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18 436 bytes (18.00K)
File date:
2001-01-31 13:46:12
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all-time: 1 771


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    English info version 0.9
    11th - 13th of May 2001, Espoo Finland

  - All rights to change this file are reserved by 

	   1.1 What is Escape 2001?
	   1.2 Where is Escape held?
	   1.3 When does the party take place?
	   1.4 Tickets


           2.1 Different kinds of tickets
	    2.1.1 What do the tickets include
           2.2 Schedules
           2.3 Raves
           2.4 Network
           2.5 Food?

        * 3. COMPOS

           3.1 Compos
           3.2 Prizes
           3.3 Equipment
           3.4 Compo rules

        * 4. GENERAL RULES

           4.1 General partyrules
           4.2 Disclaimer

        * 5. CONTACT
           5.1 Organisation
           5.2 Olari highschool
           5.3 Internet




    1.1 What is Escape 2001?

    Escape 2001 is a demoscene party held for the second time
    ever. Escape features 150 computerplaces and 120 normal
    tickets. Compared to last year we are slightly bigger.

    1.2 Where is Escape held?

    The partyplace will be the same where e2k was held ie. Olari
    highschool in southern Espoo, Finland. The partyarea has
    moved from the auditorium to the dining hall which is bigger.
    The school was built in 1993 and it gives great opportunities
    for the event. You can check the address and driving 
    instructions from CONTACT.

    1.3 When does the party take place?

    Escape is held on the second weekend of May, 11th to 13th,

    1.4 Tickets

    Ticket sales start on 22.02.2001 (DD.MM.YYYY) Ticket sales
    continue until tickets have either been sold out or when it's
    not wise to mail them (that would be few weeks before the event).
    Like last year, we are unable to sell tickets from door. You
    will just have to buy them forehand. Don't whine, there's
    nothing we can do about it.

    Computer places cost 80 FIM. Normal tickets (the ones 
    without computerplace) cost 50 FIM. For the (unfortunately)
    small group of female sceners we offer a 20 FIM entrance 
    ticket. There is no discout from computer place tickets,
    they cost 80 FIM to all of you. Handling fee will be added 
    to prices.      
    For the real oldschool demosceners and otherwise active scene-
    people we offer a few free entrance tickets. If you think you
    should get one send an application to There 
    will be no free computerplaces for you, though. Just entrance
    If the computerplaces are sold out quickly we might be able to
    arrange some additional computerplces. These places would be
    sold rigth before the event or at the event.    

    NOTE! If we sell extra computer places they won't include
    entrance ticket. You will have to order one from the Internet 


    2.1 Different kinds of tickets

    There is three kind of tickets:
    * Entrance ticket 50 FIM

    * Female entrance ticket 20 FIM
    * Computer place (includes entrance ticket) 80 FIM

         + handling fee

       2.2.1 What do the tickets include?

       For all of you:

        * Screen. Size has not been confirmed yet. Probably
          something like 3x4m.

        * Raves
        * 10 toilets. Use them often, please. 

        * Drink machine selling coffee, tea, juice, 
          cappuccino and cocoa. 

        * Candy machine. Mars, Twix, Snickers, Bounty and

        * Infodesk/Helldesk/Netdesk. If we're lucky.

        * Sound. 2x350W (2x15" middle + 2x18" subwoofer).
          We'll make sure the soundsystem bothers no one.

        * "Quiet" and small sleepingarea.

	* Voting for everyone!


        * One electric plug. 230W, 50Hz. Don't bring any
          other kind of equipment. Powerusage may have to
          be limited.

        * One RJ-45 plug. We don't support BNC. Partynet and
          Internet should work at speed of 100Mbit/sec. Bring
          your own cords.

        * A wooden chair. It's non-ergonomic and non-comfortabe =).
          We suggest bringing your own chair, though no sofas or
          otherwise large seating equipment are allowed.

        * 65-70 cm x 70-80 cm of table space. All tables have the
          same amount of space per person.

    2.2 Schedule

    * Feb 22th 2001  Ticket sales start

    * May 11th 2001     8:00 PM    Doors open
                       11:00 PM    Lights out
    * May 12th 2001     1:00 AM    Raves begin
                        5:00 AM    Raves over
                       12:00 AM    Deadline for all compos
                        2:00 PM    2D Graphics Compo
                        4:00 PM    3D Raytrace Compo
                        6:00 PM    Mp3 music Compo
                        8:00 PM    64k PC-intro Compo
                       10:00 PM    Oldschool demo Compo
                       11:00 PM    8-bit demo Compo

    * May 13th 2001     1:00 AM    WILD demo Compo
                        3:00 AM    PC demo Compo
                        3:45 AM    Raves begin
                        6:00 AM    Raves over
                       10:00 AM    Voting ends                      
                       12:00 AM    Awarding and ending ceremony 
                        1:00 PM    Lights on
                        6:00 PM    Doors close. Everybody out.

