuli herättämään minut by Dizzy/CNCD 
4.   991p   The Drunk Piano by stam & Sileoni hometeam 
5.   843p   Four Lines by Aisth 
6.   797p   Sano mua rehtoriks by MjN // Cow-productions 
7.   761p   Tiibet by Der / United Narsists 
8.   642p   Hatred (is a Memory Made of You) by Lefn Piaz 
9.   545p   Off-Board Controller by Teddie 
10.  492p   Boogie Boutique by Reed / Fairlight & Andy / Banal Projects 
11.  398p   Play da funk by ierker / granma 
12.  385p   A Nice Day by Captain / Maturefurk 
13.  364p   Nasty Things by Virgill / Haujobb 
14.  351p   Crash by 2XM 
15.  264p   Brillian White of a Distant Sun by Dixan of Spining Kids + MFX 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   2.7   Computer with own free will by Castor / Immersion   
n/a   2.7   Black Velvet Sea by H4Z       
n/a   2.6   Still Cold by Huezo        
n/a   2.6   Peba by Dj Puli & Mc Sampo     
n/a   2.5   Kerrostalo Diktaattori by Henrik Collin       
n/a   2.5   Interstellar (MaaLaisKunta2002) by whk        
n/a   2.5   Crowded Places by Neutrium        
n/a   2.4   Supernova by Laxical/Scoopex         
n/a   2.4   Fair to All by Aikapallo       
n/a   2.3   Se hallitsee by crud        
n/a   2.2   Maailma on paha by Marleyn kaimat      
n/a   2.1   perceptual reboot by steffo / cryonics      
n/a   2.1   Pang Like A Piñata by Onomatopoetic Justice     
n/a   2.0   machines of messiah by iSO       
n/a   2.0   We by Terminus /       
n/a   2.0   Viilen Dank (virtaus) by Inis Jorgé of Paavoharju feat. Sy  
n/a   2.0   Stool Pliers Tractor by tArzAn       
n/a   2.0   Playing with my balls by The Injuneers     
n/a   1.9   viihteellä by Lactic acid        
n/a   1.9   d0lce - Wilder by Jeejee       
n/a   1.9   Silver by cout         
n/a   1.9   Epänormaalien maihinnousu by Metanol Man       
n/a   1.8   Pingviinilleni by Mixa^         
n/a   1.8   My own way by steffo / cryonics     
n/a   1.7   N00b by © Olli Vanhoja       
n/a   1.7   232_21072002 by ps / calodox       
n/a   1.5   isery-ry-ry by lepra / piAstro       
n/a   1.5   Parties they are a changing by Mr unknown    
n/a   1.5   Live Another Day by Olga P.      
n/a   1.5   Elektrooninen Espoo by humppamies / piAstro      
n/a   1.4   Onni by Zensei/Paavoharju feat. Joose Keskitalo      
n/a   1.4   Mixdown 25 by Mara        
n/a   1.2   Tonttuja Over the World by Jonse /Kemikal Stratos    
n/a   1.1   Timo leikkaa ruohoa by Ad Absurdum (feat. Särki)    
n/a   1.1   Scotty Singing by Systematik Dream Korp aka SDK    
n/a   1.1   Leijailu by so_bored/osasto7         
n/a   1.1   Have To End (asm remix) by Vapsi / Masters Using Dator 
n/a   1.0   borderline personality by skeema        
n/a   1.0   Aivopuuro naksuttaa by HULLU APINA       
n/a   N/A   Psyko Manne by Da-        
n/a   N/A   Kasakkapartio by KPM         
n/a   N/A   "World War II memoirs" theme (Asm'02 mix) by 
            Milan Kolarovic (a.k.a. Acumen)

Vocal music jury consisted of following members:

Veli-Pekka "Howler" Kivimäki [compo organizer], Peter "Skaven" Hajba,
Milan "Acumen" Kolarovic, Martti "Nanaste" Laitinen, Elli Leppä,
Mika "DoC" Porspakka, Tatu Päkkilä, Hannu "Salomon" Salonen,
Juha Terrilä, Ilari "Gnizhak" Tuominen, Andy "Phoenix" Voss

