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File size:
5 893 bytes (5.75K)
File date:
2007-10-08 23:05:23
Download count:
all-time: 2 437


                 ---///   THE MELTDOWN VIII - Rise to the challenge   ///---

----/ Streaming Music /----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (863 points)        Nuclear Bass Power              MoRtY           Dj Morty
2 - (317 points)        Beautiful dream                 oRaNGe          Ostebulen / TBC
3 - (279 points)        Summer Rain                     Mr Mult         Mc Mult
4 - (278 points)        Armageddon 2001                 Prozac          Machinery
5 - (237 points)        A place for everybody           CyberHead97     Ouich
6 - (219 points)        Alpedans                        OZ              oz and the crew
7 - (183 points)        Lieder der Gabba pak!           _SID_           KRAN!
7 - (183 points)        [TUS] feat. Alexanderband       Gurligebis      [TUS]
9 - (181 points)        Joe & B?sse :-)                 ProGed & ProKo  ProGed & ProKo
10 - (181 points)       The Mind Of The Devil           Hazel           Future Vision
11 - (147 points)       Der deutsches Jäger             Propan          TBC

----/ EJay Music /---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (292 points)        Kernel32                        Cultura         Alkoholdet
2 - (283 points)        Hamp i Kanylen                  Dwarf           TBC
3 - (252 points)        harsk_Havtaske.mp3              _SID_           TGG
4 - (245 points)        Earth                           oRaNGe          Ostebulen - TBC
5 - (183 points)        Dod alert                       Bill Gates      cp
6 - (163 points)        Doob the Day                    Iskaros         Team SAD
7 - (159 points)        Summer ( Djmic mix )            Mic2            Michael ( Djmic )
8 - (140 points)        Shit og Chanel                  Loke            TGG
9 - (139 points)        All Sound                       Cyrus The Virus USSR
10 - (136 points)       Believe                         Fizban          SAD
11 - (97 points)        The Z Horn Hop.                 Rhino           S-A-D.

----/ Pixel Graphics /-----------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (664 points)        Ha! Den slags findes SLET ik    DFeKT           JUNK
2 - (446 points)        Velkommen til Ork-Land          Trenox          JUNK
3 - (279 points)        Den er grim                     MaZh            N/A
4 - (171 points)        The Fallen                      Barcode         Machinery
5 - (127 points)        Cultura                         Human Robots    Alkoholdet
6 - (96 points)         Watch Your GeForce              Angel           USSR-Network
7 - (95 points)         Cause he has to hang on now     Cresonic        Landsbyen
8 - (93 points)         Omskåret Pikachu                Prozac          Machinery
9 - (77 points)         oz and the crew - pornstars     OZ              RB11
9 - (77 points)         Skyggen                         ProGed & ProKo  ProGed
11 - (74 points)        2D Party                        Cyrus The Virus USSR-Network
12 - (71 points)        Morty - Mit reaktor dyr         MoRtY           RB11
12 - (71 points)        Mona Lise                       Xeonix          Landsbyen
14 - (65 points)        Smiley med jern på              Rhino           SAD
15 - (55 points)        Crooked Balls                   Chubbz          TBC
16 - (50 points)        Rise to the challenge           Bill Gates      cp
17 - (45 points)        Av hva                          Qunax           DSF

----/ Raytraced Graphics /-------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (659 points)        Alice                           Barcode         Machinery
2 - (534 points)        Fuck You                        Trenox          JUNK
3 - (379 points)        Faces                           DFeKT           JUNK
4 - (183 points)        Teenroom                        Skæve           AneXia
5 - (90 points)         Mussespil :o)                   ProGed & ProKo  ProKo & ProGed
6 - (90 points)         Mult - Tempel                   Mr Mult         RB11
7 - (85 points)         Teapot World                    Cyrus The Virus USSR
8 - (81 points)         Pik og Patter                   Qunax           dsf
9 - (68 points)         XenoMalias                      FeLiZk          FeLiZk
10 - (58 points)        Forberedelsen                   MoRtY           RB11
11 - (54 points)        totalbasscirkus                 Cheesy          TBC
12 - (29 points)        Tmd med fat i!!!!               Bill Gates      cp

----/ Wild - Flash /-------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (866 points)        45ound                                          TBC
2 - (664 points)        The TMD Game                                    USSR-Network

----/ Wild - Render /------------------------------------------------------------------------

1 - (468 points)        Layers                                          JUNK
2 - (313 points)        AneXia - Boobies (Et lille lamt indslag)        AneXia
3 - (288 points)        Trip 2 Cyberspace                               NarhyW
4 - (258 points)        Leverpletter                                    TBC
5 - (241 points)        LiMbOSnaSk                                      Imagine
6 - (214 points)        The hunt                                        Switch Mode Power Suppliers
7 - (176 points)        Beyond                                          Cycron
8 - (150 points)        Reaktor Blok no11 - Blenderi                    RB11
9 - (92 points)         Den Polske Dimension - NUDANSK                  Den Polske Dimension
10 - (64 points)        som ind i helvede XP                            SAD
11 - (62 points)        Det vildeste pis                                TGG

                             (results taken from the TMD website)