    2.3 Raves

    We are trying to get some djs to play music at raves. Our
    goal is to get some good djs and lots of ravers. We try to arrange
    lots of effects and great audio equipment. Djs will play at the
    times marked to the schedule and possibly other times, too.

    We aren't quite certain about the raves because we don't
    know if people want them. We are also short on djs. 

    2.4 Network

    Everybody buying a computer place has an opportunity to
    connect their computers to our partynetwork and to the Internet.
    Partynet should work at the speed of 100Mbit/sec and Internet
    at 10Mbit/sec. 

    We have a switch-based network but on some tables we think we
    have to use some hubs, too. You have to take care that you have 
    enough network cable (RJ-45) with you. Suggested length is ca. 10m.

    Voting at compos is done via the partynet. Though we can't promise
    that the net is up and running. We try our best.

    2.5 Food. (true party-people don't eat, right?)

    At the proximity of the partyplace you can find many pizzerias,
    restaurants, shops and bars. We'll make a list of places that
    sell food on our website. 

    It's advicable to bring some food with you. If so you should
    consider bringing a refridgerator, too. The other option is to
    walk to the center of Olari where you can go to a shop or some 
    restaurant kind of thing. 


    3.1 Compos
    * PC demo compo 

    * 64k PC-Intro

    * 8-Bit demo compo

    * 2D GFX compo
    * 3D Raytrace compo

    * WILD demo compo
    * Mp3 music compo

    * Oldschool demo compo (pc486/66 & amiga 1200)
         * NOTE! We are missing a amiga compo organizer and
           the amiga compo machine. If interested contact
  If no organizer is found we have
           to cancel the compo.

    * If you think we have forgotten some compo, mail your 
      suggestion to us ( There's gonna be some
      exotic compos like c64-game compo, but don't bother to
      expect any great prizes :-).

    3.2 Prizes

    * PC demo compo:

       * 1st place: 1500 FIM
       * 2nd place: 700 FIM
       * 3rd place: 300 FIM

    * 64k PC-Intro:

       * 1st place: 800 FIM
       * 2nd place: 400 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * 8-Bit demo compo:

       * 1st place: 800 FIM
       * 2nd place: 400 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * 2D GFX compo:

       * 1st place: 500 FIM
       * 2nd place: 300 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * 3D raytrace compo:

       * 1st place: 500 FIM
       * 2nd place: 300 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * WILD demo compo:

       * 1st place: 800 FIM
        * 2nd place: 400 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * Mp3 music compo:

       * 1st place: 500 FIM
       * 2nd place: 300 FIM
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * Oldschool demo compo:

       * 1st place: 800 FIM
       * 2nd place: 400 FIM 
       * 3rd place: 200 FIM

    * TOTAL: 11.100 FIM

    * There is no certainty the prizes will not change. They
      might be lowered or even raised. Prizes are effected by
      how many tickets we sell and how many sponsors we get.

    * NOTE! If you will more compos the prizes are reduced from 
      other compos. All damage caused at the party will be paid 
      from the prizes. For that reason prizes are paid afterwards
      to an account you give us. Make sure you give the right
      account number. If you're awarded with something else than
      money (eg. equipment) they will be given to the winners 
      immidiately (ie. at the party).

    3.3 Equipment

    * AMD Athlon 750MHz

    * Asus AGP-V6600 GeForce 256 deluxe

    * 128 Mb SDRAM (possibly 256Mb)

    * SB 64

    * Real magic hollowood plus dvd decoder

    * Windows 95/98, Dos 7.0, Redhat linux 7.x

    * Latest directx

    * VESA 2.0 support

    * Winamp (latest)

    3.4 Compo rules

    * General:

       * Entries must be delivered before deadline (sat 12.00 AM)

       * Entries must be delivered using our ftp-server. Alternatively
         bring them to our infodesk on a cd-r, cd-rw or a nostalgic
         HD-formatted diskette (max 2 disks/entry). We don't accept
         any other way of delivering entries.

       * All entries (except wild, oldschool and 8-bit demo
         to be compressed to a single archive. Supported types:
         zip, arj, rar, gzip, bz2.

       * No illegal or ripped material.

       * Entry must be never before published.
       * We reserve right to publish your entry on the Internet 
         or at a demo-cd.
       * One can take part in the compos also via Internet. 
         Send our entries to a location later announced.
         You cannot take part on the wild compo through Internet.
         Allthough you can send a VHS or a cd to Antti Halko
         before the party (see contact).

       * We preview all entries. If we receive over 15 entires
         per compo only the best are shown. We publish all compos
         no matter they're shown or not.

       * We hope the resolution won't change because the 
         dataprojector might take a moment while changing it.

       * Name your file freely. The arhive must have the maximum
         of 8+3 characters and it must be ISO-9660 compliant.
       * Include the official info file to your entry. You can 
         download it from (also
         included with the invitation intro).