[ Combined 4k Intro Compo ]

1.  4216p   humus3 by Exploder / PUSH Entertainment 
2.  2382p   Sotakyrpä by Spaceballs & Ephidrena 
2.  2646p   NAFTA by tonic                     (File Dropper)
3.  1109p   XBox by Juippi & Trilkk/FHI 
4.  1385p   224 by Shadow of Noice             (File Dropper)
5.  1000p   Promille by Rock 
7.   477p   Lets play chess by BuG / PuavoHard 
7.   517p   Kwak by calodox                    (File Dropper)
8.   261p   Trees by Northern Dragons 
9.   261p   Powerhug by Plastic 
10.  190p   c.hello by HeadcrasH 
11.  155p   lametus by lenin_ra 
12.  154p   Sifiela by Itchi / Lonely Coders 

Entries marked as "File Dropper", broke the rule which forbids the writing
to the HD. However, as this is a common spread technique, it is the rule and
not the entries that should be blamed. Thus the entries which didn't employ
this technique are raised in the results and extra prizes are paid to those
new winners (shared second and third place). The file dropping rule will be
removed next year.

[ Combined 64k Intro Compo ]

1.  5863p   squish by AND 
2.  3105p   Future visions by Potion 
3.  2868p   Sketch by Noice 
4.  2762p   Lord of the Dogs by Kaita 
5.  1829p   Neuroosiverkko 43KB - Neurosis Network by tAAt 2002 
6.  1578p   974 mites by kewlers 
7.  1413p   We Took the Kebabmoduli by Grin 
8.  1194p   Timeframe by Fairlight 
9.  1152p   varhaiset signaalit by aikarele 
10.  805p   kvinjara by details 
11.  558p   return by karva 
12.  508p   pOetry by 
13.  274p   Toren by Phantom Lord / Critical Mass 
14.  223p   One Day Miracle by Fit 

The jury results were accidentally destroyed during the party and thus 
average jury points cannot be shown.

n/a         Jahva by Leiponen 
n/a         Lehmä se tietää elämästä by Lactic Acid 
n/a         More Coffee by Café 
n/a         Ninja In The Shower by NinjaGefilus 
n/a         Nokia Sucks by The Swedes 
n/a         unssi kertoo vitsin by jumalauta 
n/a         vittu vs perkele by Odd 

[ Mobile Demo Compo ]

1.  5616p   Limbo (Pocket PC) by Byterapers & Doomsday 
2.  3806p   perkele plus (Siemens SL45i) by contraz + excess 
3.  1529p   Vit 2 (GBA) by Unique 
4.  1430p   Beyond the limits (GBA) by Vivid Design 
5.  1395p   Kumiakku (Yopi Linux) by tAAt 2002 
6.  1309p   Child's Play (GBC) by CNCD 
7.  1197p   Aikaspektri (Nokia 7650) by Extend & Embassy 
8.   917p   period of revolutionary transform (GBA) by Matt Current 
9.   878p   Eevil Flower (TI-82) by DrVeriEevil 
10.  710p   Anarchy (GBA) by Halo 
11.  699p   KILKEN (GBA) by calodox 
12.  538p   925 (Nokia 3410) by komakomplex 
13.  514p   plutoniumia (Pocket PC) by aikarele 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   2.1   Ono (Nokia 7650) by Forsaken 
n/a   2.1   Anynomous (Casio FX10) by Twinsoft 
n/a   2.0   The Son of Grooveboy (GBA) by Sca9 Entertainment 

Mobile demo jury consisted of following members:

