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9 613 bytes (9.39K)
File date:
2001-06-24 23:31:42
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all-time: 2 833


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                         preliminary results v1.0


                   t  a  k  e  o  v  e  r     2  0  0  1

  This is the preliminary Takeover 2001 competition results file.

  The results were calculated by giving a predefined number of points for
  places 1 through 5 and adding those to the total for each entry. Thus,
  both an audience result and a jury result were achieved. These two were
  combined to make up the total score. Whenever two or more entries have
  the same amount of points, jury voting is decisive. Surprise competitions
  were jury only (0 points for those with only one entry).

  The names of the entries, competitors and groups are taken directly from
  the database, as entered by the competitors. 

  We thank you all for coming, we hope you had a great time, and
  we'll see you at some other demoparty in the future!

  -- The Takeover 2001 organizers


                           r  e  s  u  l  t  s

Music Competition

1. (66 points) Dadoob by Chromag / Haujobb
2. (41 points) Equilibrium by Ravity / Solar
3. (37 points) Chill by JCO / Die Wissenden
4. (36 points) Yesterday by GM vision & No-XS
5. (32 points) loveplane specials by dhg / unik
6. (30 points) Plink, Plunk, Ploink by Okkie / RBi Studios
7. (22 points) Evolution of a stranger by Avalanche / S!P & Kibosh & Tleilaxu
8. (22 points) answering machine by bossanova brothers / domino's
9. (16 points) This Generation by MAC2 / TUIG

House Competition

1. (55 points) KenZa LoL ! by redribbon / mandarine
2. (52 points) SparX of Blue by Skyrunner
3. (43 points) DOUBOOM by med / jecoute
4. (42 points) intensity (rhyme and beats) by jay / rbi studios
5. (40 points) Circalactic by Electo Mosquito / Oryx
6. (37 points) The Russian Game by Spears / De Brasserie
7. (29 points) Countdown by JCO / Die Wissenden
8. (29 points) Outer Space by Daxx909 / D-Coy
9. (26 points) Techno Memories by CJ / Splatt Records
10. (23 points) Wokkels zijn lekker! by BezurK / Rewind Music

MP3 Competition

1. (44 points) Son of Uluru by Crystal Score / The Black Lotus
2. (37 points) We Believe by Chromag / Haujobb
3. (28 points) Spaceflight by JCO / Die Wissenden
4. (26 points) mankind to dust by jay / rbi studios
5. (21 points) Forgotten Dreams by Cyrex / Fusion Music Crew
6. (20 points) Turning Point by Skyrunner
7. (20 points) Flight of the eagle by No-XS
8. (20 points) ArmyMed Back 2 the freestyle by med / jecoute
9. (20 points) destination goa by screes / rbi studios
10. (19 points) He's gone by Neo / RBi Studios
11. (16 points) Western Fever by Bud! / RBi Studios
12. (14 points) The Deep by Cosmic Trance / Fusion Music Crew
13. (14 points) I never saw the sun by Avalanche / S!P & Kibosh & Tleilaxu
14. (14 points) Vision of Futility by DiGiSTORM & Witsflow / No Attitude
15. (14 points) Behind You In The Dark by Dr. Acid / MOM
16. (14 points) das boot by case / ignorance
17. (14 points) Energy of Love by Elmar, The Peric, AppelZAP / Superstition
18. (12 points) Space Reflections by Low Profile / Engine Software
19. (12 points) Remember your name by GM vision
20. (9 points) Bruisend Mineraalwater by DJ's DV & BK / BARISART
21. (8 points) Alternate by Delerious / RBI
22. (5 points) glTrancelatef by Otis / Infuse Project
23. (4 points) French People Piss Me Off by DJ Benoit Merde / -
24. (2 points) Keep the Wheel on Turning (approved by plek mix) by DJ Lafpad ft Anita M. / PEER (ruleer)
25. (0 points) Projections by Diz-X & Scorpion / Wnp & Fsn

Animation Competition

1. (86 points) First Day by Superstition
2. (74 points) The Alien Menace by Ralph 'Ritual' Rademakers / Clan RotA
3. (56 points) waknousie by o.a. GeC / starfaker (school)
4. (50 points) Rust In Vree, Goede Vrind by Goeb & Deth / Clan-RotA
5. (44 points) Robots by JCO / Die Wissenden
6. (40 points) ep-sp by havoc, zoidberg / eliteposse
7. (38 points) Woei! Meuk by Lone, Deebee, Witsflow / No Attitude
8. (38 points) Metacolagic by Prayer / ROTA
9. (28 points) rC! preview van toekomstige producten by Lawine / rectum cauda nl
10. (26 points) Automobielmageddon by rectum cauda nl
11. (24 points) No More by Verty & BenV / JuNe
12. (22 points) The final countdown by T1000 & Juerd
13. (16 points) Campzone promotion by PQ

