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File size:
7 836 bytes (7.65K)
File date:
2001-07-08 23:05:24
Download count:
all-time: 2 752



  FLaG 2001 - European Demoscene Meeting
  6th - 8th July 2001, Budapest, Hungary

  4 channel music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Rabid Rock              Nagz / Greenroom          151         6
   2.      Disco Boogie            Towerx / Astral           115         3
   3.      Ahol falu van           Det0 + Homen               78         7
   4.      BBBB                    Stonda                     74         1
   5.      Widow's Envelope        Blade / Crux               62         2
   6.      Crystal Fountains       Heine                      38         8
   7.      Flower Box              Te0 / Kangaroo & Exceed    27        10
   8.      Smiling Face            Vincenzo                   17         5
   9.      Georgetown Cafe         Mephizto / Digital D.      13         9
  10.      Colourful Hippy Bus     Vhiiula                     7         4

  4K intro

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Implicit                Dairos                    343         1
   2.      Sugárzás                The Never Sleeping+Tresy  233         3
   3.      WorschtUndKaddoff...    Infugax                   198         4
   4.      Szõnyeg                 Nikon                     106         2

  64K intro

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Zero                    Dilemma                   210         5
   2.      Vortex                  Digital Dynamite          193         4
   3.      Blue                    Invisibles                146         6
   4.      Express                 Disaster                  137         3
   5.      Q(R)COV                 Industry + Pas Maters      85         7
   6.      Old Space               Nano                       41         1
   7.      Second Childhood        Bluebox                    17         2


  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      No title                Obi-Van                   308         3
   2.      Vltbrsh*                DJ Nick                   299         2
   3.      Demoreel                Tomo                      157         4
   4.      Air Tales               Ward                       86         1

  Commodore 64 demo

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Purple                  Coma                      326         1
   2.      First Intro             JaSoft                    229         2

  Commodore 64 graphics

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Fly G                   Sebaloz                   293         2
   2.      Arise Flag              Katon                     249         1

  Commodore 64 music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Oldtime                 Vincenzo                  321         3
   2.      My Little Duck          Controll                  222         2
   3.      Arpeggioland            Sounddemon                152         1

  MP3 music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Rider Freak (Boost Mix) Pepe Werdertisch (WAP)    149         7
   2.      Liquid Noyz             Mephizto / Digital D.     147         1
   3.      Dark Arena              Towerx / Astral           133         3
   4.      Faces of Venus          Vincenzo / Molecoola      117         5
   5.      My Life Is So Painful   3rd John Uram             104         6
   6.      Nu Age                  Basic / Adept              89         8
   7.      Loser                   Vil / Rg42                 81         4
   8.      Breath of Alligator     Morzsa of Bableves         28         2
           Lonely in Space         CJ.Quixotic                28         9

  Multichannel music

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Elektro Voices          Kvazar / Euthanasia       176         3
   2.      Broken Guitar           Vincenzo / Molecoola       98         5
   3.      Lenina 58               Mephizto / DD & Nagz / GRM 97         6
   4.      When You Were Asleep    Magnetic                   92         8
   5.      A Sinister Mind         Vhiiula                    91         4
   6.      New Life                Stilgar / Distort Waves    88         7
   7.      Black Dwarves           Innocent / Inquisition     42        10
   8.      Evening in the City     Towerx / Astral            22         1
   9.      Disko Strikes Back      Enok / Chrome              21         9
  10.      Yazz of Lords           3rd John Uram               3         2

  PC demo

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      The Third Dimension     Digital Dynamite          506         1
   2.      54                      fresh!mindworx            317         2
   3.      Outer Space - 12th Planet Hardread                206         3

  Pixel art

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Summertime              CritiKill                 297         1
   2.      Dilemma                 Mime                      160         2
   3.      No Mo Promo             Enok                      147         8
   4.      Girl                    Romeo                      84         9
   5.      Gaia Complexity         Arn                        81        13
   6.      Butterfly               Neo                        49         3
   7.      Mind Control            Mantra                     38         6
   8.      Hirosido                Noel                       33         7
   9.      Bobby                   Mime                       26         4
  10.      Revolution              VTB                        19        11
  11.      Eddie                   BFG900                     13        12
  12.      Chill                   Gem                        12        10
  13.      Night                   Biter                       2         5

  Raytraced art

  Place    Title                   Author                 Points    Number

   1.      Morning                 Warpig                    309         8
   2.      Ms. Torture             Ward                      145        11
   3.      Szuri                   3rd John Uram             116         1
   4.      Crystal                 Triton                     87        12
   5.      Clock                   TGC                        75         7
   6.      The Duel                Narn                       65         4
   7.      The Orc of Krulum       Freer                      60         6
   8.      Dragoncast              Cly                        46        13
   9.      Ware                    Mike                       29         3
  10.      Wish?                   Zoom                       29        10
  11.      Inspired                Balage                     27         2
  12.      .05                     DoB                        20        15
  13.      Robot                   Fat                        10        14
  14.      Audi TT                 Lameron                     9         5
  15.      Barbarian               Bundee                      6         9

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