File Archive

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File size:
375 296 bytes (366.50K)
File date:
2004-09-14 23:08:19
Download count:
all-time: 1 229

Screenshot (by pouë



  • bass.dll 90.49K
  • Planb.mo3 34.55K
  • planquadrat-b.exe 250.00K
  • readme.txt 1.08K


   ____   __________         
  (  o \_/ รถ       _)        
 ____/ '?' \_____________________________________________________                     

 Planquadrat-B by TAP
 512k intro for the real session 3 party (

 It was the only entry in the 512k competition.

 I know that the design suffers from
 bad transitions, slow code, old effects and some bugs.
 I just wanted to have something for the party.

 Hacked with Delphi, using DelphiX and Turbopixels
 and Bass sound system.

 code, music by Tomaes; support by mados

 - 400Mhz processor
 - Win9x/2000 (possible that it works on other windows systems too)
 - DirectX 7
 - any graphic adapter that can handle 512x384x16bit 

 some parameters are:
 -windowed (for 16bit desktops only)
 -nosound (well, you know... no sound, no fun)

 Some other mysterious parameters may exist. 
