File Archive

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File size:
262 172 bytes (256.03K)
File date:
2001-07-11 23:05:22
Download count:
all-time: 500


  • oricvip3/ dir
  • oricvip3/basic11b.rom 16.00K
  • oricvip3/EUPHORIC.EXE 183.00K
  • oricvip3/EUPHORIC.INI 937B
  • oricvip3/EUPHORIC.INI.bak 937B
  • oricvip3/euphoric.txt 604B
  • oricvip3/MICRODIS.ROM 8.00K
  • oricvip3/oric demo.nfo 2.51K
  • oricvip3/oric demo.nfo.bak 2.24K
  • oricvip3/R.BAT 60B
  • oricvip3/vip3.dsk 525.25K


ORIC DEMO - VIP3 Party version (No Sound)

About this version:
This is the Oric demo that won (well we were the only ones in the OldSkool 
compo) the OldSkool compo at the VIP 3.

Due to technical problems, we are unable to make this version works with the 

We planned to release a new version in the following weeks that will contains 
clean transition, a better loader, and the music.

How to run it:
This version is not self starting. It means you will have to type the "oric 
dos" commands yourself :)
I promise, the next version will be clean, and simple to use.
Well, right now, (print the instructions please !) you just have to do the

1) First, you need to be sure that the files are in one single folder called
"ORICVIP3" that is located at the root of the "C:" drive. If it's not the
case, it will not run. This version of the emulator is stripped to down to a
minimum, if you want to install it somewhere else, you'll have to change the
path references in the "euphoric.ini" and "r.bat" files.

2) Run the "C:\ORICVIP3\R.BAT" file. 
This will run the emulator, press any key after the detection of devices,
and look at the emulator boot on the DSK file.

3) You now have a cool menu on front of you, with a lot of choices.
The bad news, is that this is simply a standard menu that's not working...
Simply press space key to leave the menu and go to the command prompt.

4) Now, you see the READY prompt, it means you will have to type things on
the keyboard. The bad news, is that the Oric Keyboard is a non standard 
Qwerty keyboard, meaning things will be very hard to type. The good new is
that the emulator supports an alternate mode using real keys :)
Ok, press F3 to enable the ASCII mode of the emulator...
Now, the good news are that you can type on a "what you type is what you
get way"... the bad new is that the letters will be lowercase... and the oric
dos requires commands to be typed in uppercase, so you will have to shift all
the letters.

5) Enter the following command, and press return:	
If it's fine, you will see "READY" again.

6) Now, you will launch the demo by typing the following command, and pressing
return again:
	CALL #50A

7) Just look and appreciate. There is no music, that's normal. At the end, 
the demo is turning in infinite loop, so just press F10 to quit the emulator.
Good luck.