    * PC demo compo

       * Maximum resolution/colors 1024x768/32bit

       * 3D open gl, direct 3d or software render.

       * No shit written to hard-drive.

       * Un-packed size less than 8 MB.
       * One demo/group.

       * Demo must include more than just animation.
       * No-sound mode mandatory.

       * Operation system is either DOS, Win32 or RedHat Linux.

       * Maximum length is 6min, demos longer than 6min are 

       * Demo must end with escape ;-).

    * 64k PC Intro

       * Unpacked size less than 64kB.

       * Nothing written on harddisk.

       * OS: DOS or Win32

       * No-sound mode mandatory.

       * Only one intro per group or coder.

    * 8-Bit demo compo

       * Demo compo for 8-bit computers.

       * Hardware platform may be one of these:

         * Commodore Vic20 (RAM expansions to 40kB available) 
             & 1541 disk drive
         * Commodore 16 & 1541
         * Commodore 64 & 1541
         * Commodore 128D

       * You can participate with other 8-bit computers too, 
         if you bring your machine to the party place.  The 
         machine must be able to produce PAL-compatible composite 
         video signal (tv-out is ok).  Make sure that you also 
         have a suitable cable to connect your machine to our compo
         recorder (probably SCART AV-connector and RCA-jacks for 
         audio/video are supported). Contact the compo organizers 
         beforehand for exact information on how to proceed.

       * Demo must not require any user interaction, like pressing 
         buttons or disk changing, while running.

       * All entries are recorded on VHS tape and played back from
         there. Maximum length 5 min.

    * 2D GFX compo

       * Resolution 640x480. No more no less.

       * Formats: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA.

       * No scans, rips or rendered images.

       * Archive must contain 5 files: signed and unsigned version
         of the ready image and three phases. Unsigned version is
         shown on the screen, but we publish only the signed version.

       * Only one image/artist.

       * Every image is shown ca. 15 sec onthe screen.

    * 3D raytrace compo

       * Resolution 640x480.

       * Images have to be calculated by computer

       * Formats: JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF, TGA.

       * Archive must contain 5 files: signed and unsigned version
         of the ready image and three phases. Unsigned version is
         shown on the screen, but we publish only the signed version.
         Signature doesn't have to be calculated by computer.

       * No scans, rips or handmage images ;)

       * Only one image/artist

       * Every image is shown about 15 sec on the screen.

    * WILD demo compo:

       * Nothing is censored. Everything is legal as long as
         you follow the general compotules.

       * Product must be delivered on VHS or cd. If you decide
         to use cd the file has to be in MPEG1 format.

       * Use PAL with VHS. We do not tolerate any other kinds of

    * Mp3 music compo:

       * How you create the music is not important. Song must
         the in mp3 -format.

       * Only 4 minutes of the song is played. If you make it longer
         it will be cut off.

       * Only one song/atrist.
       * Min 128kb/sec. Max 192kb/sec.

    * Oldschool demo compo:

       * No writing to harddisk.

       * Un-packed size max 8MB.

       * One demo/group

       * No-sound mode is mandatory.

       * PC uses DOS
       * Maximum length is 6min. Longer demos are disqualified.

       * Escape is the quitting-key.


    4.1 General partyrules

       * Usage of alcohol, drugs or cigarrettes is strictly 

       * Organisation is allways right.

       * Neither escape nor any other of the orginizing forces is
         responsible for your stuff. If any damage is done to your
         equipment (on purpose or not) it is not our business to
         fix it. You bring your things on your own responsibility. 

       * Everyone is responsible fot the damage he/she causes. 
         Whatever you break you pay.

       * Any cracking/hacking and vandalism is prohibited.

       * Taking part in Escape you commit to agree theses rules
         and live by them.

       * All rights are reserved to change these rules by 

       * Breaking the rules above will lead to immidiate (the are
         no warnings) removal from the partyplace and if neccessary
         to remedy.

       * Do remember that all Finnish laws must be obayed during
         the party.

    4.2 Disclaimer

    Escape organisation is not responsible for anything. We simply
    try to arrange you a nice party. No information on this file
    is an absolute certainty. We don't respond to any costs that
    are caused for changing this document. The organisation, the
    Olari highschool nor any of the organizers of staff is responsible
    for any damage. Material, non-material, intentional or 


    5.1 Organisation

    Antti Halko [grazer]
    Anjankuja 3B 107 
    02230 ESPOO
    GSM: +35850 330 9431

    Juuso Korhonen [matrim]
    GSM: +35850 336 8873

    Lauri Mäkinen [nemonic]
    GSM: +35850 383 1683

    Kristian Vuorinen [piriste]

    Timo Raita [korgie]
    8-Bit & Oldschool (pc) organizer

    Simo Hallikainen [oh3hmm]

     etc. etc.

    5.2 Olari highschool

    Olariniityntie 4,
    02230 ESPOO

    5.3 Internet

    #escape2001 @ ircnet