File Archive

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File size:
1 078 bytes (1.05K)
File date:
2001-07-30 23:05:40
Download count:
all-time: 2 273


LCP 2001 results

Ok.. So now it's over and I finally
got home after an awful lot of cleaning
up. (Big thanks to Rolemodel/1000000
Boys for giving a helping hand.) I lost
the paper with the comporesults 
somewhere in the diffuse chaos of LCP,
but fortunately we still have all the 
votes, so we can count them again.
Anyway.. I remember something at least:

1. Triad - "Manhood 2" (c64)
2. Active - "O-Tech People II" (c64)
3. Civitas - "Clown" (c64)
4. 1000000 Boys - "Demotronic" (gbc)
(unreleased. Partyversion shown.)
5. Hack'n Trade - "Megabasicdemo" (c64)
6. Hack'n Trade - "2 bit or not 2 bit"

Shared first place:
1. Hollowman (c64) and Twoflower (c64)
2. Morris/Rebels (amiga)
3. Twosheds (c64)

1. Goto8o/Hack'n Trade
2. Twoflower
3. Piglet/Replay
4. Zyron/f4cg+Oxsid Planetary
5. Johey/d4rkn3ss

and.. erhm.. uhh.. Sorry for this brief
uncomplete info at the moment. Will be
back after 987234 hours of sleep with an 

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