Handdrawn Graphics Competition

1. (18 points) Stunning Scener by Critikill / Farbrausch
2. (15 points) Intelligence by Mirage / Domage
3. (12 points) Touched by death by Berzerker / Tentacle
4. (10 points) Froschkoenig by Arancia & Peachy / Haujobb & Scoopex
5. (8 points) Augmentation by Link-D / Loopymind
6. (8 points) Beast by [RotA]Defiance / Clan RotA
7. (6 points) Wow, what a big thingy! by Shortie / Jolly
8. (5 points) Vash by Bookie-Chan / TUHB / Tanuki-Studio
9. (4 points) Er was eens een... by Manon / De Brasserie
10. (4 points) Trepanation is a choice you know by BuBBha / Virtual Neurality
11. (4 points) Tropicana (Takeover edition) by Lowlife / TBL
12. (3 points) holde maid by robotriot / skp
13. (3 points) Eve and the Finchyardmen by CP / Farbrausch
14. (3 points) Augmentation by Link-D / Loopymind
15. (2 points) zelfportret by Lawine / rectum cauda nl
16. (2 points) Lafeendje by Cunnilingus / rECTUM cAUDA
17. (2 points) Greet the sacred cow by Noko / Phantasy
18. (2 points) Doornroosje by Sinister
19. (1 points) ice by zomer / No Attitude
20. (0 points) disco dancing by Goeb / RotA
21. (0 points) Igor by Prophet / -
22. (0 points) Kein Scheiss by Darmluft2 / Die Darmluft 2
23. (0 points) Dark Group by Eface / Doq
24. (0 points) strike! - bypass engineers bowling by tomic / bypass
25. (0 points) SpaceSchip by Coronach / TwistedPair
26. (0 points) Donkey Squeeky With Sunny Yellow Thing (oldschool) by Smoke / ECFh

Raytrace Graphics Competition

1. (70 points) Fishy Fishy by Magicboy / Superstition
2. (56 points) project02B, render48 by screes / rbi studios
3. (54 points) Their Luck Will Change by Daijto / Tuhb
4. (53 points) To2K+1 Memory by Xavier / Orbital Fusion
5. (36 points) CuBE by Sniff / Alacrity
6. (35 points) een stel zegmaar...bomen ofzo. by Lawine / rectum cauda nl
7. (26 points) EyE say: This is the last time EyE say! by ThePriest / VirtualNeurality

4kb Intro Competition

1. (70 points) j4z 4k intro by Pazazzo / ---
2. (63 points) straight by Sharky- / Virtual Neurality

Browser Demo Competition

1. (86 points) Omega Interactive by Error323/ReDoX / Omega Interactive
2. (69 points) Phat Frenzy by Screes and Bassie / Active Interactive
3. (58 points) Troublemakers by Berzerker / Okkie / Tentacle
4. (52 points) D Project by Evil Knieval / Tentacle
5. (52 points) die Blumenkinder by Black Maiden
6. (40 points) Voyager by Daniel Barton a.k.a. goeb / RotA
7. (34 points) "Look-mommy-I-made-this-in-less-than-five-minutes" by Gasbag / D-Coy
8. (30 points) gentics demo by Pazazzo / ---
9. (22 points) flash by aancsiid / dog

Surprise Coding Competition

1. (5 points) Windows Program by Paladin
2. (4 points) by Seven
3. (3 points) Ca envoie du bois! by Skal & Hulud / Bomb & Digital Murder
4. (2 points) kintro by Nutfreak / Freedom Systems
5. (1 points) jah by dallasen
6. (0 points) whatareyoudoing? by mindcrash
7. (0 points) What!.exe by Daxx909 / D-Coy
8. (0 points) predict by Sharky- / Virtual Neurality

Surprise Music Competition

1. (5 points) And er Schöne Blauwe Donau by Morph, Sjaak, Okkie and Arc
2. (4 points) Extreme Donauing by Skyrunner
3. (3 points) Lam by Goeb / RotA
4. (2 points) 2001 Space Gabbersey by Dynamike / Critical
5. (1 points) BURP! by DaBug / Scenetrippers! / D-Coy

Surprise Graphics Competition

1. (5 points) The Dawn of Man by PoSeidon / Insane
2. (4 points) stanley "binary" kubrick by critikill / farbrausch & scenic
3. (3 points) Dave by GeC & Smoke / GIVE= & ECFh
4. (2 points) damn by Bubbha / Virtual Neurality
5. (1 points) engwege2 by gek
6. (0 points) ja, wat doen die twee schilderijen daar verdomme? by avalanche / surprise!

64kb Intro Competition

1. (144 points) shrooms by bypass
2. (118 points) helix by inque
3. (113 points) The KaleidoScopic Circus by Mnemonix, Wosh, Silence, The Yeti / Kaleido
4. (102 points) ASCII4Ever Again by Antoche & RedRibbon / N/A & Mandarine
5. (64 points) Void by BezurK, Pippi, Andyk / BroekHoest Inc.

Demo Competition

1. (172 points) Glon 243 by Cocoon
2. (70 points) intraday by science
3. (68 points) resurrection by jar, deload / science
4. (64 points) Antisectic by Colas Anhk Zixaq / Move
5. (54 points) ykzi by anduril, sabre2th, voltath / AiR
6. (44 points) fr-09: goldrausch by farbrausch collective / farbrausch
7. (42 points) fr-minus-02: ah by chaos / farbrausch
8. (38 points) Destroy the unappropriate enemies by Colas - Brioche - Gedeon / Aspirine
9. (14 points) Baustelle 2001 by Bälle, Blöckchen und Knödl / Bahnhoff Einhundertsechzig

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