Ville Vatén [compo organizer], Arto Astala / Fathammer, 
Fredrik Kekäläinen / Fathammer, Mikko Liimatainen / Fathammer, 
Pekka Mäenpää / Digia, Marcus "cruxis" Lenngren, Toni Takomo / Forum Nokia,
Mika Valkama, Barfli / Extend, Teemu "Argon / Extend" Astikainen,
Henri Mäkinen, Antti "John Peeba / tAAt" Tiihonen, Sara Kapli / Fathammer, 
Petri "Poro / Twinsoft" Sarasvirta, Henri "Exca / Twinsoft" Sarasvirta, 
Ilkka Savilampi

[ Wild Demo Compo ]

1.  6414p   The Way Out by Unreal Voodoo 
2.  2356p   The Fellow Chip by Amazement 
3.  2238p   Project Kazama Hunt by C.C.C.P. Productions 
4.  1358p   Saberianist - Sapelittaja by Miesmacher 
5.  1124p   Ratsia V by tAAt 
6.  1041p by jadajada 
7.   942p   Losing Victoria by Gasman / Hooy-Program 
8.   857p   Furiae by Fragile 
9.   560p   Naapuri by Episent Productions 
10.  510p   Do whatever you want to me by Kahvila Multimedia Systems 
11.  479p   The Jumping Duck Factory by Mendel/Citec 
12.  333p   Action Unknown by Trash Video 
n/a 2467p   What's up (in da gangstahood) by Yodel Street Unit 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   2.3   Balalaicka I by Kuollut Hanhi 
n/a   2.1   Overclocked by Low Budget Movies 
n/a   2.1   Kood by Mad Crew 
n/a   1.8   Unvollkommene Tiere by nosfe / mfx 
n/a   1.7   Tomp Radar - And The Lost Pieces of Neliö by K.E.-Pictures 
n/a   1.4   Höpötti by Masasoft 
n/a   1.3   Milk by Systematik Dream Korp aka SDK 
n/a   1.3   Tuning tarina - The Movie by Tero K 
n/a   1.1   Pertti the Motion Picture by Spurged Squash
n/a   1.1   The End Of The World by Golem 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Die Fügung by 
            [ reason: contains copyrighted material ]
disq        Lez Go Wild by Tyhjä Gruup 
            [ reason: contains explicit sexual material ]
disq        Assembly likes newbies by Hazul 
            [ reason: not delivered to the info desk ]
disq        SKYDIVE by Joonas/JWay, Teemu/Ettan 
            [ reason: not delivered to the info desk ]
disq        Karamell by Plastic 
            [ reason: not delivered to the info desk ]
disq        Rythmic Organization of Brain and Mental Processes by Radio 
            [ reason: not delivered to the info desk ]

Wild demo jury consisted of following members:

Dan Silfvast [compo organizer], Petri "Thoron" Koistinen,
Matt "Waffle" Walster, Antti Laakso, Juha Vitikka, Marko Lindroos,
Kristian "koovee" Viding, Jussi "CountZero" Hämäläinen, 
Jami "jametsi" Karvanen, Veikko Pullinen, Jouko Johansson,
Jenni "Rasputina" Järvinen, Markku "Niisku" Uttula, 
Tommi "Nappi" Harakkamäki, Timo Taskinen

[ Animation Compo ]

1.  2890p   Project Kerosene by Heikki Anttila & Milan Kolarovic 
2.  2076p   Blue by Visualice and Melwyn of Haujobb 
3.  1414p   A Knightly Tale by Vortex Studios 
4.  1111p   kepsumaa by fragment & cyrus 
5.  1070p   Piece of cake by Mad Crew 
6.   938p   Heroes are Eternal by SBI Allstars 
7.   576p   Puppe The Alien by K.E.-Pictures 
8.   466p   The Band by Cow - Productions 
9.   396p   Sneiken by Zeliar 

Below are the average jury points for entries that didn't qualify
for the big screen. The scale in use was 1-5.

n/a   2.0   Aquarium by Entropia 
n/a   1.7   heikotus by nosfe/mfx 
n/a   1.0   Help! by Trance14 and Lapa 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Whisky & Martini by Tamperelaiset Insinöörit
            [ reason: previously released at Clone Film Festival ]

Animation jury consisted of following members:

