File Archive

File download


File size:
360 281 bytes (351.84K)
File date:
2001-05-28 19:45:22
Download count:
all-time: 509


  • psycho_of_session/ dir
  • psycho_of_session/PSY-DIIL.MOD 725.25K
  • psycho_of_session/PSY-DIIL.txt 718B


[-- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]
[							  ]
[ A song Released at ... Underscore 2001!	 	  ]
[							  ]
[ Compo: 	4 Channel Music Competition		  ]
[ Name: 	Distilled Illusions			  ]
[ Author: 	Psycho of Session			  ]
[ Style: 	Psychedelice Trance			  ]
[ Length: 	4:46					  ]
[							  ]
[ Other info... 					  ]
[							  ]
[ This is quite and old piece (from  98...) that never	  ]
[ were used in any demo or music competition. So i just	  ]
[ desigded to finaly release it here at Underscore 2001.  ]
[							  ]
[ Have fun :) (Twist you inside insideout...)		  ]
[							  ]
[ /Psycho						  ]
[							  ]
[-- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --]