File Archive

File download


File size:
30 776 bytes (30.05K)
File date:
2018-01-21 03:10:07
Download count:
all-time: 51


  • Cinderella&Clown.MOD 58.69K
  • tripperform.txt 1.48K


If you think you want to attend or just release something by email, please
complete the form now; it's just to know how many people wants to come, or to
compete in the compos.

     What is your handle?        Tripper(/Void^Reason^Moods)..............................
     And your email?   
     Which Scene you belong to?     [x] Amiga
                                    [ ] 8bit
                                    [ ] Wild
                                    [ ] A lame one
     Do you want to enter in some compo?   No, thanks           [ ]
                                           Amiga Demo           [ ]
                                           Amiga 64kb Intro     [ ]
                                           Amiga 4kb Intro      [ ]
                                           Java                 [ ]
                                           Flash                [ ]
                                           8 bit intro          [ ]
                                           8 bit demo           [ ]
                                           Wild                 [ ]
                                           4Ch Module           [x]
                                           Graphics             [ ]
 Insert here some comments, some ideas you would like to find at partyplace

Just have fUN! =)
PS: your web pages are c00l, but could be Amiga-friendly (next year then? :)