Dan Silfvast [compo organizer], Timo "neure" Suoranta,
Joonas Wilska & Elisa, Janne "ramlin" Vallioniemi, Ville Repo,
Kalle Määttä, Henri Mäkinen, Jarno Väkeväinen, Kliment "Master of E" Ianev,
Jukka "jst" Tornberg, Joona "McLad" Poikonen, Petri "Thoron" Koistinen

[ Combined Demo Compo ]

1.  3141p   liquid... wen? by haujobb 
2.  3074p   Halla by Moppi Productions 
3.  2457p   Variform by kewlers 
4.  1764p   Fable by Armada 
5.  1443p   32 degrees in the shade by Yodel 
6.  1306p   Clone by Critical Mass 
7.  1169p   el Ksar el Kabir by Bandwagon & Armada 
8.  1083p   Taesmaeraekae by tAAt 2002 
9.   986p   Prospects by Unique 
10.  889p   Hätä by dA JoRMaS 
11.  745p   Metropol(unfinished party version) by neonray + throb 
12.  396p   Warped by Bad Karma 
13.  343p   Population Zero by Värkki Tuotanto 
14.  223p   LICK_THE_EVERYTHING by Faktory 
15.  192p   NET by Traction 

The jury results were accidentally destroyed during the party and thus 
average jury points cannot be shown.

n/a         Kozmik by Jumalauta 
n/a         DevaStation by Fingersoft 
n/a         Limonite by Moonhazard 
n/a         marutaka501 by Surface Grant 
n/a         Laatukauraa by tAAt 
n/a         mother mother, my ears bleed by mfx 
n/a         The Hip Old Skool Demo by Täti Pensiö 
n/a         KRAAH by R.R.E 
n/a         Bananas Revenge by Dream Dust 
n/a         mindless by mindless by notion 
n/a         kesken by Fobia Design 
n/a         Karamell (update) by Plastic 
n/a         Haste by Immersion 
n/A         Morjen by Boolean, Spikeheddd, Handle / Group 
n/a         Wir sind raus by Anti Flash Konsortium 
n/a         Spring by Ananasmurska 
n/a         My Dreams by Art mafia collective 

Following entries were disqualified from the competition:

disq        Samantha Fox Ham Demo 4 by Megahawks Inc. 
            [ reason: contains copyrighter & immoral content ]

Combined demo jury consisted of following members:

Juuso "Deck/Scoopex" Salmijärvi [compo organizer,
Andy "Phoenix/Hornet" Voss, Kalle "Edge/EMG" Kaivola,
Ior/TPOLM, Jani "TGR/EMF" Lehmuskoski, Smash/Fairlight,
Janne "Nihil / Black Mind" Laine, Kim "Embo" Enkovaara

[ Quake 3 Arena Compo ]

1.  Noble
2.  Quinsal
3.  Rat

[ CounterStrike Team Compo ]

1.  Ri$k 
2.  Cascades
3.  Ravage

[ Return to Castle Wolfenstein Team Compo ]

1.  Broken
2.  Mirage
3.  Gunslingers

[ Forum Nokia 24h Compo by Forum Nokia ]

1.          funky starfighter (Symbian OS) by portal project
2.          Shine (Java) by Komplex
3.          Farmor (Symbian OS) by Granma/m0x

n/a         24h Shadedots by Jmagic/Komplex
n/a         Adventure in the Woods by Jugi of Komplex
n/a         crap by psikorp 
n/a         Max payne cracktro by White and black phantom fanclub
n/a         Yksin by Jou

[ Street Basketball ]

1.  K2-Zone
2.  Pelimiehet
3.  Team Rixu
3.  Jymyluola

[ Socker ]

1.  #cc
2.  FFS
3.  Team Nurmentaus

[ Disk Throwing ]

1.  Timo Moilanen           45m
2.  Miro Lahdenmäki         41m
2.  Charles Roos            41m

[ Cd Throwing ]

1.  Yuki Hayashi            50m
2.  Visa Mäkelä             49m
3.  Charles Roos            44m


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